fay, that- 'thofe. who can be ;:thus: highly favoured need not tie
felicitous about-any othe&f SntifcOrbutics. f: • Onfotir' arrival id. pott thfc
captain obfervesy he was exceedingly fhoeked at-hearing afduhd him,
once more, that great and awful name blafphemed, which, foi
fifte e n mWhs,r:he%ftlt|fcv^ heard mentionedbuf vsdtlfc^eiMce:
it was' a found as grievous as unufuafc
■ C H A P T E R p ^ fX .; ,,, v
' ’ &6chr?ettg$3' m fQhin^a, % n d i M5
a id . JhAJ-lLY in t^ ^ij^g^C agta^n^^b jisyrerstin-thqpinna ce
to .Mpxgip,. .to, i»ic^ep\$|*untp Hay£,tJig ob^^ks^ t^opfogpiog up, rempyed,
while the ,creyt ,were. e^ipjpyedj^paintmg, £hg ^ i p , r sind putting Jbef
olhenyife in arde$ ; ,and in.a fey£ hours.weEad.,therpl^C.ijf- to fop her
Jgplp. ajgiqll 'as ftparfyas ihe^lefjt ^gpith^ad. .. .r.wrtmg
a,ftt<an,g^gale pan^e Qn^rpni the.jn.Qrth,. and increafed to fochyjidpgree,
courfe o f’the night ,vyq, fboyg 'a pqnfider^ble; way r^ ith bpth
^nphors ^padit!, The .ne^tj m©p3yig;:if^ye we^e gladji^p,1 embrace ,dhe
qjpppttunity i pf 1 the tyindyvapd tide; tatweigh^duM anohofs,, and run info
the harbour of; t^he Typa* and .Britannia, ^Captain
d?gtnet, i.t^.e ,£hip__we naentioned jfrqna.^ ^or.t Jadtfop«, <.A,G{rgpj,^>r
paflpor^} ^ d )this0day.beep1fent,hirLthp|i v£fl£l ta-groceed for Wham-
Ppa>,. and ,C,aptain Wjrfog i£ % gaad.c^gj^tqpify jgjjhiirLto go
up. ip. her,s.ippgofing. that fey beipg,. on .the.fj^jt, .he, fliould the, fanner
.obtain .the leave, he wanted, s
jQnjthe^ij^th 1thte< IJritannia lqft tJie-Typa^ agd.tha* our.foip .might
be ji^ |^ dine f^ t^ e began to ^lyip^the - figging, off, the,.jraft4ieads?
whiqh.yre examine^,. an^. fpupd it neceffary^jpukpe^chpefc-^ to^the
mainem^lhjj Thg whole o f die .rigging ^as.-J^aroi^bJjy-ep^ired s and
jp^f§sjJ^(^wprk,was upon, the fini|h,i J:(hp captain arrived, qn the Qth
o f December '; ■
> • .OpA.^ .m^p igjie^,
had- the pleafure of feeing, three ..large lhips at anchor in the .eadem
road : thefe, we hoped, had, what we; an longed for, -letters
from England > and fo it proved.