ifla n% e f »Ms oceaa, '“
any other pari of this group. The venereal di'feafe, which ..Was
Certaitfly'introduced here by the Englifb, feas alfo- .-probably made 3
dreadful pfogrefs, in acmfequenee of. tM lm n ^ ia in e d .;debauchery
pragtifed fey’its laft vifitors; 'wMo_ axe acknowledged fco; have,been
grMtly Mfclfed%Mn;Aey^arri^at|t]Dfis p b e e from A ^B eM ,W©od
being" an article procured hfcre by all rthei Ihips, it. is aeeeffairy to
mention the damage.that Has:been incurred m cu ttin g s tree,;Sailed
faitapoO fey th e natives, which is a fpecies of* pepper,- 'indiyields a
milky juice that injures the eyes and; fldn spfk the* wipkmen.
The iflandmeritibsed above, named T 0OitP0'Ai.aa"fltuMedMiM:‘W i
from Anamooka, at a d if ta n c e o f ten leagues ': ;k ls;-dbfei:vahle from
thence by means o f < its height, and o f a Volcano at ltsilum m rt,.
which almoft eonftantly. emitted fmoke, and .fomehmes threw up
Hones. - 4ts i&omsare fteep, :aaito»wied with' black fin d . The .rooks
are hollow, and in-fome places o f a columnar form. Thc mouptain,
except in fpots that appear to have been recently burned; is covered
with verdure, ftrrubs, .and'trees. .T h e coaftis about fiyedeagues in
circuit.. T o the nortMeaft end o f )this - iflantl, and only two.miles
diftant, is another '«tf mudh fefs vextent, but. 0f ,ih rk e j t i ' hrig hS
which is rsdled i t &ia mountainous o f Aiconicalrform.
Both theft :w«e Mfc0veredr%
fubfequent navigator of-this group. Captain Cook palled between
them, and h a d no foundings in the channel fey which they are ft-,
parated. Each ifland was qnderftaod to be inhabited, but-:n<a.Eu,f
ropean had landed upon either, at the time when the mutiny T w e n ty
occurred in the Bounty, two days after the departures of th&v«fH,ifrbm
Anamooka. Lieutenant Bligh was forced into a boat, w ith eighteen
Of ihis-people, when ten leagues fouth-weft Trom Toofoa. He?attempted,
therefore, to get an immediate fupply of bread-fruit and
water at th a t ifland, which, as he undarftood, afforded jhcft,,afticl#S:g
The. next morning, 28th April iy 8^, they landed in a c o v e o n the
north'-weft coaft, in latitude a <p 41'. They climbed the heights.
but obtained omy Tome cocoa-mSts ,ahdpla«&ains, and a few gallons
o f water from holes'll the rocks.*'" The weather beirtgitoo boifterous
to prdcefed’, -tMSy fbël/fttfed" tfefrmeMés ‘ fey- mght in an adjacent eaves.
TO n '<3ïè” ift df 5Ma.f ftVerahof'itlIS inhabitants lbröUgiÉl^them,.a finall
■ fupjily, and retired peaceably in the evening^ The h e y d a y their number
greatly-mÓrëafed. Sorrie "principal perfbns al-fo cairibïouhdthe north
■ ifflPnjthe iflandhin 'hahgêgi', and" amom^liièm ©ifeedË: theï GMdfs'1wbom
'LiedfenaTit Bligh had threatened td'‘carry 'from Anamooka, updiaftl
erccafion \$hi<h',M®t'®Iréa'<3y 'beert mentioned. T h e y offered ip .acJ-
•eompany Him tp 4%rïgatiifeèfd'when fRe" weather 'fhoulci moderate* but
fome fymptoms appéa'riiïg =of' Mtd^gRfctd-^lliain'hy'fo'rtpitlié’kEtiGlés
that hé 'cönMMöf afibrff tb !baf-tër'wJfh 'them, he determmèaitb, depart
thawévening, as^tRfey hvête• not inclined to retire. They h ad‘pre—
’viouïly fold1 him" Tome O f'th e if Weapons*, and -tfeySnew ÉloWed'Ris
pedjile'tb carfy"thelf’ property into 'the b0at<l'büf*'tïiéy’'Would, -not
-fufibr him to Embark,- êdnttift erifued, iii'^kiöR rtioft o f “ the
Englifti were Wounded fey'-ïtöftéSb afadsÓGSi^ètf them was Ikfïtteefe. The
reft efcaped, arid bbrè away töwafd Wêw Mbllartdff; * from whence
they^eached the Eaft fndies-^inT:Reif boat, enduring extreme hard-
“mif^mft-rio farther ©PdiVéSC^''
ThiPur thip py event furnifties -tftfe -Onlyififtanfee o f an European
being'killèdat any ifland o f '¥thts''groè'p',* nptwithftaftding the feverity,
‘and even the cruelty, which h as frequently been exercifed toward the
'natives', oh ‘ac co lS r o f thé thefts 'ètkötïïittfe’d by them. ’ That ’their
'ëa^èmëïs to obtain our propdrty'’feimW?asï¥ö endanger a fmall party
im a fe g atJany o f -the lêfs civlh'^éd iftands, 'is -evident,; 'not oidytfrorh
Uaptain' -Bligh’s fexpeiièrice',' but- stlfo -from >that-'êf'a few peepfe
on board the Tchooner -Whiöh had acfe'ompahied the -Pandora frorti
"Otaheite. After • parting company; as 'Rèförè méntiosèdi-flie* unfori-
tunately4cairne to T oöfoa iriftfeèd*df'Anamoöka, where Captain Edwards
probihiy-'-was at èhê‘ %ery timé- They Obrained tfemb1 water and
provlfiorts‘from the iSttves -f ‘b1it'*fhe latter -aftertïpted ’tm fé ïz e the
vdTel, in which there were-only nine'people. Theft, however, being