■ ''Thè'tbfhftÉTOiîs1 -fingulâr,' a
•cannot but ghré-fatisïaétión, and tend to encourage greatly' our Tiopes
as -to -the ukioeatè bb jê^ QF' w f 'Tniiïîon.
f t having been made known that we intended to addrefs the, natives
this morning, numbers o f them affembled early' röiih'd qur
^wefiirig'y among Ahëm “dras1 IfefflSrre and hisr lifter : hé‘ nâtR been
inquiring a day-or tWo befisre concerning Jour fpeaking to them^’anu
laid, “ he had been dreamîng aboüf the book which'ffi&dff be ferit
P 1 him from ‘thé ÉEàtooà.”
A t teh b’clodk - we called the 'natives’ togethèr’ù hdëfth^ebvérnf
ferae lfeady trees néarüiffïfoaîè ; ' and'a ïon g îômi iSâng‘placed-,’ tPó-
•mSrre was requefted to feat h im iè lf on it with the brethren, the'féft
the natives handing or fitting in a'circle round us. Mr. Oovér
«then addreffed them from the words o f St. John, ** God foildvediffle
1,1 world, that he gavé‘his only begotten 'Sdn, that they whc? Ifehésfe
** 'éte:%àfiiihôtiHlhd&ÆtiÔij hut have eveftaffnlg tiïe^fi the 'Swede
interpreting fentence hyléntence'as he lÿtfke. The GtaKédtdahs wtere
filent and folemnly attentive. After fervlce Pomârre took brother
«Cover h y the hand, and pronounced the word ofâpprotraHoh,“ ‘ JvTy
<l ttyV my ty d ’ Beihg afked, “ I f he had ünderftood ‘What .was
**■ There were no fiich things before hi G fib
,fc heite ; and thég were- not to be learned at Once, but that he
.**_ would W3É fhe^ëêttmrighf (thé Eatooà) God.” ÎDefiring’^d kndW
i f he might he permitted to attend again; -he was told, yes. Being
conducted into the houfe, he and his wife dined with us, add
About three o’clock the ordination! folemnity o f the brethren
Këlfo and Harris took place ; they were fet apart for their work hy
the impofition o f hands o f our ordained brethren. Brother Cover
preached the ordination ferriion, and delivered the charge; tóbtïréf
jefferfon having made the inquiry o f the candidates refpe&ing their
call and objects, and brothers Lewis and Eyrepraÿëd at the comi
menoemdnt:: ajrd end o f 'tl^g.sfeï^|gg.r e jl^ecPomniuninn /dofed, the
fofemnky,,-which ' K a s , us, jaiUsra .moferfwftjitig fhd.csTnfQttable
firdmaiice; hnd' ^gj[,-tlj.? 'ifirft .time./thé brgftdelïuit fcf ötsabeite was
fifed asitheTynabaJ^pf dhe;brokongbèdy >of jsü&r Lord, and.received in
,pom)rmmbraiiy©riiofifhis-itiyingj-’’lbvfeï\i ,\n barf - r > ,u '/ r
p Männe-»Mahne.-was.j^refent;-during .the, whole feryifce,;,and very
attemive,oparl^c^lartyid^ririg>'.,the.adminift ration,cjf fhhLorÜ^^Sp.p&B s
hê;ipdffced|idaimfelf in <jthei^feclp^iwith Itrhe brethren, nand>whid tfaey,
palled him he drifted thisi fituatfenfaiAief 1.Q.H4 in hapes .©fispajtaking
withdheHU r i l l
-20th. I iPamärre, Mdeah,,,anihah oni SatdBday^s«gbfeftsd vifited us
again- tp-day, bringing more cloth and feme fowls fdl fea ftofck./ T hey
ftaidt JSirmeB-j. .'the/ chief/ -.«fed, Ibyohis 'head.' man','{:ate', heartily ,0 < jmd
drank, uolSrgeriffeare äofed) bgä4e?iaf wine,! i evincing iather .a-'ihvptous
döfiredpph» as h e iwouldjhai^ly’afldijyyMa’nne Mg®10! 0 havpiaiglafe
yvith him. Onithe .appearance p f 'rain-.they took their) leave, iwifhing
jisld ^sod wifageiqaBSdstoqjeeffing ft hopero^-mu^sedy return,;,v
A s 1 Peter th h Swids/ihad offered .tor: gó wäflhjjud ^uthuqFriimdJ^
I Hands1 feheiGaptaan ■ confented;thinking that he .blight bfe fervieeable
on feme oaafions as interpreter. ^ He purpofed; taking'with him a
ypimg' woman named Tänno Männö, with whom he lud vfor fome
time hved.as^his" wife, a man the piutincus hid named 1'om, and
A boy called Harraway. The two laft Mr. Crook;' whu had already-
rmadê great profit loncy m the «Otfijeitean language^rroüg^nmglit
he great*naps ’to hiiji. .Qn thisVaefeoün t i i c a p t a i n permitted
tb m to go with us alfo.d The natives ju ö 3iï^R^?-,w ^ Y LlL now
about to leave.-them for fome’months, but the cauiäik'S intention was
lib ;lie a few days at Eimeo, and, previotis,tö'fetting, o ff A r , the Mar-
quefas, tÄ o ü c h .again in Matavai baj .Ä la e p 'w^, might prolnb'Iy
learn how the natives were likely to behave during our •abfenep.
Matters hiring thus fettled, We took w ith e s ,Mr. WlfiiaW A ick e y ,
b y trade a. carpenter,to examine Männe,.,Manne’ s veflèl_, ',anu fee
whether Ihe Was worthy tJieiYaffiftancë'' tó:'fi,nifti her. After-dark
H M.