fvet’ the,pieasttre^öe^yiii.g;,an[mexn7,-; iH'harptttn-
Atiantic~ ™g.a shark,, several fêet long, whose- wide 'gaping jaws-
its nature. On detection, its br^st'was&öBi'd'fe^kkite
is^ iurigs, .and (*as>jif desthmd 'cmiyiljo be ;a' pericardium,
or boayiinclosnre for the o®
openings behind its bead, cammunic&tingysitnply ■with
the§ii|si^kuated;near:thejjaw. GneheautiJui doiphin,
which was hauled on board^-afibrded-ïah^opportuniüy o f
. ©bseriving.ihow wonderfully this .fish varies ks cdloiirs,
from, yellow to blue and purple, in the agowiés óf <fcöth'.’:
vr “IThn temperature,” as Sir ErasmusG-'ower observed,
“ ®f the climate improved, feelingly,* asr4the shipsasre--
ceded, from- the-eoast 'üfAfricay yet•''thehbëönötÉö^^
fcep& Sfctóghty^ oi^mghtyioiie «tegfléfes*- The -sea? was
“knooth; thé currents frequmiisetlinf^s; éltéïntG^lte
1 south ward<as> to:-the*1 northward. The 'nöfth^öaft'Wind
- began to, abate about the--ninth ' degree itiottb?dfem t f e
then tthe * wind ‘bfeö&ttfë more easterly, and
“ sometimes drew to the southward'#K É |
.t® h ^ ^ « «d .m '4h© twenty-fifth c f e g ^ ^ ^ t é t®
‘^longkudeTrom:€tfeenwieh r with a<fresh; bteète*fr®fM
'fl the south-east. -Ships, in -crossing the* Equited, ji must
be* déte®möed- b y tim* winds whidh" the‘tréasen* h f *fl|e
" year produces. When the s un>4s I far- t©4he; south ward
-trf -4h$ Line, the south-east winds begin i n -sevébr'êé^
giees ^ f ’'latitude ‘north; which ffotee 'YefSè^lsf^oihe-
M tames, as'tfaj. as the'lwpnty-sdventhsdegree, or more, of -0mm
m westerrijlajci^itudejt before ^passing the Equator.- When. A^atltic-
■“ the sun is to .the northward; th^JpLine may be crossed
in a A i^ l^ i f .mhc^fhiorfe aastern;* the'* winds then
•“ blowing generally from the north-east. In the pre-
-seBit instance, it contijriued to .blpw from th$jsoutfei§ast
! Quarter,,cnot varying! more than to the -east-south-eas-e,
ij till theffihips Arrived at.the seventeenth degree of la-
Y.titude south of the Equator, when thel wind, being
^influenced. ,by the. lahdjhf the ,B miffs, .baaae first to
^yfhe h»tdif«ast,' and'thraa dhangjsd; gradnallyy telthe
:northtnorth-?h#t| until the land appeared in li^febde*». .■
Mi twenty-twoidsgroes' forty minutes: soiith.;-, fkevidus to
11thatrperiodr pBinsjjl^^ taten;tohwdvOUt ihefAbr^hos
^‘rshoah, as laxd down from the authority©! Lord Anson
• < <. :aind sseverfel captains ofJndlamen: but no. bottom |vas
& found; ©naoundingfete^witha
| ‘fathoms; first^indSifodd sixteen SdegceesJi^tebP nai-
-‘:kkutes rsouih, amdimdorigitude thirty-iix S^lgheestfive';1 -
“ minutes west, <md the-keeond time, in ©ighdeenide-
“ grees thirty minutes, south,,arid thir-tyisite degrees
“ fifty minu te s £* Imlajitude ifiprdH^two
i«‘t‘4egreeslsduth, and longitude jfoity degtebs thirty-four
‘ ‘ minutes west, the cololid of the water wasp.eroeived
Yiftoindicate.soundings^'. which, cm ,talafed$,eretfound at
“ atbei ddpth -of thirty ^brete fathoins.. The weather-yas
•»»rant then cleary;but' so®te.afterwards*nulih^^eirty