V A R I J i L E C T I O N E S
P a e !474- A r ‘c tcm Q u xq n C .H a r l.ctomqvteat. Ibid. o w JC. H. ««/t^lbid. eS-
TO{l J , I caemend,exC .H. p r o sW i . I b id .& M ! jM g * cmend'.cx C H ' c“ m in
ap ographolegatur ,*>*{ ^ i b i d . i o . e x C .H : cum m ap o g rap h o le -
g a t u r Ibid. mtua&fa-Ta yst emend,cx C . H. p ro_ ^*<3^ ‘CtyW- ibid.
B8 i7n f» In C .H .*W '= 3> t - Ib id .C 5 .^ ’ eiTfr'7ro«2<2ci «© 9 - a d d ita e x C .
Harl.cum in apographo deeffent. Ibid. 7. tv Ajj*« emend. cx C .H . pro W -
lbid.8. a 's ^ 'A i U aC a r .C o rd .inH a r l.v e rb .r tsd « * * - ' * C , ,
P a g.4 77 A 8)'v^'«p,^0>emend. pro .vja^nyts.Ibid.Bc.eiAflo
tun |SsC<i*j?io#tiM|$47r A%Kji>Sf5o'»oV £ A oWi'^-locumhuncitarcftituicumin
apograpbo legeretur e/^V 3$ «’ « aytitotn (hiCa-tshaytios ti 3 (ia/roli^eaSay
JmV tiouTntyt. negationem autem addcndam putamus, cum alioqui fen-
fus non conftet. Ibid. C j.c#- emend, cx C .H . proi'si.ibid. D a. Si additum cx
C . H.Inapographodeeft.Ibid.3 . o-n C. H. oii. ibid. <5- x p - fw emendatum ex
Cat. Harl p r o ^ fM b i d . E 4. cx-tv» ;^ « vulg.
Pag 476. A X «zr£ji.ryilte->TtfC.lla.daz&*-mry*itern(.
Ibid. j .w C a t .H dclet. Ib id .^ n * e x C a t .H .In a p o g r a p h o le ^ itu r^ joM .
Ibid. B 3. ^a .m< p a iy iC - H. c ta .mm Q a ija i.lb id - Cat. H. ^>eira<. Ibid. D
4.eW</9w!K>raCat. H. tTmoJatt-n. Ibid. <z3vmm<r&p'ns C a t. H. ’P nm v rrLm .m .,
Ib id E 2 aia.mifa>wcmend ex C a r H'-pto atAvnfy)im<. Ib id. 4. to n tf? emen-.
datumex Cat-H pro nmtSf-. Ibid. 7 .t f m m m f c C a t .H .r n r a n u ^ v . *
Pacr.477.B a. 7 deedm Cat. Harl Ibid.4. f y emendauipnus pro & -
fim.Ibid.6 &5iinCat.H.e's«/,Ibid.Ct.aniicat.H.di-dul. Ibid.E5. cx eat.
Harl. pro t! j>y>.
Pag. 478. A 7 tL o a t W ’°'xAm emend, ex C . Harl. cum in apographo
legeretur tlal •ntoxfw- Ibid. 8 ytyttom cmend. ex cat. Harl. pro y t-
^Pifo-ri. Ibid. B 1. Ttijrmi emend, cum eflet in ap o grap h o , M uto>. Ibid. B 7. S£*ei-
^tucat. Harl. imiu&jfn. l
Pag. 479 B i.aiaipW ' emend, pro «*’«)ƒ6«r. Ibid. C 1. btou/tS/iav in apograp
ho vitiose Ibid. D 4 .677a)Ti£<diineat. Harl. *yx>n a(lut,<5 t. Ibid. 5. a t
InC.H.mrd«» lb id .7-iWA4 y> cx cat- Harl- cum in aP0ora’Pho leg atur
a t Or»
P a g .480. A7- A’mv»ofm*conieduravfi emendauimusproSfe-tcf-ny.
