greater frequency of respiration*) in the black race,
than in the white“ (and the inferior frequency in the
Indians). 2Dte fiiefjenbe (Stirn, bie für ben Sieger **) cbaraf=
teriftifd) gilt, wirb in Soango burd) bte Settle in ber SDiitte
beg ©orber!opfe§ (an einer p|renologifc| „SBergleidjungggabe
unb £|atfad§enfinn" befunbeten Socalitat) mobificirt, unb
B. SBitticb fanb ben @eiicf)t§min!el berühmter SDianner
©uropag ungünftiger at8 bei feiger Sufdjmännin. 2lbgefe|ett
non ber Hinneigung jur 23rad)pcepbalte in mancherlei ©trieben
Slieberguineag, bilbet ber bolidEiocepbate Sieger burcb feinen
ßänggfopf ben ®egenfa& §ur SBradEjpcepbalie furjfopfiger S0ion=
golen, rote' aud) bie enggefdjli&ten Slugen biefer in i|re r
*) The circumference of thorax at full inspirations is less
than for the whites by an inch and a quarter for the full black
and an inch and four tenths for the mixed races. The difference
after exhalation is somewhat less than a quarter-inch for thg
former and somewhat greater for the latter class (©oulb). The
circumference of thorax is much greater, than in the whites (among
the Indians). ~
**) The proportion between the frontal and the occipital circumferences
(in the United States) discloses the fact, th a t the
occipital is the larger for all the classes of white men, being a
maximum for the most intellectual class, while the frontal is larger
for Indians, full blacks and men of mixed race (©oulb). The self-
protecting organs, Combativeness, Destructiveness, Secretiveness,
Cautiousness give breadth to tho brain, and the Social give lenght.
Uttter ben bon S u (Sfjaitiu bon gernanbo SSaj mttgebradtten @d)abetn,
foiote ber ber (Saimna (Sartigne’s) unb ber üucumtë bon SBenin, ergaben
$amb’8 SMeffungen meiatteepfjaltfdje unb and) brad)pcepbalifd)e. Soumis
à l’action du feu, les cheveux des Nègres exhalent une odeur de
laine, ceux des autres hommes une odeur de come (Davesiés
de Pontés).
fdjrägen Sage bett rmtben*) ber Sieger tpptfdj gegenüber
fielen. ®ie im Slorben Slfrifag aug arabifcben Begebungen
erllarltdbe Hinneigung |ü femili^em 2lugbrucf ift aucb weiter
füblicb beobachtet warben, unb in Sluftralien fanb Blit^eH
(am SDarling) features decidedly jewish (1831). A Portuguese
Jew of Bordeaux and a German Jew of Metz
appear both to be absolutely different, ©er Jtefrigerationg=
apparat beg 9leger§ in Ablagerung beg unuerbrannten SlefteS
non floblenfioff in ber Pgmentfdjicbt wirb unterftüßt burcb
bie glatte unb Ijaarlofe H.ant. ,,^e banner bie ©pibermig,
welche bie Söärme fc^lec^t leitet, je weniger bie HautfieUe
bebaart ift, um fo ftärfer wirb non iljr ber 2Bärmeabfluß
fein" (Banfe). 5 « feiger unb auggebebnter Suft ge§t ber
Berbr ennunggprocefj in ber Sunge weniger rafcb non ©tatten;
inbem weniger ^oblenfäure in bent feudjtwarmen SSlebium
auggeatbmet wirb, bauft ficb ber ^oblenfioff in größerer
SDlenge im Blute an. Slur burcb nermebrte ©aHenabfon=
berung unb gefieigerte functioned ©batigfeit ber Seber oer=
mag bag Blut fidb beg Uebermafjeg non ^oblenftoff gu ent=
lebigen. ©lebnliefje $unctionganftreugungen ber Seber beobachtet
*) The distance between the eyes, so very larges in the
embryonic condition increases in the order: student, sailor, soldier
Indian, mulatto, negro (©onib) in ben SBeremigten Staaten The’
Assyrian face is very common (on the Lintipe) (tm ^ a fM w b )
being as well shaped, as those depicted in the ancient Assyrian
and Egyptian monuments. The lips are mone like those of Europ
a s , than of the West coast negroes (f. Stbingfione). Heads
(&(mfiger^al8. bet ©nglcinbern) may be observed prolonged a little
backwards and upwards like tha t of Julius Caesar (mit ben %tti>a).