acquainted with .the v a lfe 'd f k o fe ö f which thcibriiyi aftiéld: found
among them Was: an awl, made from' a nail. This had been brought:'
from a diftant ifland,-where* Captain W allis had left , i t ; the articles
which Tafmari gave them having been expended, and forgotten fince
his voyage : the tradition o f his vifit had nêvörthtelefè'hëife^ïefétvtfdJJ
anTWërifits përïddWds afeertained by Ifeirtf -■
Captain Cook ' reVilifed TdrigStaboo* in, e&Mpany' -With Cfp lain;
Gierke i a 'i 'f f j i arid anchored 'óri-the ih th b f June ife Mafl§|h4^», the-
aecefs to which through the Cè'ef was &hridcdif5cöRv They- Had- fferit' k-
time Ife” öiat-'arè^^^E'to
Tón'gatÊthifo} Slid Were acc’btripariiSd frêrri' fhe6eéby''JPóülêho-)' ‘Vhöie
faftSijyfiSriie w is r^dnd t® feiFhttSlSihe, by which title' ‘hts1 Bro'ffiér,’ and
his'-fdfi tKerimriddr ïwélvC yeitóólTfwere uïüaSFy éallëd1. 1 Föulahcf was
I fe fth a r id 'é&trerfiely 'eörpMërit, about’ forty ■’yeaifeTÖldl iarid in Tiis£
behav^^ffèrifiblè afef|é®tS® His eoriJfet Wa§‘’fdiygKfë^'f)ffynl^derly
chBjHfflfeéd ‘ M areWa^^^'Ifèf hreth& FëSöüy Who was thefftHirty
yetfifl1 df
quent diïties:cèlf whieR'^pfeired-tëP^rifift ifl the puhiöiridehflSP ctSJI
mSffls-; His Mffi§rRy=dt2^^f&;eXtfefldOTfdM^W<flfewffeiiH%T
reign hiirifélf. Both the father and Ton were thin arid tall, ■MarewSgê
had alfo'-airidther Tori-; riarriëd Töoboüêitöa j and a brother named
ToObori, riiüëh* dlfer-th^ï-the 'chief • of that namebefdrè
Adfxtfefe ÖéifoMi'W&ri liigtty->'tèvéidficëd; b ^ ^ e ff
they -t4èd-fwith':eacfe other ffl thé
they provided for their Erigliihr ghblfs; tbWftoih a hoedé Wtes affigfed-
a“t t f e WéftdS'pèiïft o fT f e ctéek iiitö tHe%^è<tó;: ’ïri thfe
riidghbtjtithóöd w i s 'öbferVed k’ Aifrofe CirifeWay, huilt' o f cofcSJÏfönfe
'd ë f^@ ^ y$ $ tfi8to ro a kind ö f OT c^ ’f c - ïwiKMK^.
very Srifciêttt" coriffidri&iöhv l i i e ; (èoflÉöÈftifJr''
ïhfcttMratbdi ^nd t fe 1' iiaft doiifeödtfé;d f pecfpfë hdio^bihaW riither t6i
perform in the eritertairiments exhibited to the Eriglilh, bt to be
IfeêBatofs ö f tferii, _Wbs produiSitb :*hf t r ib u s -inconveniences.
Several thefts w ere' committed; but no aét o T violence-, except 'ona
goat that Captain Cook had intended to leave there. He prefented a
bull and cow, a horfe and mare, a ram and two ewes, with forne
& m s,A o /T0hlallf) ^|pd^Feppu?,,whp,.(w«^|die perfong mojft likely tp
,takefc^re pf then},. A ,scqmlfl,9fjiahhjjtg, Y<hich fechfeep given to the
latter,, ^ 4 already hrj^d^7,jmd,fp^,p,t^heitean dogs, which had :feen
left In h i^ y z w ith Aftago^.had multiplied,- Somp o f the animals
hayipgjpr.evjppfly, been bplen ^frogi r<Captain C|qpkt, he had yentured to
the, anddey^S| Qh|e|?di^o conjfjneptjent, till reifenfen
BfflytiflffiUB natives g^erg lfed jp arms to ^elg^fe tfem, b§t>,by
^ p ^ h p ’s^ fc h ^ h ^ d ^ fift^ ^ iin d the yiinaals being fepyght b$cb,
f e an,d hisj noU^- worn £et aX liberty, w^ijthqgt any .dhriinph°9n°f fifty
;friepdlhip, pr.eyep interruption, p f thepr'^ptertainments. A t t f e clpljb
jof thefe, fojpe wpidering
both o^ t|iefHa^p|est t fe y ^ad (taken ,fof, „trade, find -pf ^heir yrm^.
fP n r e c p i y - k i Q t h ^ t S h ^ 5 Pfudeptly
jremqv.ed ff,Qpi .thp,. neiOTihpurhood, <tq avpid a,/epopd captivity j ' ;b.iit
ithey returned^uppp being alfimd th^t jgo.w^^QS yvjppld be pfed^jand
XfejvcWfedthe,things-which,had^ep.>lMentp^gj3pjt°lpd. •..^^gt,ain
Co ok tbep yifited^ IVTppa, a villag1e vG,t'lFtg4?d,' Jfa®I^ ^rofn the hay,
ppon t f e fenljs i& . th l t)?fi ^hje^ %h9de
andreleg^it plgiitatyans. Tfehp^t and .its;contents,weicdeftpr^guj.rded
^PEgthe, bgphA-, the dire (dim; adto, who epg^ggdjhat -nothing
||n|||L|he Itolen. T f e Ihip^ vyerp,Ti|jnd, ppop,their return, p i fevp
been hkewifg exempt from ,dePredatiQn, through tfe vigilance and
^mferity o f -Fenpu: but a quarr^^topk, place the folloytinig' ejay
fetiyeen a (^yprking party and fome of Lthe ng.tiyqs; tfeeejpf whom
were cprifiged ap d feg g ed , ^dsa-fpprth fhptvth|d^^irthe ppph -pith
a f e l l by the cqptry.' The paor, man narrowfejdcaged d^th, and no
nieafprps Wfixp tajken fpr reyengp, .either, hy-thcichiefs or the common
people.1 The kipg dining on hoard ^fe^ped highly plealed with t fe
pewter, plates; .ajki being ..prefented ^ i l l1 ifee? ^-jd that he would
. uhd«Ute d f f° t« tfe hpyrli1ri^hich»4fed s,,||e|fpte fuft^ned' th ^ jb ffi^
o f .chie^f juftice and vieerpy. , iA t another dinger, which
h a