Ibid. C 9 dm'rzipx/j.ltlw in Cat. H. ^ r n ^ fo .y y X tlw , fed & in marginefcri-
ptum erat d tn 'r c ty y itlu i .Ibid. D 2. n w 7j%cSof cat.H. nwn%Tcdai- Ibid. 4. h x c
verba T t i% v £ nPr ex eat. H arl. additafunt,cum in apographo deeflenr.
Ibid. E 7, »ucra^cfwTis C . Harl. ibid. C i.^iG-A^tAeofCat* HarL o\cu»-
Pag. 481. A 4. r\jzmr. Inv. d id cau. '^ T n x t x ^ j fie ex eaten. Harl. in apographo
legebatur, r^on99rA»iT?6Ta<7rw$ did caouvoh ibid* I©«
^•n^eiyav CX C. Hatl. pro fld'TS7ntya»l'. ibid. 4. fETC^A»CP^fc^f'n H'TTW
»01« cat. Harl- vfWiti Y&WK&vtvn'nv'i'rnt x«xA>i/tAyo^>lbid. E X. (£ in
apographo,e^oi,,n«^fiTig^t«,lbid.3/ emend.cxc. Harl. cumin apographo
effet, aicLTnxpcavf, ibid. deeft in apog*** In c. Harl. legitur. ibid.Ej .
In cat. Harl. continuo (cquitur v S a »
fjuj ctA«J»!i* cA e f^ v »f t * ^ ^
Pag. 483 A 3. ciiotkfMwJzliis C a t Harl. ctunLfAdfytjffa Ibid. 4. in C* Harl. de-
C O M M . I N I O A N N . E V A N G .
eft. Ibid. 71 r * \ i t e w C . h . FAAiA^^lbid. B 1. oMtvuv in apographo vitiose le*
gebatur arJiv G&kvcJr y Ibid, yb deeft in apogr. ib id » ^ * ^ , in apographo, <p<sL~
OXCDV , Ibid. E i. S Si , 6t h - f V x v r J r , ex C a t. Harl. cum in apographo lega-
Cur, im v f t 'f f l c t c tWo-Si ciSl^ipar.
P a g .484. A i.o u e xC .H a r l. In apo grap ho , oti, Ib id .3. Ji'S^irex C . Harl.in
apogr.ei'Aij.Ibid.TVi.i'dseftinapographo,Ibid. 4. cp<trn cx C. Harl. pro <?«,
Ibid. 7. c#2£gt,i7aa3n/C. Harl. atStSivnoSai, Ibid. 8. i, tv Cat, Harl. ■ nV Ibid. B i .
emendauimus j.cum in apographo vitiose legeretur ffuncp^i^, Ibid.
4. r c ^ Q w i< ^ i y n y . y a \ l yi)'t$i £Sit. im t a t6 * y tA . 0 0% lov*^. x m tt dtvt. tLu cto
Nil?, w i y d Q & tQtv, A lite r in ap o g rap h o :0 ‘J^leuSajait s< ■nn As/toV f f eM
wdw tit Nct^cepe?) cuaf&tylu}, rtjgjcfiinis Or» i-yh^fiai, y a f fa t yb tS i -imtj&tn
r a A i^ io f xj /but 2 ^ I««?»«, ibid, c 4. Om ittit h ie , v t & reliqui paffim patres Grar-
c i, quod in Latiniscxtat initio capitis 8. de muliere in adulterio deprehenfa,
Ibid, c 8. utt^> ihiy>t.&p cat. Harl. aczfy Si e’a . Ibid. D 4 . W wp» ’(s-itUu car. Harl.
'OrtKsnesmrluj, lbid.8. vmw'&t/ttyo Harl. fy’m v / i d p u Z ^ t , Ibid.
$ . cat. Harl. i/eioxjfTa).
P a g .4 8 j A 10. KsfaCoAlw cat. Harl. Apographum^'&.GiAZiil, Ibid. B 3. uL t -
mendatum ex car.Harl. pro yi>, Ibid, c 1. locTtwiptwA* cat. Harl. cMclTiw&k, Ibid.
