s^ o f offered fear determining ^ with aeciiiaisyv theii latitiide;
" whichr as, five degrees eight ininntex isouth,..afidr their
longitude^«« hundred and six degrees four minutes .east.
Abou t this .place .sepemf whales* wefe seen, -fee the first
tiDaie .sixj3ee.,the &hip.Sv had parted from theisland of iAoiT
sterdam. | |
.0» tuffs cm Bancaidand-wttib
perceived above the haMe* which hidthehawen gcowads;
ThedDlareB®e andjacfcall weeSierderedicsleadjknd) sidtaa
gavehnotice. of the waiter’s shoaling to three, fetbatns,
wthicjefforeed the Lion toiieoitteiito a n c h o r s h w t
feipue: The Hindostan, got- aground to themoi^h-wesferif
the shaail island of Lucifttra> i:A:la^ef®AMs, or hawsmi
was immediately sent andi fixed from her to the Lion,: mow
underj^ah andirowiaig boats were ordered tOcassisti; iflJthe
efforts of the Lion to drag daleJHindostan from the shoal,
the cable, >iho; si^' ineheSj in eireunaferenee A sop%smapk
ped# bntnof till tbeHiridostaix was already loosened from
tharbqk$ nand sh©g®t clear soob <a£te^wiaods.;. ?,
Thereastern eoajstidfi'Siiaiatra wasieohsfian^lyaou^hdi
and the. sea, s to a certain dhtaneb, Msas. rendered muddy
andlesst salt,t.by the quantiti^bof^hesh waterpout edfrpm
thie.largeiBiveBS’pf that island, chaBgbd.vlith earth washed
frooildie adjdiEribggro'ijndsi.' Detachedpiec^siof thfeMhd
Were» also seeaa sailing along* first driven bythelfoiiee of
the river* .stream* i and afterwards^ kyithe wind, or'ctai*
Maafi. Tfiey were; literally* floating? islands,, tarn from
the parenfcshoresshy; the?kif®lOTcfeof the . floods; and the jggg*
oh them<mmt Have
beemfelosily nkbed arid InterwcvehiAogetherpai well as
loaded. with,rmTOfftmmpait.andi Heavy; earth, to form a
kind pfuhaUkst fdrestead^hg the drift,, and ifeeepmgtte
stems; ofStbes freest in a pei^enchcul»ipOsitiori.
On th,e1 thirtieth the \ squadron carnet®, anchor ndab to
thb sonthemmost ofiAhei.'three Namka eisles j dying ifose-
to the western shore4f the island otf'Banca'. ',TMdl Iafetef
island is' noted throughout Asiarfer the same hah splits
t-ini nainesri taiwfikhi
rcjielSn very ancient,:timesy beforehitedasrts and arms, had
spread its fame throughout fche-glbbe.osBahca- lies ;®|lpd-
siteito: the, .river •PabUnbang, inudie island oASuniatra;
on1 which the severeign h f Banna,, possess®® aka* oihthri
t i ^ tonfeidf Patambangv he^^^'-eoasMntl'reffldenee.
He maintains’his aothotatyidver his own .subjeebspdlid
his independeneetofuthe heighbduring, prMce^fmgcfae
measure, hyi-the* assistance ofii tire!*. Dutch, \fho( have a
settlement and trbops a^Palambarig?vtand eajof*lheri^-
nefitso® anorih&et with the King! of BanscaKafQr 'thentiri
wh%hh#bstibjte«fe'*procure froth-.thence^and whifch,'
like -the King-of Bantam, Ann regard to .pepper; h& bm *
pek the minersUo/deliheb toikim >kv>£§>wporke^nd*
sells it to the Dutch, at
eobtfact,- Those rained from \ long* practic^rhavei ar--
rived? atmteh pht&etion An reducing-^^e dse'-patotmetal:,: