
F ft lu i l l e
C a r a b o i d c a .
I l y d r o c a n t b a r i d a
B r a c h c l y t r a . . .
S t c r n o x a . . . .
1. B i i p r c s t i d c a
2. E l a t e r i d a .
M a l a c o d e r m a t a
X y l o t r o g i .
C l a v i c o r n î a
L a n i e l l i c o r n l a
T a x l c o r n l a . .
T c n e b r i o n i d a
I l e l o p i d a . . .
T r a c l i e l i d a . .
S t e n e l y t r a . .
T r a c l i c l o p h o r
R h y n c l i o p h o n
I. Araneae
2. Pseudoscorp.
3. Solpugae
X y l o p l i a g a . . .
o n g i c o r n i a . .
C h r y s o m e l i n a .
C o c c î n e l l i n a . .
e l a p h i i . . . .
J u l i d a e ......................
S c o l o p c i i d r i d a c
* A r c h â l d a e .
E p e l r i d a c . . .
M i t b r a c i d a e .
T h e r i d i d a e . .
A g e l e n i d a e .
D r a s s i d a e . . .
i o d o n t i d a e
D y s d e r i d a e . .
T h o m i s i d a e . .
E r i s i d a e . . . .
A t t i d a e . . . .
O p i l i o n i d a c .
G o n y l e p t l d a o
T r o m b i d i d a e .
B d e l l i d a e . .
O r i b a t i d a e .
S a r c o p t i d a e
G a m a s i d a c .
L e p i s m i d a c .
P o d u r i d a e . .
P o ly s tîc iu is , Dromîus 9 , Olivina, Nebrla, ÎC h la n iiia , Ca la th u s, P te ro s ticliiis
2 , Ila rp a lu s 4 , * — Noch unbestimmt 3 .....................................
G y r i n u s ...................................................................................................................................
Aleocharim 2 , Tac liy p o ru s 2 , Tach in u a 4 , M y c c to p o n is , Philoiithiis,
Q iicdlus, Lathrobium 2 , Stilic iis 2 , S tcn u s , A iith o p h ag u s, Omalium,
* — Unbcst. ..........................................................................................................
A g rilu s 2 , * _ * _ * - Unbcst. 9 ...............................................................
Eucnemis 4 , M ic ro rh ag u s, Limonius 3 , Cry p tohypniis 2 , u n best. 6 4 . .
Cy phon 2 5 , S c y r te s 2 , ? L a n ip y rIs , L y cu s 2 , C a n th a ris 9 , Malthinns,
Malachius 3 , E b a e u s , ?D a s y tc s , * — ........................................................
T illu s 10, Opilo, C o ry n e te s 4 , ?Lym ex ilo n , Ciipcs 3 , P tîlîn n s 8 , D o rc a -
toma 2 , Anobinm 9 , P tin n s, Scydmaenus 3 ......................................
Scaphidiiim 2 , Catopa 3 , ? S tr o n g y ln s , NlUdula 5 , C ry p to p h a g iis 9,
ü c rm c s te s 3 , A n th ren u s 3 , U ls te r, Tliro sc iis H , B y rrh n s 5 , Limiiielms,
* _ Unbcst. 1 8 .........................................................................
P l a t y c e r u s .......................................................................................................................
B o le to p h a g iis, A n iso tom a, * — ..................................................
Orch es ia oder lla llo in cn u s 6, * — .....................................................................
Cistela .............................................................................................................................
An th icu s 2 9 , R îp ip h o riis , Mo rd clla 1 7 , An asp is 1 8 ...............................
ÎN c c y d a lîs , O e d e m c r a ..............................................................................................
P y r o c h r o a .......................................................................................................................
A n th rib u s , .4pion, S ito n e s , Hylobiiis 2 , Phytonomiis 2 , Pîs so d e s 2
R h y n c h ite s , * - * — Unbest. 1 8 .........................................................
Hy lcsinus 2 5 , Cis 11, ÎS y lv am is 2 , Lath rid iu s 2 , R h izo p h ag iis, C o ly -
d i„ „ ,, * _ * _ 1 3 ........................................................................................
Molorchns, Lamia 4 , Callidiiim 3 , S a p e rd a 5 , L cp tn ra 6 . . . .
