lervation arc, a dyfenteryj o f w hich the perfon is recovered; a dropfy,
o f which we have fccn but one cafe ; a: diforder among the children;
which fpreads all oven them like the fmall-pox, and feems*'-bf as
loathfome but more inveterate nature ; for we found one in this con-* our firft landing feveral months ago,.- and there feems no- alteration
upon him as y e t; its long continuance is probably ©Wingr'tO
improper t r e a tm e n tw e know not-whether-it-be. infe'(flidus. ’ What
feems rrioft general'is an ulcerousTore, to which they are very TumT
je<£t . . In one family ..of our acquaintance there *ar$mb IcfS tharf four
perfons much afiedted h y . i t : the poor man has loffi thfe uife h f ,!Ms
limbs .entirely, fo that he is not able to Hand-Upright, - andAnany
parts o f his body are affedted j and what'riefiderif- life cafe truly
pitiable, his w i fe is in little better condition* a great part of-‘her
breafts is already confumcd, and one leg and arm are ivery* bad. -: Two
o f their lervants are nearly in as bad a Hate as themfolvesj they have
often applied to us for affiftance, > which'could we: affbrd them, -wb%ld-
certainly-xaife itis ftilli higher in .their efteem j-hut-at ptefent we!haVe-
neither proper medicines;. nor fkill to effeft any thing this-way?'
In fome. cafes we have leen old women apptyithe juice Of • thb %feS.d-
fruit, tied up in leaves, :and* made, hot, with which they rubbed the
wound j but it leemed to produce no gcfedyfiftSw WAs?ihey:Ba#§%ot
the lead: idea o f phyfic, whatever disorder they are att3£kod‘ with ha&
its :fulf courfe, and often: proves fatal.
34th. The principal Wife'of FuttalSihe'-wasdelivered o f ffier fifth
child, the Ion and heir o f his • dominions* -oa whieh ’occafion very
confiderable prelents were made.
25th. The great enudee, or natche, defcribed by Cook, was held
at Mooa. Men in proceffion carried a yam, fufpended on a pole;
others, armed with fpears, cried aloud to this effedt, “ Take care to
keep the road clear:-,”land all paffengers flood at a confiderable
diftance, Ambler alfured us this was a thankfgiving to the odooa
for the late ripe yams.,. We were invited to join the proceffion, but
did not chufe to make bur fhoulders bare, which was required, andto
Wear the jeejee, a wreath ó f .the leaves o f a Ihrub called jee, around
our waift. Particular honour is paid to Futtafàihe on this occafion.
The fame ceremonies are repeated at the feafon o f early ripe yams.
The ceremonial cldfes with an amufement called fatarga, like cudgelplaying,
being fingle córriBat with llïé limbs o f the cöcöa-nut tree.
26th. Vaaijee affifted us withall his people at our abbey in levelling
the ground, and laying out and planting our garden.
27th. Our chief took a fécond wife, a daughter o f T^boomvalld«
iSMé^^ÿ'hêcorhpkmed Sy^ f e g e '‘bales o f ’hfiàddoo) * or cloth, ''of'Ton-
gatahoo, ’ In ^ e'dfterno^a he went to finifh the fuhérkl ' ceremonies’
fophis^brot-Mr, in- ceIébratin|QtËe gârxîës'Alitai on that occafion. His
ttride remained at' hofkej We felt this afternoon a ferifible fhock o f an
earthquake*-'ay Araèo * an d j^ ^ u fik a t the* litiges fcreamed. Thele
ffiocfes are -common, and fómetrmes, they informed us, fo Violentas
fo ffia-ke down; 'their trees and' höufes '
ïjl^'óth. BrotherBûchanarr diFeourféd'from 2’ Tim. iik ^ ij "brother
Kelfo; ■ froM-Exodus, xxxiift* r8b’,:'-
On Monday ' brothèrs ^ Ganftoh arid Shelly Went upon a vifit to
Dugepfgàbbôla’ ’at Mooar/ anEuïi thé afternoon chief) arrived
vrfrbm AhogeV 'and brought with him two cafloèS, in orden to
convey brother ijCooper -home. T h is he had promifed" fome time ago ;
but the fear that Dugonagàboola would be affronted at his taking any
o f gs.'Ôom ufidei^hisScire, had tiff now Üéwfredffiim.
L Aiiguft lit . Early this morning Cooper and his friend Mooree
took their departure : he is h ow the fourth o f our number that hath
left us. What end the Lord may have in view by thus feathering us
abouti we know not ; but hope that it will tend to the advancement o f
his glory', by a more general diffufion o f the gofpel over this benighted'
Mand. ABdut funfet we had another fhock o f an earthquake,
which lafted about à minute and a half, and was felt over the whole
aland. -Ambler, we 'hear, is again in our neighbourhood, *
On the 3d, brothers Gaulton:;ahd Shelly returned from Mooa,
where they had met with brother Veefon, who was in health and high -