M I S S I O N A R Y ■ .V Ö Y A g ® ; '
Ch a p t e r i .
iN.'tRfijjjp'fjTi.ftN.— Appointment o f MijfLoMrks
T H E ’diifeóverieë made in the great? foütRem foanbyntho Voyage# UnJ
dertafcen at the command o f hls prefent majefty, George the Thifdy
excited Wonderful' attention, and bróüght, as’ it were, -ftitO’-light” 3!
world! till! then. almöÉ unknown. I’flands, ft mhy be7 fjUtty inntlïlfrëu
rablei were found to cover thebofóm o f the Pacific Ocean' in' different*
groups fome: o f diem extterifive, aiid' rhkny M l ’ o f ihhabitalfl^
who* difcoveredy By- the finfiiarity o f their i^gtógër^d4ÉM^toii54
the fame original race ; though h ow they bëekme-dif^erfed1 over*
three or four thoufand fquare miles, with no* Other 'Veflbl than a’
canoe, ■ fe truly- iharvellouV. The prëliMiWar^’ acëOUnt alïbrffs4 a£dfëar
and cönciïb view o f former voyages. Thisi^tefe&ü^wftMtEufó^ans-'
comJndffieated föttïë'adVaiitïgfe9$ but Withal<entklletópön them mifery
dtid diftftfeSi tb‘ which Before1 they htó^ been? uttet ftramgers'; ‘vThfe
perufal o f the' account^. o f tÜs£br> repeated? voyt^fep could ndt *but>
awaken; in' fiich eotifttries'
oofdiifg"fe 'men were differently •affèéVedl -Thd mëfohakttbönfidefed»