Haemonia, Gallcriica 16, Chrysomela 5 , Haltica 3 9 , P h a la cn is 5 , * — * —
Coccinella 5 , L y co p e rd în a , ?S c ym n iis , * — Unhest. 2 . . . .
B ry a x is , P s elap h iis 4 , Eu ploctiis 2 .....................................................................
O n isc iis, P o r c e l l io ................................
P o lly x e n iis , J u in s , Craspcdo.soma
C c rm a tia , L i t h o b i u s .........................
* G e a , Z i l l a ..............................................................................................................................
* A n d r o g e n s .............................................................................................................................
* F l e g ia , * C l y a , E r o , T h e rid ium , * E r ig o u c , M ic ry p h an te s , Linyphia,
♦M iz a lia , * C l y t h i a ........................................................ ...........................................
T e g e n a r ia , A g e le n a , T e x t r ix , l lc r s llia , * T h y e l i a .............................................
Amau ro b iiis, P y th o n is s a , M c lan o p h o ra , M a c a ria , A n y p h a c n a , Clubiona
* S o s y b i u s ..............................................................................................................................
S e g c s lr ia , D y sd e r a , * T l ie r c a ..................................................................................
♦ S y p lia x , P h ilo d rom u s , Ocy p e te ...........................................................................
E re su s ....................................................................................................................................
P h id ip p u s , * L c d a ...........................................................................................................
C h c lifc r, O b i s i n m .................................................................................................................
Nem astom a, P la ty b im u s , O p i l i o ..................................................................................
G o n y l e p t c s ..............................................................................................................................
Tromb id ium, R h y n c h o lo p h n s , A c tin e d a , T c tra n y ch u s , P e n th a leu s , E r y -
th ra e u s ...........................................................................................................
Bd ella, C h e y l e t u s ...............................................................................................
O r i b a t e s .................................................................................................................
P e tro b iu s , F o rb ic in a , L e p ism a , *G lc s s a r ia
P o d u r a , P a id iu n i, Sm y n th u ru s, *A c r e a g r Is
D ip tera
9 t 55
5 P 19
9 74
4 9
3 7
9 42
140 280 600
2 3 3
3 5 7
2 5 'I ^
1 3 5
2 5 8
1 2 3
9 22 48
5 14 25
6 17 25
1 2 3
3 7 8
3 12 16
1 2 2
2 10 33
2 4 4
6 11 11
2 2 3
1 2 2
1 1 5
1 1 1
4 11 19
4 10 11
66 158 260
N e uroptera
F a m i l i e n .
T i p u l a r i a e
» c u H c i f o rm c i
f g a l l i c o l a e .
» f u n g i c o l a e
* t e r r i c o l a c .
. f l o r i . c o l
X y l o p h a g i .
X y l o t o m î . .
T a b a n i i . . .
A s i l i c i . . . .
E m p i d e a . . .
H y b o t î n a . .
L e p t i d c a . .
S y r p h i c i . . .
P i p u n c u l i n i .
D o l i c h o p o d e ;
M u s c i d e a . .
A n t h 0 m y i n a
T r i n e u r a e .
T c r m î t i n a . .
E m b i d a e . . .
P s o c i n a . . .
E p h e m c r l n a
L i b c l l u l l u a .
S e m b l o d e a .
P h r y g a n e o d i
S i a l i d a e . . .
P a n o r p i n a . .
M c g a l o p t e r a
Moclilonyx, Chironomus, C e rato p o g o n , T a n y p i i s ...............................
I. P sy ch o d a , *P h a Ia e n om y ia , *D ip lo n cm a , * P o s th o n . . ,
II, Cecid omy ia , C am p y lom y z a .....................................................................
M y c eto p h ila, P la ty u ra , Sc iophila, Macrour,i, * Sc ia ra
D ix a , A n iso n ie ra, Cyliiidrotonia, * S ty rin g ia , * T o x o rh in a , Rhamphidia,
♦ Macrochile, * - , *T rich o n e u ra , * — , * T a n y s p h y ra ,
* — , * A d e t u s , Tip u la .................................................................................
Sin iu lia , D ilo p h u s , P le c ia , S c a to p s e , R y p h u s ............................................
* E lc c tr a , *C h ry so th em is , * — ...............................................................
T h c r e v a .............................................................................................................................
Silv iu s .............................................................................................................................
