9iad)bem neuerbingg bie bigfjer bett 2ftptf)en=©r$aijlem
übertaffene .groergfrage ©egenftanb ttuffenfdjaftlicfjer ®e|attb=
Imtg in ber ©tljnologie getporbett ift, brauet faum no$ be-
fonber§ barauf aufmerffant gemacht ¿u werben, baff bie ©e=
geidEjnung „Broerge" nur fe^r mteigentlid!) gilt, unb obraoijl
fie für ben $acE)mann iljre ©nifdfjulbigung in fürjer Bequem=
licljfeit ftttben mag, bodfj beim ^>inblic6 auf abnorme ^werg^
bilbungen leidet unrichtige Sluffaffungen heroorrufen tonnte,,
benn Bufdfjmang foroofil, wie Obongo unb Babongo bleiben
innerhalb ber normalen Berpltniffe. einer Heineren (einer,,
gleich norbifdfjen, biminutioen) 2ftenfcf)enraffe. ^ n ben beiben
le&teren Dieprafentauten ift ¿ugleidf) bie Unbeftimmtijeit beg-
Diameng feft§u^atten, ber fd^on im Often unter oerfdEjiebenen.
Socalifirungen ber Bongo oorfommt, unb ber im SBeften non
ben mit bem ^nnern raenig oertrauten Diegern ber üüfte
balb auf' bie o^rfömmerten SBatbmenfdfjen unfteter Beljau=
find any game, they eat the horse. The county of the Abatwa
(hiding in the high grass) is dreadful, for men do not see the man.
with when they are going to fight. The Abatwa are fleas, which
are unseen whence they come, yet they teaze a man (Sattatoa^).
2>ie ©teinmommiente tmtrbert (in ©ad)fen) 3 toergI8cf)er genamtt (nad)
©cfijarbt), unb fo in Sttbien, Gtaucafus n f. to. In many parts of
Imerina and the central provinces rude obelisks of basalt rock,
called (in SfiiabagaScar) fahatnarovana (causing to remember) or
tsangam-bato (erected stones), are set up as memorials of some
great chief of former times if. ©three). 2)te Onimog geiten al8 3 h>erge,
unb Serefeiung empfangen bie ©ra&er ber SSajimba. A colony of the
Vazimba (dispossessed in Imerina by the Hovas) exists in a part
of the Sakalava country (f. ©iBree). As soon as a man is married
and becomes the head of a household," he sets about preparing a
family vault (of stone) in SJfabagaScar [Sfjtna, Jtegppten].
jungen angeroanbt roirb, balb aucij (ober gugleidfj) auf bie
anfaffigen Stämme, unter ober neben benen fie leben.
.gmidfjinfon t^eilt bie iSüfte ber Big^t of Biafra in bag
fumpfige 8anb mm ©ape $ormofa big 9tumbp point (roeftlid^
non ben 5lamerun=Sergen) unb bie pijere $üfte (mit Ba*
tanga) *) big ©ap S t. (50bn. Although the Banaka have
not been living long on the coast, they have become the
most noted canoemen on the whole coast (SSitfon).
3)er DHjamb-oe münbet in bie ®abun=Bap. Bon SDiunba
füljrt eine Strafte über (yfoi=©reef nadjj bem ©abun.**)
Sluf bie Sftpongwe (reinen Bluteg), bie bie Slriftoiratie re=
prafentipen (etroa 300) am ©abun, folgen bie SIbfommlinge
non 23ipongme= Bätern unb Dtüttern aug SftadEjbarftammen
(etwa 800), bann bie (Ä'inber non Dttpongme unb Sflaoinnen)
Bambai (etwa 1000). 2>ie nieberfte Piaffe bilben bie-Sflaoen.
Boh bem einft jalflreidijen (Stamm ber Bbina maren (ju
5Du ©baillu’g Beit) nur 3 ißerfonen übrig.
£)ag SDelta am ©ap ßopeg wirb burdf) ben Ooenga (mii
bem Bebenftuft Slpingi) unb ben Bembo (ber burdE) ben
Bpulunap mit bem Ogowap communicirt) gebilbet. Sin bem
(mit Blepiag unb Ba^aretl)) in bie Biünbung beg Ogowap
*) Little Batanga (enclosed within the Bight ofPanavia) and
Big Batanga (from Cape Gara-jam to the river Campo) is inha-
biter by Bapooka and Banaka tribes.
**) From the countries Boola and Gumbe (near the tribes of
Bowela and Bansi) the wory is brought down to Batanga and
Gaboon by a tribe of Bushmen known as the Dauberi or Diberi
O’. $utd)infon).