fh ftiariy' ^WefeeineMm-sf iifeid^ri rank, that lie ®riy ftayambirtfe
and vifit found-'every day : indeed they are- 'feldom in
bafte. Nor are the lower-piaffes lefs hofpitable
.feility r tfed every where th e re ‘is fkdh plenty o f food and raiment,
that fome df them continue wandering over the ifland for many years
together, and never find lack of fuftenarice.
■’> Ft&miotje ttftileooE^Kiother^ tfeyffmtjuently dbawge thieir names?-
f e thatja-perfijn aJjfetcfram th to ^ a few years,> would he aiia'iofis ;to
'find out- .thofe w ith whom he Was %ftrai%aaifited,'^mifefe he met
them. ^ h s iaa^svofiiplaces and itMttjfe h#e domimied, .'iinlefe :the|r
•happen to conftft of. fyllables containing the; king's’ ‘name, in-.which
cafe, during h is lifetime, they are changed, but sabiris dNith the
cdiliMoti haxse isrefunaed.
They have an averfioi^ to compare th e ^fi^ifjfa^yirifdoflc <&
a.,perfoh’s head, and regard this as a fpecies o f tbtelphemy-andijiafult,
•A "hand laid on the head w puld fee-a h ig h offence, One .of ,thafe
dfeanieft who refideditn the-iilafid, abrute,Mmrombrage c^th^r.«ift®i®b,
would carry provifions ©ri-hrs head, and was regarded w ith h o rro n a s
a cannibal: theysfeiv!e;'eveii';>different names for the head o f h hog, a
■dog, a bird, a fifh.
I f a man eats in a houfe with a woman, he takes >one: enfe-amd
fhe the other, and they fleep in the middle. ff.;a woman has a child,
the-provifions fo r it Irioft n©t cOine in at the dsmse door witihrf fie
mother’s j but there is an opening like a window, th ro u g h which
th ey are -received j and it would be reckoned beaffly in-fee-highefi:
degree for her to eat whilft fhe is feckLing herfchild. -'When they
travel, their provifions muil 'be carried in feparate canoes.
The*cuffom o f uncovering before the chiefs is tmiverlal. We have
introduced, however, it is laid, a mode o f evading i t ; if any man
or woman be clothed in a 'f lir t, or coat, o f European d o th , -or has a-
hat of our manufa&ure, he is not obliged to be unclothed^ it Suffices
i f he removes the piece o f Otaheite cloth w hich is oyer his fhouldera.
Aependix.] ] . TO ‘T B E SOUTH-SEA' ISLAN0 S3.
, T ti'E JR b-fe is,vfifeai$ tpj-1, ^d'<|v§ry 4-nan, i t , libwty-f^^^^go^
?bd a<®>.a& he pleafes* without th ftd ifo ^ /p fe fe sh , 'll'SPj^ehenfion of
w an t; fynd 3s their deify jo ts tg^e^t,, stheig feort$, yg(J-
O f thpfe5- fwimming-ih-^he furf appear,s,So-affilfd ihfrg/mgulpr
dfegfei- A t. tbif^fpprf bpf e , s . are y&jys de§tefofj‘§
reokoged, great-fn ptoport-ie®. ysfee. f iy f rpgS;bigbpft*’ a$4
breaks* With the' greateft violence •: they will eoyfeifte at,Rt*f<^fhpj£r§
t^ tb ^ r , t i l f ^ y are feed-.- make ufe o f -a ffeife beard, -{w6
fept* and a, balfe, 9^ IbSI?» formed yyijh a fharp ppipV like the, fere-
part o f a: eappe j ,but others ufe-none, a-nd.depend -Wholly f^ifeeir own
dexterity**-. ftvjm out beyond where t-he? fePeti- of-‘lh e , fo r f
.yjbfeh; ^r^-folfew &§, it 5-ifess 'tfefewhigs feeistfefe^ffi op ;the
top - o f -fee way©,- and- fijeering. themfefees .with one lgg?. whilfe the
isj r-a-ifed1 °Rt o f 'fe e water, feeiy brealb-repafing, <prl the-plank,
apd opp hand moving them forward, .fe fe t ie furf begins lohgyfeer
^'W-s P? fee-rapidity o f its motion, fecreafes, i theyi aso cansied onwajd
the mojl amazing velocity, till fee fu r f is ready :fo break on fee
fed p tw jieh y in a mbment, theyfoefet'-fefemfoliles roundwith fo (jufeh
a, n^Yaafentj agitl dwtfeesdfefeiaofe through fee -and-rifi-tiabii-''
tho-owfede, fwim back again, to the place where fee-ferf.fhft begin?
to fw-ell, diving ah the way through' the. waves, which are running
fur-ioiifiy on, fee ihore. :
In the co.urfe o f this amufcmerit they fometimes run foul o f each
other, when many are fwimming together; thofe who are coming on
AOt being'able to flop their motion, and thofe who are moving the