You .are aware,, that it is q p t o n ly ju c f e nature fipgular," and almoft |
without â precedent, but'triât'" it Is alfo ofie o f the flioft honourable
and moft important fervices which can be confided to a human
•being. T h e attention-pf the Cbriftian world is very- geq^pyjexcited
to the objedt, and devout intercédions are continuall^-afceitdipgè.like
incenfe to heaven forHSisyfucGefe^ Should it be favoured with .the
blefiing o f God,- it may be the diredt nieans ;of imparting divine
light and eternal life to great multitudes- o f immortal'beings, and
may form an sera o f diftinguifhed importance in the hiftorÿ o f human
redemption. In this view'Of the interèfting nature o f |hWvbufi-
nefk w e awe eagag'ed in,*- it is with peculiar, fatisfa<figcaj>Tand fin-
eete ateâ-ibriy that we, the; Directors- o f the inlbtutiqn, not, omjps
fhveri’ yau 'wM n h e command o f thejfhipy-and with full and
authority fo r ’the management o f its hofttSms in relationifitne'vpyagë r
but' affo ‘ Commit to your care ànd'fifpermtènderice,'dütan^ fhé'fame
period, the more important diârgerbf’ the Thnufficfli ftfelf, and cfpëciâlly
o f triode" faithful brethren “who accompany ’jratfthereih.' "Deaf-to our
Sâviour, ih i^&fe hame they go forth, t'hefe ipoftolic h ^ 'y v iirn à v e
a^rong intcrcft in your qfïèdtipns alfo. Having forfaken ’their frigid!
ând their courftry for the love o f "Chrift, jj and with fheMende^ o f
fpreading the honours o f his name among the heathen, they will leek
in your kind .attention an equivalent for the endl^i^lcOpnbx'ibM.
they have réîïnquifhed ; and you will be defirous h f e'ltendmg'toward
them the wife fuperintendence o f a parent, and the affedtionate
fympathy o f a brother. Y o u will cheer the fpirit that is liable to
droop under' the preffure o f its anxieties, or adminifter the word o f
admonition to the difciple that is in danger o f erring. Y o u will be
among them the centre o f union, to reconcile their divifions, and
confirm their love j the univerfal fribnd, in whofe bofom they will
depofit their diverfified cares.
A s it is needful that |op fhould be furniflied with inftrü'dtions,
both with refpedt to the voyage itfelf, and alfo with relation to the
eftablifhment of the million, it is our duty to defire j that after having
received your cargo on board an invoice whereof you will be fur- .
niilied With, and alfo the miffionaries who are to a ffi^mMnyyoil
whrifq^n.imgs a>n^ba^patioi&.yoli^ftAIiUtc an nf^oL^yoii .vill
pjeMe |o proceed with all eulfpfitch to Portfmouth', in'oraer
to join the Lalf. India Ydiiurynou lying flit re, m iu h 11 h v ori ’
,iqt.]£h Xcy^fplt, anil foulk cMtitvjj) pauer'fo letup company
it,- riy a j c i5j ne An dr \ qun> aieu^cligncdm CTunadc/
In dife t^e cpWqy fhould flop ‘a! TPhcriffT, ym wilqproci|rq foiir
o f -the 'hi® wine in ,ri°gIhmds^’^ ^ ™ i ^ T ^ w i i r a p d y "t'p'fhe
Jgpufe ®F Meff. Paifley arid 'LfitE^^Sreimburfe" tttem'tBbr the ^mpunt
bvkyiSUri dijaly^ n me* tl^ f u rertfcrime mftitution. WOTW'ill jeriaea- <
,veur to q ^ g um fq am thence (wo b r ihrpq huqcbii’ or clued grapes of
spne- bdb kindy-ah pqier th a t t l y ftuly may bejpliriuJ, w n a iw o u a r-
jjye aGfche «lace, o f your. |teBiria^pi£e''’ ‘pecks^,' br*_eveh
ou ar t s L , b e f t feed.lwheaty tpglpmer with the {«Ms of ’fijeMro,-
jpica.1 huyrihs. woii prijy think ft would bg afivantageousYq scpceIwuh
ygy,., X m will alfo endeayoq^^ to procure one ram 'flieep'a^iYiwo
fewes^ tQ 'be1 »prdgSved purpofg of b reeding; alfcya maleand
Quisle a% j o r t h e famepurpofe. Y o uw ijl’alfpatftriispl&e
hably have >;nh ojmo^tpmfy -of giving. ypuiu|hip\hompany and fne
na^Tengers. fever^I. me^s of frejh meat an^’yeg|Sb'fei;i whichjj’^s^it
■^»itPl^BOBpot&'tffeif *nd^th •Sa''''eQmiR>ftJ^e^m^ei|,mCTfuaded will,
nol.pfeape.,ypqpsattentign. Qq tg.5un^_yqyr’ deriartUte-f^m ‘Tgqenffi,
we, wifh you --tptxpJifider the port of Rio_ dc Jaricitpbn tffi'c^yrejo’f
Brazil as your next objeft. At that place you will be able to lay
in a felJri' ofyfugar very cheap ,1-for the uCe‘'o ^% em 4fp’|^^mpMy'
and rufiripparics .up. tM* w e f ly a S ^ th e lattgr afteojiey
are put on fliore; as alfo tobacco, chocolate, cochineal-plant, and
many other vegetable produdtions uieful for confumption and cultivation
a t , the fettlement. Here you will alfo embrace the opportunity.
to procure a fupply of frefli meat, and other defirable articles,
for the refrefhment of the Ihip’s company^ at a reafonable
ri 2