Ab0aS&$|£' P^par|,“is a diftriét of the middling clafs ƒ for-extent-bf
Imv land4, and 'fertility it 'jï-lfetenthan the north-eaffdm diftribts; or '
thofe o flT ia r a b p ^ ^ut ^tférior_to thofe I afterwards 'came to, v iz: ‘
Attahooroo and -Öparnyf however,' the low land feems not to be-two
furlqngs' in width in a k ^ la c e . AhaheinahlThas i ftraight GoMr 'id'
fevejal-'parts the- hills projedt to the fea, leaving a narrow beach ed
föót-p£dh at iheiK^tfe^and whereJthere®/low. land it is h o Iw he^
above a hundred'* yards wide.H A hilftalled Weypah-toto fepyrates it
from MaHraw, a 'fmall divihon o f Attahooroo rhere'Captaih W eaJ
therhead landed’m rh is boats ‘ after the lofs o f the Matilda', and had
his money and clothes taken from him by thé native's
. Attahooroo 'is divided into two or three departments;- “ovbr which
chiefs'fubordinate to. Temarre prefide, „fin the accburtf giveWme they
divided it only into two parts; o f which' the fouth-eaif contains fifteen?
matteynas and one hundred and fifty tees, and the north ‘jpart: ten mat-
teynas and ninety-three tecs; including the valleys. Here the ihore
J||lwaving, and forms k -fegment of-a cirde as' it bends rotind to
Tettaha. The reef lies a considerable way off, and within it the
water is fmooth and {hallow; and the bottom a fine-white- fari'dfimêr-
fperfed with beautiful coral, which makes thero wing-over it delightful.
Here the ifland puts on its moft beautiful appearance. ' A
large border o f low ground ;iS covered with cocoa, palms; and
bread-fruit. Extenfive valleys run confiderably in-land, and the fidfes
o f the hills. which form them, are covered with fruit-trees, and
their tops with grafs. T he lofty mountains in the higher regibipare
aifo covered with trees, or broken into awful precipices y and by their
various fhapes and diftances, and the clouds, which hover^pverthefii
all the day , add a fublime grandeur- to the beauty of the feene below.
We landed at a chief’s houfe oppofite the great-valley, and before
dinner fet o ff with the chief to fee a morai, where.it was faid the
ark o f the Eatöóa Was depofited, and which had been conjenured- by
fome vifitors to bear a fimilitude in foim to the ark o f the covenant.
Though it was about noon, in the road we went we’felt little o f the