Jboufes,: to thefe they-bow and crofs ■ themfelvSs'as.fheyc.pafs, ’Indeed
theyTeem funk in 'rdolafify. 'T h e number ^aBt their priefts is immense.
The town.feemed not bigger than' Briftol, and can haidly
contain more than' two hundred thoufand ih'Ea&bhaints.' 1
. Our.atteni&AfWas arreftedrby' a grand proceflion o f priefts,1 nuns,
mourners1,! &£• entering one'jpf their- .cafhedralsLovhich I was j Httrig
with black,’ and blateing'.with ‘lamps'. 'T h e prayers weies chanted,
and choruffes -fujig; ta;ec6mp?.tiied.\h3^ a .band'of' rrrufic::*oThe fight
afflidted us-;, .to'-behold fuoh; external'pomp'of worthip-lMlti p j idif-
cover-no7trake>'oPtheiphre .undefiled^religioh o f J e f r fe ii!
They are/vjery .jealous? o-f-ftraagers onlabeohhfi|oft teheir diamohd
mines/ whereTo. many, rhiferable- African^ ate-yearly/facrifi'eed. i/W e
palled.. thejafiJjitSfy hdlpitM,■; on #fae^tky IpcFabotibW mile fromTthfe
city j but I did.not’vifitfit; .fays the: furgeoh, left I tmighb chrry^fome
infe&jon on board.• Not far diftant, in_a beautiful, valley ,’ fe? the
viceroy’s magnificenFchapel} and they are now erecftirig’adarge cathedral
near it | wherela -midtitudeToT flave&vvere enfiployetbj '■ ■ ahd'to dhare
in the merit pfifcbe/wwki, t bhey informed-nsifeveral: youihs’lof opulent
families afiifted, railing a.vaft : fuperftnnfture on: a Tandy .'foundation:
I retired to my cabin in the evening, praying,1 that theTkovda^ould
fend hither his.pr<k#ous gofpel with dcmonftration o f, his fpirit' and
power. |
; Upon the whole, we had every reafon to.be Tatisfied’ wid^ie|ifeecep-
tion, and embraced-the. opportunity o f a Ihip fading for -Europe/to
convey intelligence to-Pur friends. '
- Though the following letter addrefled by the miffionaries to the
directors has been publifhed, it properly and defervedly claims a part
in this narrative; and with ithve fliall clofe the trânfaélions at Rio
Janeiro., 1
, “ pniiOjbt ttit DpER,in Brl10«t ofll 1(5 tk.,j>, c irQ,
B'/nTsaifu An <-n ov?TT’aw f
,.;/i ‘ ‘ _Dear, an^hpj»t^^t^rgth|en,j!v j
■ M ^fjthi’nb it, ©ur-,di#y :,fo^n^J^i|^^%Pha^vedsat!|hi.s
biP-iVft) a fi Ada v f ,t i •2t<lianft^'Pt ,iftu£ \ c n*s\ pd^5^nd,5'jj^c
“ day. .>j$Vie t£jlna9§jfsipH n nrlR^diu^sIcdgeKdkc. gieat'S'goo'fiife^ o f
h ^ ^ e e ^ a y purad.-Wiih,
V- fi^cejjaujrjdppaiiture from? ou®fGp|^^%d'H^.iii*iCiri^x}apsstherehf.
,«■ > W e have not experienced h la ^ a^ f^ ^ i^ h a d ^ e a^ ^ f in q i^ p were
u,p©q'#h^b'ofom ,o£ ;jbe grea'fjidegpi u*^iM‘sga<^3^yp% ih
y Wds.ofei^G^diiwhaVefbeempropihpiasdS ^Theafi.etyAeait'’gfeithe
flii<n g^heh eaith/k-^ijfae^efhraysr.
^y^b^mteh^^Eg-Scloudsr o J f c^ ^ ^ ^ iE ^ ^ .t liia t i'w e 'h f ls fe r^ ^M
IhVnience^tha'fe'i ,w,ei were naturaillyri^ ftb$©xpe& -j,v.(^r(^j^tait>ions'(^f
iyjtfiekpe|s-hav<ibe&h partial«,andstenfient ;, -feWE b|vipg{beendaff^ed>,
%v^a®,§jlth^b-; thlS'tgbsidisfcel^goodfflefe^-trf^gedilyi^SEp^iovep^st fiM®.
tM'dEyiih eye^ptpd^ who-k/hfPn^h^weaMiefs and on
■ /t‘ a^e,kh^?i^^S^hra!^litile! health finceiojjr dtparteu'e-, from ^I|ipifland ^
*{‘ however.,- from the-tihis^fttour arrival-in, this har^auirs^fbsjhappears
1!lh ’ tcv.lved-. «a^h>pbnndffly
’./‘ ‘'•nifhPd: byv‘apsr*hh^M!|^d|s h^htncte|R^ er<^itf5^‘T^lHbo*tfaialkft
a y w mt. ‘^Oui il tuition lias bc0hUrhicds dirt6tul<^|liOn ulnv-ot. the-
TOf^atrownts of tht’ifl’inll^of tlfe South £>Oiy and a< quhij^ *lbinc kntjlw-
ledgU-<^fres'@¥ilhei:tMfilkngiiagie , ' t\omf+be*pi o\ ldtntiuirn.ieans put
intooi#^Hands?#other'1tfta(hi4s>?of a fcientific iJlaturo we have not
“ been able to pay general application to. The worftiip o f thl^Moft
“ High has bun duly and conft^ptls attended, without m y »miffion
“ but when neceflity or prudence made it warrantable^ Whatever
“ fpiritual trials we individually haVe fiiffhr^d
1 menn from Godi' and o u |^ S a v i^ rJefuS liGhriftf hfe^more than
“ compenfated. Harmony and concordife^t^inue am®^;^ as^^pdy