A s ilu s , D a a y p o g o n .............................• .................................................................
Em p is, Rum phomyia, Gloma, T a c h y d rom ia , Brachystoma . . . .
H y b o s , L e p to p e z a ...................................... ....................................................................
L e p t is , A t h e r i x ........................................................................................................... ...............................................
P i p u n c u l u s .......................................................................................................................
P o rp h y ro p s , M e d e tc ru s , C h r y s o t n s .....................................................................
* sü — ...............................................................................................
♦ ü* _ ...........................................................
P l i o r a ...................................................................................................................................
T e r m e s ........................................................
E m b i a ...............................................................
Pso cu s .........................................................
B a ë tis , P a lin g e n ia , *P o tam a n th u s .
A g rió n , G o n ip h u s ......................................
P e r l a , T a e n io p tr ix , L c u c tr a , Nenioura
d ro p sy ch c , A p h ilo ch eira , Psy ch om y ia, * Amphientomum
C h a u l i o d e s ..............................................................................................
B i t t a c n s ....................................................................................................
S i s y r a , C h ry so p a , ? M y r i n c c o l e o n ............................................
Z a h l de
Caltg. Arten. indiv.
4 68 2 1 6
4 14 3 8
2 10 2 4
8 49 2 9 0
18 53 106
5 10 31
3 3 4
1 1 1
2 3 4
5 27 6 0
2 2 8
. 2 7 5 6
2 6 16
1 1 1
3 4 0 2 9 8
, 2 5 8
. 2 3 5
1 5 23
68 30 8 1190
. 1 5 3 1
. • 1 1 2
1 4 13
3 3 5
. 2 2 3
4 7 10
. 9 21 70
, 1 1 1
i 1 1
. 3 3 4
26 4 8 140
Die m erkw ü rd ig ste u nd frap p an te ste Ersc h ein u n g in d ie s e r , unserem Auge sich n unmehr etwas
k lare r en th ü llen d en Z e i t , ist un s tre itig das gleichzeitige g e m i s c h t e V o r k o m m e n von Organismen,
deren g rö sse re Zahl wir u n te r einheimischen fü r indigene halten w ü rd e n , und wiederum s o lc h e r, deren
nächste V e rwandte j e tz t fremde H im m elsstric h e bewohnen und d urch alle VVelttheile z e rs tre u t sind. E s ist,
als wä re d e r u rw e ltlich e B ern steinw a ld d e r gemeinschaftliche Ausgangspunkt vie le r je tz t himmelweii
von einander g e tre n n te r G a ttu n g e n gewesen. Auch die F lo r a u nd In se k te n - F au n a u n se re r heutigen
Ostsee -P rovinzen zeichnen sich aus durch die Vereinigung m eh re re r Pflanzen un d Thiejre, die man fü r
eigenthümliche a n d e re r L ä n d e r zu h a lten p flegt. Dem B o ta n ik e r sind als solche G ew ä c h se , möge e r sich
fü r dieselben auch d e r Ausdrücke „ e in g ew a n d e rt und bei uns a u sd a u e rn d “ b ed ie n en , Bunia s orientalis,
Ga linsogea p a rv ifo lia , Vinca minor, Aesculus H ippoca stanura u. s. w., dem Entomologen u n te r den Insekten
Carabus marginalis F ., G y rin u s s tria tu s F ., Scarabaeus chrysomelinus F ., Cetoaia fasluosa F ., Sap erd a
Seydlii FroiiL, llip ip h o ru s parad o x u s P anz., Catocala pac ta, Argynnis Laodic c u. s. w. bekannt. V o r einigen
J a h re n wurden in meinem G a rte n zu L a n g e fu h r zur H e rb s tz e it m eh re re schöne Raupen aufgesammelt, aus
denen S p h in x Ne rii hervorging.
E s lassen sich alle d e r B e rn s te in -F o rm a tio n angehörenden Organismen nach ihrem H a b itu s in v ie r
Abtheilungen b rin g en :
I . O r g a n i s m e n m i t e i n h e im i s c h e m G a t t u n g s t y p u s . D e r e rs te Anblick des vollen In se k te n -
Complexes zeigte uns ein g ro s se s, aus acht scheinbar e i n e m Lan d e angehörenden T ru p p e n th e ilen zu-
l i . '