china. “ L. A iarge village on the banks o f a considerable
driver, across the mouth óf which there isias shallow
“ bar, but within it three fethoioas water. Thevalfey,
«I through which this river meanders, is beautifcl and
“ •extensive, and seems to be fertile and populous.
*« M. A cove with plenty of water far ships of any
“ burden, ‘good aMchormg lgroriad and well sfeehered,
« particularly from the north-east monsoon. At die
“ head of this o@ve, theiïe is a pIHnof considerable >ex^
“oteht, axaitainiag two villages d®t are fay a
“ small runningfistream. .About forty or fifty acres are
y employed an theculture o f riho, A nuaibei o f fine
“ buffaloes were grazing on the marsh.
“ P. A group of curious marbleracks, that
^ aéress the isthmus, <ohe end feeing: washed by? A#ésa,
“ and the other overhanging the riveri Thesetitocks
“ ririag ’ immediately fiom a perfect plain, like an inW
“ mense pile of building in ruins, appear, on making
“ Ahó peninsula from the southward* to; be dictated in the
“ sea.”
In tJhe neighbourhood o f Turon* and along thé adjoining
ooast,the winds have been found variable all’
dtëyefti? as, indeed, theyiare dose in with most lands,
the periodical winds losing their influence near, the
shore. The captain of the Pocock Indiaman, whom n||r:
cessity had compelled to go into Turon in the month o f
November, during the north-east monsoon, was very
apprehensive !of engaging - with; tfe|f(%£<aa$fe. which he
•eopSsderedyNariee-shortest'thiatvjseasan afthe year;, bat
eXperienoe'shevited him; that thereswasilittle; tn be feared.
"Tbie.3coiantry .is, supposed,- in genital,: $® be healthy,; the
vfoleht^heat'Qfthff^^mihei'frfflonths l.beingr.t.ei®pered by
regtlp®dbE®ezfis fromthefseh./ isSeptember,; Octbbe#, and
_Novfember arevthfeseason of sains. :; /Thaifot#glanthtwere
then: 'feeqiientl'ysand suddbniyvoy erft© wed by immense
t©'rren-ls-(®i#atortS. which (foseendedfromit'hiQ,iri®®R|tadins3
The inundations tosaib,‘genially, * on cea: fortnight,
and-j^astod fov'iwhindAresidaps at b time., TbeSesirrh»
E#waas» happitdhsf atewstvihefefcll aodwchaaage <*®f the
moon, seemed tb< indicate» the imfluepefiof; fchafe]satellitffi
inffebe ^determination iofl tbfeiih periods.fttfnjDecember;
January, and Ed>ruary’,‘)1therev^&se!rfso>freiqTriniwaBffi;
borpught; by ©old northerly winds, which distinguished
this febtetry; by having a winter; front ?oiostrcShefs itio’
nean'to »the equator?»6
The inundations h ad; the: same? effect here, as the' pe-
riewHatealn idverflowifigsi iosferthei j NiM' and raqhdiittgdi Afe
sountBy oneieiff the'hiostjfrmtful of the Igliohe. In many
parts the land praduepd»thrfd txdpssei graanin the y^af'.
Its; most valukbte produce;’ beside tfietprecious naetals,
ednsistedin peppei,©3nnamon, sugaB?';silfe;Aand^coltbn*,
fon iai variety of .European ntadfti^tdtjBito^da^kfefiwiddr^
ingly^a several; ofr'thf tjprinerpal!; commercial nations of