jijBillTCijiii,li|i|T)il11|1?l|ljlfrii1 llilii|111 large* g r e e n a r e a , i a t t l o iR e a c h fid e
a. fiatöoka. contaihirig three tombs.
30th. Reached Moóa, the refidence o f Futtafaihe; they founds
theahbiys; arósladiEe^J d ftthis village in a veF^mpoiiS* eoncttite®»
andrtïïe fencesrmuch out:: of. repair. Mere are/fevterakhouRsy 5 which'
Ganhelly fü d jm te f p in t s 'boules, - r&hëre they: fo a a# woodp
ltohm^ and bundles of rags, w^hièh were ;c^nÉdëi^ïSs~^iStó,^fe^9g:'i
brought from the Feejceilïands. -Thefe places are falling 'doWftp:
bufaifarfaeted, they muft not be touched to/fepair-therir; - Futtafaihef i&-
vej^i&pdrftitiousi and-1 himfelfi efteemed as-- an? odroöa’öM^öd heds Sal-lb*'
much devoted: - to1 pleafure; iinging,, and -(feïïGÈi^h5 lias*
the ükft women- o f - the ceü a tjy 'j'- «olhe, .thé--^i^iïfepöft#iifeshtóö^
called Dooboumaoffer: Ihe has features and ai eoffipf^htf ^ ^ l l h e at
European, as* Ihe feldom* gpe&i Put- bft the* haul®, • ot ’ expófés* hmelF
ta th e furi and air*
T he lands about Mooa are i l l cultivated; 'tod overgrown-^fth »grl$S
todotiaflrj though there i^vto^^bfetotifMi^bh^^pStoted n$iSj£a
variety ctfftreesiandiftowöiögfftrubeioFihe fragrance.
3 * f t r rainy and* tetopellUouSi W h ïr i''it i«3èaÉM"üplStl(gy'
walked out^oifeo the abbeys-, .canoes*,' &£bi) Thè- flStöoldis are rent.ark-
able, i U»*® liêthèThttafalhes ^br»ni^>Fyi'géhdAtfcn&>, af^Ötid*
ruinous, which .ïsi.thè'Cafemth1 thé ‘Migdft'j - thé* hSiÉfe-dShth# fdfP
ofitdsb fallen;. and the-area and torHb^tfëlffbvèrgréw'n'with'Wêbdiaïïd
Weeds* Pohlibo, thé father-of the; prefè^; king^ asJfaid1 tê have difed
to d beendnterfêd at fy&vwoir • "
T h e i hiftory, iff. Atöbler V report1 is j to* die*' reee&êdh is*
Pbulaho,- but-möree^iécially hisjw ife M&hoofej*-of 'the Doubou family,
were tyrannical j in • their* government-, difpofleffing the5 chiefs
arbitrarily, and rendering themfelves -odious *• Thbgkhowe was 'then
chief. atEöoa. Her majefly^ afitér-Poulaho’s deeeafèj difmiffed him
fromhispoft, and- nominated another* This'hè refentèd; ahd*refu fed
t a fubmit j and told- - the ■ meffenger he was. a tooa,* and not an agee,
m ■^MP/'mëh.êwiW. 'ffivd^cfiS.etifedJ hi^* S^^fej^fcombat j 'f>u£
npfrfief1 had only to de|Mrt ^ itm@ ? :ti^m, or ne wom a jm t 'hun to
d'êSffë - The" wind flbMïi^bSf Kb hlltecf'bacK tom l mirfras,
who intpaiped^ tfemalpikopf lias return ljufuch a ^gale : he related1, his
recdjytion h aficf fhe- rëjMal-^‘^^ac^an^^{er'Kalf k nana 'tto g5e Kuléd,.
“ I' toill ptihim°ms inï^Sfïcer’ T flT 5o^höwe^mrantimejcqnvenea tne
offlet ehSeffJi arid ih^&f ®éltr (8 jbiii1 hhS1 in rappanT5i tneirlprïyi-l
Iegjelr THe connfft plWëcf'ifi°T$iefrKfavour, ana®the” quten ^was
drivffi;hó:iAhlèfdV'attS3_t<5&k méi?|r to ^ h q^ |n e a r ; ouiS at Attapoo..,
Mërhlhe'-fat Witfh^ ^aÜlaKd'öï l'ëafél 'ah iu tm p , neck, and a gqoter-!
koo in her mouth* wh'fcnci^gMHm^” l^cmm'toefcy7 ‘T^ogahowe
was1Jgóing .to 'difpatdh'hér with ^KiborattoSca/bf ipear,l lbut' was
withheld5 ‘ by* hr!1 fólloWërs^ «apd t flie|y®.sL lufrered êicipe-tó the
Ha'fby 'iflahcls;''WhÖtP fhmliêw ^ï§és? in .ratife,,E , rl 5pgahowe fvi<3to-
riÖu4^!fe^n ed 4 g l,batvcrlMties* öncffl|' eHcgaiigS, tournes?-
arfd'hiiiffiiii^. ffiéht Jalhe,r ahS hfi^dfr^lgreal devaftatjomitotpe' Harby
iflands.. ! In -alfl^h? 'with, thé 1beome''ofu4VSya^gWs,1cWoe 'oiilfiuea
;tHh reft-,1-'ahd'^h^-ftu^lit£theiftf*afönè w’i'th fucn'fury p l a i n e d .tne !
vi'ótdry, and rarfedtftWTarhfe'of 411!" military prowefs5 to thé higHeït”
pitch Tó thatJ he'is univerfaHy‘‘dteade'd' anm,ObeyediJ' Our ^rriimbn-
ariés'wére witneiïès' to fóïrieJo f1 ToÖgahóWë's lavage/cbfiduét? One]
ma'niwho difplédfed hiih had h isLhkritl' 'cdthh^oh th^lpo"?r; ihdJanpth’er]
wSs'rifed uphvitfivhis armsfTdSehdedj'and't^d^lbehwere orai^Srwit'h^
lightêd^ftickPio b'flfh'hiffl^unffêr thë/arrh^its, , Cmr brét^ren^nKr-^
cseflSd'flfeiflhSiAf, $®Elraieeii:f>1
June ill. A®®^nFuti’Jl;
tafalhe^hadë^thëbtf i jCJfierehfyf^m^hnd/tweh^'yatns, aha.accom- .
pahiëff!them ïllkrid ih th e tó^ G ^ e l^ ^ a^ èh to / 'W fu ch ^ é^ '
had'given- therh.,;
^ h A n lê S l‘TOiffldfffircrill’ 'cjilefs teïüllupgyto“' 'theirJhomes- ƒ' oÉé'óf' ‘
them, named Möore, invited .Cooper- and Gaulton tppcoompany him
to fA h o g e^ h a- JvM¥,rrwHicnJ thfe^ ‘accented.' 'Several o f the pmëfs,
ha^e-’glpenf us:|pi^n^TOvitlS,ólis'tófVefiüè! ■ ^'im thlm, aha have ‘'oi* *