eftablifhed cuftom, his lofs o f all privileges, and the diffolutiori o f
the fociety, i f this fliould become general. We offered, to build them
a houfe few the pregnant women;' anditake-every childfwhichLflibuid
be born ioto^our immediate care. We threatened him, that fuch
an unnatural adt would exclude him front our friendfhip for-ever, -$nd
mpre, that the Eatôoa, our God, would certainly punifh him. He
laid, i f he faw the arreoies deftroyed by the Eatôoa for it, he-would
defift; and aiked i f their farefatherswerefoffering for theft practices*-
Our brethreri failed not to open to dura the. Iwrath-of j God_ agairift all
ungodlinefs and unrighfooufnefs' o f men. On this he walked off
dcje&ed, but: not apparentfy determined teddefift from • thé eyilSor
danger o f his ways. A few days afterwards hêcainé, arid-promised;
i f the child were born alive, he would brings ifitorus'> land--on1:another
vifit afterwards with his wife, .renewed his promife, on forfeiture of-
Manne Manne returned from Opafre with aburidahee o f olhfhes
and provifion for all-the brethren. We took : thfeidpparturijly/fo.'dni*.
form Pomârre, that next- day. we fhould fpeak to them ttëipaÿwynb
t-Eatôcft, -the word o f God ; and invited thenvfcueome;. which .they
qth. BrotherLicwis preached from Tbou fia it nm'ki/l, tù,lhcMti^-t
queen, Mâime Mfinne, and a number o f the-natives; who Këàrd
With ftrious attention, and laid, “ M y ty te parpw no Pretancj imâ
“ tipperâhai mydide, imâ pôhhe rôâ té taata : > Gtiodd is^ the. wbrd
“ o f Britain, not to Ë B ohlMgeB, not tofacrifice men.” .ThfeihigK«
prieft Whifpey|Bg .'f©mrthing, we aiked him what he faid ; hb'an-
fwered, he told the people to leayeoff their wicked w d y s j,
Pomârre an3-< Iddeah came at noon, and going into the married
brethren's apartment, found them converging with the arreoieS on the
evil «jf- dgfhroyipg* infants. Iddeah was particularly ;£Kldrefftd}(ai the
fobjedt, as Ihe too was pregnant by a touted ’whorbohibited with hrifv
and' was alfo o f the arreoie fociety. . Pomârre and Iddeah had for
fome -time ceafed to coh'ahit ; he had taken another wife, and ihe oiiç1
TO TIIE Araii..] M h p ® 1 i s l a n d s . *55
oft her^fvsints j ;b u f th^y-lived ilt'the fame ftate o f friendfhip, and
with no> lofs o f dignityi#>The brethren endeSWfired to convince'her
o f the 5drea*dfhtoefs oftmtirder, in a iriofheftefpecially. | They promifed
to seieiväbhe^€hi'r(j^dfomediatefy;!<and it fhould be no trouble to
h e r ; btta’ fhe was fallen, and mrid'emo'’*rHpiy .'is’«They' then addreffed
Pomärre, and entffeaied 'hisp mtfcrfefincfe^in fdppreffing^fueHiatSiSof
inhumariify1 ; -‘and;1 to ■’giVehrders- that no ihore hurhari' fabrmee'!, ffiohla
be iofiferedvrf He- replied; he- would’; :^ l , ' ;ifha'tteiCaptam:'C6ole tola,
him it ’ fhould-nöt-he done j hut did riot ihay-long enough toinftrudt
them. ‘“X)ne'fb¥-the brethren then'laid,--tfiat%d Were*eorrie’fo r th a t
Cxprefsl'purpofe; arid‘hoped he would hearkeri' to ojir cbrfnfel •’ pointing
oul* alfe Jthe äangerland' difäd van tage to fhemfelves; anchWarning
them, • that i f theydefp iiM'öür^M and cbnffniied in: their
wicked^prä^ic^t'"we. fhould leave them arid go' tb andthei1 filarid,'
where we ■ couMJ-hopl^c^Jmbre attention. Pomärre was 'evidently
affebfeibby- whatdwri§ faid, and efpfeeially''^jouldf hot M ir 'the though!
o f our leaving h im ; and ptofoHed-'he''wt>uldufefaJI'hls authbphy to
pur ah end to theft pradbicfesl I ;He Indeed-appears o f -a' teachabledif-
pbfition and-open to convidtion. Männe Marine came in during this
converfatiriris- and we told him freely, that i f ‘ he offered any‘more
human ft&ftfices he would ’utterly forfeit our friendfhip, aridJihuft
confider nistas'lii's ''enefnids. He fepliqd,H he-’ certainlydWaifld'r not.
On "this we mforihed himj^thafotir Lord knew his heart, Whether
he was finctere -iii'biä prbrriife&i
We Renewed'bur attempts* with ’Iddeah,''invited her" to'continue
with us,hand’1 fiiffer röür ‘woifferilto take care* b f her'child /'that her
example*Wouldi have1 the1 happieft effects ripön therriatioriydnd 5 knowing
hbr’ dagernels for hiurop'eäri cloth, We',prbm‘iftd her three fhi'rts,
and any other articles,“ 'Whbri Hhe fhip arrived; yea^rfilre,*' that'we
Would report* her ’cpnäüdt to Queen Charlotte ändthe Britifh earec
ladies, *fo whom nothing wbttld more endear Her ^ arid'that the next
fhip would affuredly bring her. very valuable'prefents. She faid the
child was baft born; had it been PomärreV,’ it would have lived; but