D y t'fe .^ iiv s cat. Harl. /wn/tStras.
Pag. 468 A 4. Sx?4vtx)/jov car. Harl. Is,AsJ!<4 «.
P a g . 488 E d. 7v9>’ 0«^ cat. Harl. n n So 0«^, Ibid. 9. tpiPwutSuuos car. Harl. <pi-
• Pag. 489 A z otcSixynwTOj,, apographum Jiity>twm, lb . 4 . (p&rtuvrti emend-
ex cat.Harl. pro tpgyrouv'&t, Ibid. 6 . oafy t i n t iAtlJas cat. Harl. o -^f 'd b t a M j i f,
Ibid. B 3. atpixyi. cat. Harl. atinyi,ibid. B c. Harl. yffavp^, Ibid, c 1. a t
it]Si iVemendatum ex car. Harl. pro tn Si 7»t, Ibid, c j.SitipTnw'Cat emendatum
pro <It! S»»», Ibid, c 1. A “« Si emend, cx cat. Harl. pro ^0 a St
P a g . 490 A 6.Ksc&.A€A9i7ra!fC. Harl. In apographo, ttoj, Ibid, 8 * ^ 1«
In cat. Harl. aJ&Ii «.^ocf, Ibid A im t ex cat. Harl. p ro Si eimit, Ibid,
c 2. dcpatifyrTH emend; pro a<p<ul£ot'{cy, Ibid. 10. x.et'&Aeyj c, Harl. A t y j , Ibid. y>
c a t .Ha r l . a d d i t I b i d . D 10. titsgj) cat. Harl. t-n g jt, Ibid. E 10. rL’A9y* t
cat. Harl. 6jn s \a t.
Pag. 491. A z . u y a t cat. Harl. , Ibid. S v c jt^ J f emend, ex cat. Harl, cum
legeretur in apographo AJsiCJs, Ibid. 4. x.a'fex.&itcS cat. Harl. MTax-eita, lbid.8.
im i QrJit deeft in apographo H olft. Ibid.x.«.77>tgjvct7i cat. Harl. x.a.'&.x.eireTe, 1 bid.
B 4. Vt). ita cat. Harbin apographo Holft. deeft, Ibid. C 7. 7mSa\tt,vyucSni c.
Harl. 7nSa.\ittw^tTat, Ibid. E 1. '&nmn, i-m t c. Harl.cum in apographo eflet,
SiyTnz&p’n i-m t.
Pag. 491. A 10. ciiuijSixtt-dui c. Harl. In apogr. mtAx.<ttit, Ibid. B 8. lititin
c. Harl. 7(»*, Ibid. C y.^vcS» «V. cat. Harl. habet, ejay i<p’aimm ta t x.a.%’ u ya t
6 t e’ft.ibid. C9. tit« v ia AsAu^j i ita c. Harl. Apographum v e rb , h tn v raM -
Au7n»id^, ibid. E 2 at ti Sttallw emend, pro aiiiAtaiUo, Ibid. 9. iysl emend, pro
iysTt, Ibid. E IO. avtjzut. y ^ f y t i tfrtm a t op. c. Harl. twryw. y&f yol, Qtim, us qa
rnttpya^eidi a t op.
Pag. 493. A 70.^«/,7n<9w i,cat. Harl. In apogr. ^ p a r ttp tw d ,.Ibid. B 7. <tm-
to tto ii'w^ iU icuZta , w itigpit czui\zzL-piitx. cat. Harl.ttmtituim Aji7ra»%iot trvtxyttTti,
Ibid. 7.«’^bcat.Harl.Inapogr. o7i^S, Ibid. 9 . 'sW teAƒ«) cat. Harl. ^ xtiA^tkj,
Ibid.c^, ASa>tcrtKts cat. Harl. AStcxtucus, I bid, D . ctifyofcat, Harl. ctc{to,
T om .IV . a iij