C H A P T E R IV .
Run to Rio Retention and
t& fh, H A y w y e completed the purpofc o f pyr landing at. Port
Pray a, and afrclh taken our departure, at a little-dlfti^ce^-cffttlie
ifland a fine breezefpipng up, and continued from.
with hazy weather ; then gradually declined to jqtijps jand l ig h t e r s
alternately. Hat, 30''^'. W . at one P , M g w e 'I a w a
fail to the weftward, and b y fivje cf^doekan the evening, ths variable
light ^vinds being ncralt. fjwourahfo to h fE ^ fije ;had ^gof within a
mile:o f ns ; then , hoifting Enghlh colours, &ed-a giftito bring us
we .lilrewife-fired .and^Ihewed our colours,; and obferyprg that
Ihe had the advantage o f failing we bore down to fpeak wath herij
but there being hardly any wind, it was dark before We'cametyithin
hail: their gun-ports, fore andaft, were up, the between d^cfes lighted,
and the crew at their quarters. This formidable appearance danaped
the fpirits o f our peaceable jpaflengCTSj who - w e r en pw in fiifjppnfe
whether they Ihould go to France or Gtahehe j fqr as fhe was rnuch
oux fuperior in force, we mu ll inevitably have fallen, into their hands
had they been eneinief: btitj on hadii^ her »ur £^prehep^n§ va-
nifhed ; her name was the Jack Park, o f Liverpool, bound to Africa-^
fhe was. a letter o f marque, and out o f twenty-two veffels fhe had
examined we only were Engliilr.
The obfervations o f the miffionaries, on this occafion, are well
worth remarking : “ Many fears began to arife in our minds; but
“ thanks be to God, we were enabled to call our care upon Him,
“ and refign ourfelves to bis bleffed will j knowing that whatever
“ the Lord in his providence Ihould fend us, we trull Ihall be for his.
own glory— the Lord is better to us than all our fears.”
. 19th. “ Tins morning at fun-riling I wits upon-depk, ” fays W . P-
“ and ftruck with the fcene, porefented to my view. The fea was
“ quite calm and ferène, the Iky was molt beautiful, and- the fpq
W-.ffifojpyqpfrff 'bi& ddktofit p€ : I
V. .any- thing f a .delightiadr. .A# 3 difep e e -y^e E>I^,v^«r-fpo(u|s
«extending- from tJb§ otedëifcSlhs f e y whfoh iprtppd A F 0®?
derful bbieét; I thpugJit^ip^he beaüpfpl j^^rdê^Sthe.EfaljPpift,-
W f ‘They' Whotgo down t o '^ f 1 f e f e fiups, jwotks
fl af»Éhe,Lord, and bjis^wondets.-® .the-dge^,/’ , -
• „ ,'ihiséyjjr fqpaü ;C3IU? ^ .Whon fh g jgej&'jeg*
^ged^ibatB^^odstlkshii jeyeaiiugj^^ISlM'j 'aJtA<^be 1W# testing;' q>p
a hidden, .the 'foc 'fcuttle being .open, i i f in.difo^fi
torrent," and rather alarmed them. “ I caught .up,” fay s'W. H. ‘‘ fa
firft thingfinifhe t ó d i l in the
** ;feuttfehaie frill Ithecanp^ter jwg^WEfsfaftdbip’s fi4e"&nd;(gfofod
t*. dt tight,? "The fqustll .did mot continue t a g , and
ling the,prai.%s ^ cAp Lord w ith .enlarged hearts.-m g
ji ;fegd*. - lA .humber: ;4f ; fhafks »were; p iafing iroSudrithe flp p i-w e
raughte'^^tfech/v&in# five feet Jong; ,aft^r tbsdtrgfcv*f ,i#o, gfecfo
and the entrails taken out, the heads jumped dèsfefMS- 413®?
fiderabte time..-. / 1
2 7 th .: • The weather became ap ar very unfettled, the winds variable
and fquaily, heré
wê alfo felt the power o f .,a vertical fun, and; appreheolwl? p f its
fiekening .effctfts; ' p ut: irLpradtioe,; thöfe .jmetihods ' .which tmïtiènt
voyagers; hav® ufid fo ' fooccdMfülly:: a e ffnfl:, walhfd.bet we©t >d?chs
quite clean, and when d ry fumigated with tobacco and fulphur : at
fix every morning.the hammocks were broi^ht upon' deck.; :anti;fhus
the berths, kept as clean as poITible, received the benefit o f the -frellx
air. From the iMtli to the aa d ie f the .month w e lf f l lll lth r^ g i. a
part o f the fea which in the ijighf exhibits a brilliant appearance;;
all round the Ihip, in her wake, and .where the fqualls rufile the fur-
face, being grandly illuminated. Some affert .this to be oecafioned