wild roots growing fpontaneoufly, andrforngjSpaes ufed ,fQE,Jfe^^ In
thefe higher regions only isjtotbe found 'the pjo^ejous fandal y?-°od, o f
two kind?,- yellow and dark-coloured; from whence the natives
chiefly, draw the , perfume Ifon' the Icc^£-nut- oil,, with^^feicl1 thgy-
,anoint themfelves. |
The country exhibits a mountainous afpe<3:,j_agd riles ^crj(high
Hg^sthe centre j hut itps:interfered hs,narrow valleys,, whii^ m egiye
innumerable, .ftreams „from, .the Kills ^ fome o f w h ich , fall in
■ tiful I cafeades; -andihll the?- rivers',$ which-imteander !tferWgh^#Hem,
amidft thewerdant fc enferyto the fea£ - Dming.thfej^Ay'feafofe th'p;
fwell aaatOittdErentsv and fometimes lpofen rocks. iandwtreosI/fTbifi -'the
preeipicfes, and carry them down into rthe galleys',-'
iflawj,1 and-occafion~ much• .damage: . ,,Duringgtl& p la t e s ip a r t^ « ^
yeah.the^cvklleys affitidFial paffage &oBfne^feffldeh^Bthf^^^1^ 1* ^
<4hersiitl3^ghbaI^ypf^feBlt;^dn-y0u)a|bgndf th&'moartfakis^ibut
rm thft;ramy:fefnri Ahisibecoraes impPaCfcicablfc, eaindithdfGOrpmhndca-
•tiojriibefween cdnef. diftriiS: ~and
^f^-within thesreefsjn fmooth w'ater withe^ehfe fiGilityr^mfijigi t-hu
precaution i only'» tjjsfc afcjtlasrnQrtbejtomoit t parfbofi ij^WOidlh&a
fltfep fde%> fl^ r& :^ d ;in lH o^ iffe iWeatl^rjifcslaiMis^^hkagQipes*»
>h<^;n^&^ihrt@.[gn)tfll windward -prcceehinTthek canoesi^eftward,
jw,here ithey feldom
frormthe weft ward;. <the highland obftrudtingjfehe eafterlycwindl arid
jheriftedrjofbEfeftd!? a r^h©&i0nsuhfeland; S.-fdiedsia frefh
wefterly Current up the -fouth. fide o f .Otaheite, ; which ; wafts the
canoes to the ifthmus ; where.hauling them actofs) they are!fare o f
a fair wind.home,. , This is:at-prefer* donemp .rollers'and by ropes ;
but a.carriage with wheels would wonderfully facilitate the operation:
and., probably, ere long,; a ; practicable,-roadj w i ll, be formed for-.this
purpofe, . as has been fuggefted by one; of. the miftidnaries. / I
- -^hen.-the trader wind gets.Tar to-the fbuthy and. blows frefh, it
genSafty, r;i-ainsirjon: ;th e . fo.uth lidei 0 $ the! ifland, bringing ,-the cloiids
frpmrjthe ■ mountains • o f Tiaraboo, .and „emptying their...'contents' at
P'appara and the .adjacent diftriCts. . This occafions a great difftfeQpi
jn, thehbieakf-fruit feafen ,bef^eenj;^h^-;nort-hr andjifojutb fides o f the
ifland ; as on the north the rain is lefs frequent and lefs violent, and
the'trifle!;wind c o n f f a f i t l - y r w h e n the' flings vertical.
Hence’rs^he'«great ubrg^dtf^it harveft commences^ on the .northern fid©
About-’Mbyembbrjj pandocofttiiyifs-i jtdb'ftkfq endjof; January; whilft<on
the^ fourth 'fide, ip fOgae parts, t o and?, cpptiniies, iri
diffi^nta;diftri#sijtill\^p\5ember. -fjE^ut -thod^hv||iisjjs5the.qffe. ryith
the general harveftiij^djjboth ifides the, ifland, there.are forn^-kinds- o f
hread-fruit, , though {ferrite, ir^^feafpp t^e«-year,.-efpe^iallypin
th&fdiftriSt hofj < Attkhoorop.^jfifllhe j different ■ %^ciesj5@f>itb^ Tame-^rfe
amount (tcgtlpar-ty. Atat!r -arri^al/in 'March vje fpcwscbplenty i- it”fon0
tinufedrtilllW.e lfeftjtbe'illa'nd -in AugUft : • they ftiid, it w.9ulcfefe?:: fcare<;
roASifoAU began- to-afsend- the hill^-jtbe fqil changes-from the
rrcihploa.m Wtft various' Vein"| of"j-Mdl, WbitOi^dark^'y.aHovg, -pt-tblueiftc
garth, clays-prytfia-lt: dpi^h?dledii^t%|bundjrftonesij^mblfltg <%$bt
IjB^n „or flint; r but ,bei^g^fullj®f^yeinsj,AMgh ^lgysifiUtflaaHf ISmr
with-fteel,, t-heyffrgak Onia fsGOndfftroke; - -f<Tbe white- apgear-s 'a pipe^
clay b?r, fuller’s' earth-st thedark, a'fine mpu Id j'p robabl y, tjae -decay-ed
parts o f -vegetable fubftances ; the4! yellow is mixed witk^grayel,} 4-hg
bIu?r%mailyJfijJ^]pty:e»:. ,,-;^-hgfg are all foupd in-diggmg te-n^gr iyffiive
feet,- ahd ;the undprpftratum- appears a^foft.fand-ftoao-of a. , brownifti
l^lqur ,- 'intergri^ed 'ryith - hard ’^90 k . |
The'-'hibs, ,ajifo. afford a ^Igck^h ^ftoHe^gffeieh fegtns,^a la v ^ i t i
pieess,-jeigh,t or^ ten feet -|lpng,- and rfrom four Ao, tenmches,, t|bLck ^ 4p f '
whi^s [they „formerly rparie, their- ftone rtp^ks- jof^ftne-^rMn,
jjfgiugh; >not, yery hard,; npip ap tpfoi^linter j ^ d p h jLp^wpre|l bpft-the
purppfes o f jthe natives,- as they co|ft^,thus bring.-th^IWi^fF6 cafily. to
an edge-j bfUt-at every „ftroke :aImoftrthei]^ adze^Tequired .yfhettj^g''-
ia|id lwo-thirds,,of-thar time nearly, ^as empj^ thijs labour,
f The beds o f the rivers confift pfffpnesTand gravel; many of which
contain a glaffy fubftance, and will melt in a ftrong fire j others are