Jjerab^cmgen. 3 um 9*aud?en »erben batb tfjönerne, balb
xnetaitene )£f etf ettf öpf e *) gebraust, mit einem 9tol)r ner=
bunben. Sei ben fü h lte n '©ufäleuten finbet fid) mitunter
bie primitive ©itte be§ SftaudfenS **) au§ einem ©rblocf).
5Die §anbet§gefd)äfte werben nac) ben ^efttagen (ie^er üierte
S ag, wie bei ben SSBantfa) geregelt, unb ju t Sere^nung .
bienen nietfacp Änotenftricfe.***) 3 « bem (Jlöbbergott (ber
*) The Niam-Niam smoke from clay pipes, consisting of elongated
bowls without stem (Sanity ben meitcamicpen). Sbre aßurfmeffer
etttfbrecpen benen ber gaon. The discus or quoit (the favorite weapon
of Vishnu") is now used only by the Akälis or. Sikh-Fanatics of
the Punjab (Suittttngpam). Se t SBttig bon ®ajila übte fict) mit bem
25t8cu8 unb ©peer, ntnp * rt ber ©rieten (*tt 3lpoHonin8’ Beit)., iKeben
®fagape, Pfeile u. f n>. bebiente man fid) in £luiitengue§ (bei SSeitguela)
do porrinho (arma d’arremesso). Bu ben ÜJiantati, bie ftif) (neben ber
©treitayt) beg SBurfeifen? bebientett, gehörten' nod) bie $8a»cloqueetti unb
ajia^oflogani (i-gritfcp). SBet ben ©abberi (auf ber-©trage »on fflaffena
nad) ÜJluggu) pei|t bag §anbei)en ©jigabji (f- SSartp), atg SBaffe- SDie
$ibbu fiipreit bag SBurfeifen (©cpangoimattgor).
**) The Ghilji (having no chillam) had made two holes in
the ground, connecting them with a hollow reed, the tobacco he
placed at one end and having lighted it, he filled his mouth
with water and lying flat upon the ground, inhaled the smoke
(f. äkaffon). * . . .
***) Unter ben ©riittbeit, ba§ bon ben Afncams Gumiensibus et
Angolanis bem „Peruvianae genti“ fein Urfprung gegeben fei, ffi^rt ©net
an: Funieulos diversicolores certis nodis distinctos adhibent ad
computos utrique (quod et ad Sinas transiit), solem etiam et lunam
utrique adorant (bann bie 3hna*onen'. Nam cum Afncae mterioris
incolis commercia habuerunt Ethiopi ad occasum prope'Oceanum
siti (1681). The hill people and some of the wilder clans of
Sindhis have a peculiar kind of divination by means of knotted
strings. Seven pieces of equal lenght are twisted round the
thumb and tied together, secundum artem, when the line is drawn
Ouipilleê. 39
Saiau) werben Änotentaue ¿um ^eitredjnen gebraucht (f.'@em=
per), mie auf ben Sftartanen (nadj Se ©obten).
2Bte baS Sabu in ffMpneften, laffen fid) in Sifriia bie
Sefiimmungen ber Quipilïeë audj für nationaiôfonomifdje
3 we<ïe*) netwenben, um bei broljenbem SDiifjwactjg ben 35ers*-
brauch im SorauS ¿u befcpranien.
out, the different combinations- of Knots, tha t appear upon its
lenght, enable consultera to judge of what is likely to happen
(f. SSurton). ®ie (9îuêi genannten) Snotenfcpnüre, unb S5erfdb(jngungen
bienen auf ben ipalau-Snfein pm Ueberbringen bon Sotfd&aften (f. ©emper).
La numération s’arrête à cinq (les cinq doigts de la main). Il sait
exprimer dix, en, montrant à la fois tous les doigts de deux mains,
quinze, en joignant un de ses pieds et vingt (un homme entier ou
tiéii aboulip) en montrant à la fois les deux pieds et les deux
mains (en Néo-Calédonie). Dans les quelques cas où le chef a
besoin de procéder à de longues opérations (p. e. au recensement
de ses tayos), il prend de petites ficelles où il fait autant de
noeuds qu’il y a de personnes dans sa tribu. A chaque naissance
un noeud de plus, h chaque décés un noeud de moins ^atouigetjv
*) There are laws (in Australia) intended for the preservation
of food, such as that, which enjoins, th a t „no vegetable production
used by the natives as food should be plucked or gathered when
bearing seed“ (f ©rep). SBer bie SRaupe bom 93autrte eitteg 3Inbern
ijjt, totrb ïratt!, bamit tit SSuftralien bte ©getttpumgredpte getoabrt merberr.
A young man may not eat the black duck, emu, young kangaroo
from the pouch, eagle, snake, native companion, bandicoot, and
old man opossum. Voung girls before the age of puberty could
not take the young from the pouch, the white crane, bandicoot,
native companion, or old male of wallalay. Married young woman
must not taste the male opossum, black duck, native companion,
snake, young from pouch, bandi oot or emu-egy. Women during
menstruation must not eat fish or go near water. No female could
-eat fish, caught under cliff's, where they spawn. Married men
under forty years could not eat of the young from the pouch, the
red kangaroo, crane or native companion. The old men and