2 4 33otmtta.
fffebett ben ©enoffenfdbaften (ober'@eljeimbünben) ber
üftänner biXben fid^ in Stfrifa (roie in ben ©lobbergott ber
$aíau*Jnfeln) folcf)e ber grauen, unb fielen $ S3, am
©abun in felbftftanbiger 2Iugbilbung ba. SDa§ Sßorljerrfdjen
beg (fpater nor ber Patria potestas *) juriicftretenben) S u tle r:
redjt§ fteitt oft mit p olitic en Serljältniffen in ®ejieí)ung,
mie im inbifdjen 2Ir^tpelago, menn ffüdfjtige gürften (beg
Jgfanberftammeg) in einljeimifdije prftenfamitien |inein=
f)eiratl)eten, unb fo im alten Speien. 2>er ©ried^e $rotig
erlangte bie Sanbereien gur ©rünbung non SDiarfeifleg,
inbem iljn ©pptig, S o fte r beg iíñnigg SRafin, beim $eft
gum Sräutigam burdb £)arreicfjung beg ífelcíjeg erroäljlte.
S£ie 9tu§cinionenfe§ liefen (naá) bem Vertrage mit .ben
©arlljagern) iljre Klagen burcl) einen @erid)t§f)of non grauem
\ in ben öfttic^en 5]3prenaen) entfctjeiben (f. ^ßtutarct)). J n
manchen Streiten JSübafrifaS finb bie gJringeffinnen mit
-^ßrarogatioen auggeftattet, bie iljnen $reif)eit in ber SBaljl
*) Relationship, according to Plato, consisted in having the
same domestic deities, and Demosthenes proves th a t men are akin
by shewing, th a t they had the same worship, and presented
offerings at the same tomb. As funeral repasts are only offered
to male ancestors, so a t first relationship was only by the fa th ers
side (SBarfer). In India, the head of a family twice a month oilers
a cake to his fathers manes, the same to his grand father by the
father’s side, and great grand father, but to his fourth, fifth and
sixth ancestors in the ascending line, he offers only a few grains
of rice and a libation. Two men are related, if one of those ancestors
is common to both. They are Sapindas if this ancestor
is one who receives a cake, on Samanodacas, if he only has the
water and rice. No relationship through women is accounted of,,
barattä bann weiter »erroanbtid?aftt'd?e 3?qei<bmmgett.
ber f a n n e r unb über ben SSe^fel berfelben geftatten. Unb
fo ifeifjt eg in îraoancore : The husbands of the Tambu-
rettis or princesses have no rank nor authority whatever
(Hamilton). SDie grauen 9tomg bilbeten (unter ^eliogabalug)
ein senaculum (conventus matroniim).
Ju n g fra u en roerben oft (gleidf ber non O rte an g ) gur
Jü ljru n g ober (roie bei ben Sebuinen) gur Slnfeuerung ber
S tre ite r benu$t, unb im iReict) beg ©agembe träg t eine
folcjfje bie gemeinte ÜJiepira n o ra n , roätjrenb anbere ©r=
oberungggüge (bei J a g a , ïïftantati u. f. ro .^ n o n muffigen*)
g rau en geleitet finb.
J n Äaffa roerben bie © e f^ te^ te r fo fireng getrennt-
gehalten, roie $ ra p f to n ®ilbo Ijôrte, ba§ fie n u r iftadjtg
gufammenfommen unb am Stage in uerfdfjiebenen 9fiäumlic^=
feiten rooifnen. ® i£ mannbaren SDiabc^en leben (in S om m a )
unter ber $ u t einer alten $ ra u in bem rotben § au fe ober $u=
bata am ifu ju fa (nad§ $Ragpar). Sle^ntidbeg bei Sjßapua u .f . ro.
$)ie Jerfp titteru n g in $olge ^ SDiutterrecfjtg, roie in
Sluftralien bie Serpffidjtung gur SlutradEje jeben Slugenblicf
bie näd^ften Serroanbten in gegenüberftefienbe Heerlager
*) At the burial of a Salish chief, the bravest woman of the
tribe, one used to carrying ammunition to the warrior when engaged
in fight, bared her breast to the person who for courage
and conduit was deemed fit successor to the departed From the
breast he cut a small portion, which he threw into fire. He then
a t a small piece from the shoulder of the warrior, which was
also thrown into the fire. A piece of bitter root, with a piece of
meat, were next thrown into the fire, all these being intended as.
offerings to the sun (f. £orb).