three jsgidbe's.j hwhen they. r,un -along t^g.gj§uaC--thiy-®nly> puMtheir
U^jvsedif,. bbtosshen» we touched*them,-th’eydrew'theMfd^*-wh«y[5r
iritQ.-feh^r^fhejH ,c ; j
We talfoafewifthe heautiHh fufemarine grotto defcribed-
third .voyage/: “ A t one ipar-t.--©f ;,the reef whichi-houtids th'ellake
yithm-, lalrrroft es*en .with" the Surface, there is?-a lairge bed-of e.o'ml *
V.whidpaffords, a moft enchanting .ptofpe£. Its'-baft-t .Which’ is
‘ V fused tp-itbejihore,, e:xtehds.<fo far thatjtoeannat -be^feen, ^o^thatiit
‘ ‘ | apppars-.to bb/fufpended in the water; ' The-fea’was theh-uiiruffled>
‘ ‘‘ aB d^ e irfolgehce-of the fim*^efedahg,vahous^fo#ifQf4 coral m
thecmpffi beautiful order j feme pafrtS ’luxuriantlybranching*!nto-
“ • the,water, others.appearing in a vaftwa«ety*6f ;%ufes,- atidrttte
“ ■ Whole: heightened by. fpangles-<of theriehoft. colours, g l^ n g l f t a m .
“ ,a number o f -large, clams, interfperledl jn'fe^ryt.part.. -Even, this,
” delightful, fcene was greatly improved by the multitude^!-, hikes.
“ ^ at gently .glided along, feemingly with the moft. perfect fecyrity;-,
their -colours were the^ molt -beautifukthat ■ can'J be imagihedV bl|8^^
yellow, black,- red, &&. /far.excelling any. thing.tbat Gan.be pro__
“ -duced by art'.’5 „This is the jfefcription which they give, o f this»
§ roti% ^ d is nothing exaggerated, forgit. is. certainlya. great andy
beautiful produ&ion o f nature. We beheld it with* pleafurej^and
with.them .regretted, that a.work fo-aftonilhingly^elegaat.fhould ’ be -
concealed in a place do feldom explored by the'human eye.
There are no traces,of this illand having ever been -ihhahito&ij a
piece, o f »a canoe, lay upon the beach, probably the fame as was feen*
b y iGookls -peoptei jand w h ich th e y conjedture .might have -drifted-
from another.ifland; but as there are.rats .upon the iflanctfAvhich,both-
they and we faw, hence a query is fuggefbed, how or by what means
they could come to this place? They fuppofe it might be in the.
canoe> which is not at all likely, becaufe .they afford hardly a place
e f concealment for them ; and i f there were men in the canoe, it is
very probable that they fuffered much from hunger, therefore it
would be abfurd to think they would not learch their canoe for every
A i‘ s ur3|' S’ÖÜTB-SF.A ISLASttfê. 95'
hiddértïmtrfiMj«oi^fffi^i^4a-.^^ï5töffupJ)cfè’!|ih%y^#dtifd<f^arelit. - It
is 'doiSbtlè'Éi UKffed ^hêrérpn'fomê
"Mlfow treedöhrp'6tTw,*Mch‘Mtogi'ïhtfbfet'kèdr pla'ce^clf -ïMèlféf,' and’ torn
-■ WedinefdayS^he flÉ h tÉ & A flPw ë ^ bilt -'did
nöt. get- near ^Mf& iëAlafk. * >tn p'tlffi^Hi^iförtli enfcl wc pucerud
three'-ligRt^ and r<bné MïÉfe h^thèir’fenoffó'nwe
fuppöfed tl^mftc^fp'on the water,. ardMfépmin^l\ m.f'anScïï’ i-fïllung.
Capta»'C'43k^and'%^^pHQplo^'n-I’7'7^,, ^foofinhfc d ifcoVeudit; ¥5hlw*hMi
accouïitnhê filpÉli ivSajVagèd*fl2ndrr*Ms«a4f^ïfni ot'ihc^ffi^w^'thèéiih^
gcr-l&6 landing 4rmonga&y SlHhóïc blinder, Mfo hive riottoRVio^Hf:*
had •rint&rG’#fl?fe''TwitMhEiW0pfeai!s;;'J' alfó^tËëBbtol^te^'fïéeefflty,1' When
ohli^ldW'knd; 'of ^fng^ablettofep'èFthêtoïbyTöééfe ^Kën afedhfóêd?
We-t Ought '.to.da^. tb 'truth^th'EÖ: nëithèVHp^]:fpl.‘s'*rali'eady
kn’oWng wh%rë -’the- itth43h ^ f s f>hafë%étëS^8felafi®y*''in ^^hoftrle
rri£öaher,'rfïèr,yfet i-rikiéw iflgnds*whigh’,^4 y'agers may difeovér, -atolfih
natfeeif to behtruftèef'With the powériflP tft^iir • lfes'i^fêi^in',!gen''elral
thfeyëate fèS£tenicious!,,af'. their territory and Öf feSirS-óèllols^fó'®^
\otoust*\ff.**t .‘\vtJ poffels, and-under' a p’ferfuaflbh'that* all’ fllthri^éri
ato^ên^Biës1, nthi&sfhèy will*- eithfei?1’,by 'fotoë é tj& S tg l^ im 'a t
theSweSVefdtelte who fa ^unhappy as td^lafeëïatiy c’enfidfshee-iri
them, •^tofe1&ifend'ly5tt'ëfcoöifé'Msybé^AffefeÉMKedi' '
-Wë rno’W^I'fhape'd? Su^ïèhlirfe ' T(Sigédhcfbl^&hd- 'oïl4-öürl pÉfl'ge
thilfer' fuch "articles were forted soüt‘-alS1ïto'é4 §'1tiótlgihtö®^l^feefi
m‘igM''witfi«" fomé* M d t y take1 with 'themhn'èheit^fiMlanding. % Oft
Sbnd&y’ the '^fehf bè tèhv A ’.’M ; 1 we faW t l ë 1'’©rïd 0 arid at hboh-ffie
ifland o f Böoa bore,'>SryU''i' diftant? feWifftor>*ëi.ght>tóö^iies'f-i -At*half
paft four i|i the evening we -tacked?to ?tÉë-*ëhftward, thé1 fmall dflancf
of Eoo-aijeSbeanng S. S .W. f W . diftant thiee mtlcs; and then hott ‘ft>’
the night, dujfo^’.which we had light winds and ^W a h t 'r iin .
A t daylight, it continuing ftill dark and hazy, # e “could'^ b h ó land
until- feven A .M . when it'ceafed raining, and the- weathiJf gradually'