iadeufed'pf .«iMoes?; andr tbtefahie
;Köriaagé which;.is prefënt-,; was paid
.llurifig b is •abferiicc ito;the, bawd,: ’as 'hrs reprefentafive.
■/ i / No weapons were deeh iby Talman at' Tongdtaböo; which * Giroróa.-
Tftande,' as wcllasrtheir ii'nfüfpcious-coraiuét toward ffrarigers fo for'-
sof. gdnerai pèade: and’ focusityf.': INq,qüa rrebe^ mtsr»
'v iew ; and'the^DUteh, after having dbtaiiied abundance o f iprowifions;
büt .verf Jittlë-'water; ^ qé|e3fid'3SêHchéi'ji^K»ttdflriïfls;^>^fe1tt»a^i8^all&
in 137 3, havingipreviouïly fpént fonie days at'the neighbóurimgnfiind
of;Böoa. They anchored'in 'Van Diemen roaè/Obtoher 3cbi.andrthe
inhabitants, who had metthémThalf.waybetweènthe iflandSibéhavêd
w ith the famexonfiderice and kmdnefs, that theyhactfhewp, onfc hundred
and thirty yfears'before, toTaftnan.? Theyifeïl aHo 'torthefarng practices
.'pilfering > for whdch-'-fom&tof^them'whó' twere: peciü&rly alarmg
were punifheü, without.bet raying-appearances :of /rêfentrneni,. Héte*
héte and Omae, who were on board the fhips,J ;weïeat;dkft perplexed
by* a differénce ;o f dialett- as thefe 'rflandersmake ufe^fthe^pnfpnfiits
f, k , and hard g , which arfe unfaown at theijCeorgiari lflands ribSt
they foon perceived .the identity ; of: the Radical .dafc^uage,; and béoamè
able to cOnvcrfe dhientlywitK the native!.r.-v
A tnan, named Attagoj who had dome authority airiongthis‘Wun -
trymen, attached himfelf to Captain Cook, and rendered ffindÈeffentSal
fefvices. He introduced the ISnglifh. to'amelderly jbhkfi.öf fuperibf
rank named Tooböu, w h o : likewiféi adled -in a friendly .manner;
although with a! degree o f referve. Alperfon o f much higher digmty
was alfo met with, named' Latoo Uibooloo, to whom hom%e'|w&s
paid by aH tahfes, although he appeared ^ tyd e fe é liv ê o f7ip#He#,
He bore the title ö f Arëekfee, which was applied to no other peffon
except Pöulaho, then the Sovereign chief, and fifth in defcent from
the perfon who reigned at the period o f Tafman’s vifit. The mother
o f Libooloo, who lived at, a diftant ifland o f the fame group, was
eider filter o f Poulaho’s father; and had this fori, and two daughters,
by a man who came from, the extenfive neighbouring iflands named
Feje. The members o f this family were called Tammaha, and ranked
above Poulaho llimfelf, notwithflanding his ppfiefSon ©f the fupreme
power,; either. On account ;o f : their, mother’s., feniority, ou;;o f fpme
pre-eminent dignity o f their foreign, parent. One o f the daughters.,
refided with their mother, the other at Tongatabqo. Libooloq.1 had
alfo an infant. fon at Eooa, to whom f extreme [attention-was paid.
Poulaho' was,rthen abfentfrom Tongatabqp.
, , It became necefery tq iprohibit t h e . purchafe o f euriofities from the
xfibnders, in .order,, to obtain adequate fupplies o f fo od: |b§|e were’
aferwards ab(Uf[d^dy f^qii^d.;5,h ,Wegp®n,s[ g f ; a % g j ^ | b r m , R a - 1
armed.;' f'j^ei gyfpeafS.J-were1 (ferhedjin' dinglgfns^mariner,-yn d ■
their (glyjbs 3,yery ’ cyjrioufly caiyed. L .j^pps^iyejes -exeqrfed;
in a j ftyj/^far. fuperiqr jth?!®!pfyPtal^tg^-dihe planks-jb^ing,
fgatber0jdged| at^d]dipped oyer, wcb-ich;> gr^ypnted tjti/ejj^ater: entering,;
as Lt corigit|qallyfjd,Qe%jrit0 t}ig o|jhfe|s?0 They had; lp^ moje,
iriattingrtl^Jthe/(5§orgian j(la,nders,: itl'^'^m oreTri,eafIy^ijl
£idly,,made, an.d yyas u^ed aB well
Their balket-worb alfo difeovered much ingenjuty, apd^heirclolh was
glazed fqas to refifl: wet. T he women wjere far lef^ irpipodefl: 3 but
the .-.men were more; .generally addicted- to the .pepper-root d^ ’llght,
herpjcalled kava. The fubmifiion paid to the-chiefs.jand'th^dtfiinc-;
tion o f private property, were much greater here than at Otaheite. An,
old .drunken man, then thought to; be a fjie ft, was sr^Tpe<S|ed as q perfop
offIrank; /ojne images, fjopnd in the fij^ldSi^Mer^th^^d^dwere
interred, were evidently objects o f contempt rather than ^^worflii^;;^
and/nor. article of^food ^s,dogofited in* .thqfe place^, hdany o f the,
people were obferved to have loft their little fingers. Their mode o f
falufation is By touching their nofes. together-^ and, unlike the Qta-
heiteans, they ufe an expreffion o f thankfqlnefs for. whatever they
receiye, -always lifting it. over their heads. They were then little ‘ i l l