*n the- ideas that had 'ih.een entertained of the nation
" 1 — which had sent-him; and, lastly, could exG^te^a. j'wish
for the regular*: residence r-of succeeding minister# contrary
rto| the former usages of- the- Chinese, thiliimmediate
object of.'this first attempt
'«eh' and? a; firm foundation laid for th© ' attainmenbbf
every good which' migh result| from an intimate,; inter r
course rwithmll parts pf China. TChi^i,,, hc^evjsrdaeould
oMy?be dibvWork o f -time, land might be ■ retardedaby
aiming at too much in die 'beginning;, 2 Sjprng&pf adse
most 'judicions'directam= ©fw therJSast'jln.dM Company,
tho perfectly awareufifalh the hardshipujundeti winch
its commerce laboured at Canton^ kit? feeding show mush
morie the .Company would, suffer, hy its abso.lute-dj#eon-
tinuance, recommended ? the utmost; precaution doube
used in the early periodsofnegpiiation; lest,: 'hpeagerly
contending for theTodbeis<'fif^feahsMi or|p®ematoiel^
insisting upon,' further privileges, tbe rgbvernment of
China; should fake'-Marm. op offence^ and think iffifimai
effectually v to? prevent the- danger of ,enc®oaibi^e®it>,tf0r
• dispute^ by-shuAing its pprtSeiS;irdysgain^£c||pgh‘eisE.
It behoved* the .Britis h- adminisitraiion.therefore^: ito
select a pers.<sm"of stjried, prudence, | as ijwelb as of: long
experience 'm distant r ©punts -dad countries," ta ©niter
upon1 a > business of-such delicacy aaadbdiffiDultyt; .and
who would-be'Contented, with securing future success,
without enjoying, (the splendour of .instant advaarfcages.
ill iii|i
It was1; an* off dfe.Gould^in.Qt be,^ suspected that
it-wopldM-ic < on fared %r^&gh p e^s,gnah, favour, or par-
lmamap.Ufa^y mfliierfeetfir^e mipjs||r| indeed, had already
?i*nseveral1 dnstangis^ofegleat and responsible employ-
mien ts*. ro.TiiM:a^f»fid,wi.th^he,,East |ndia,ppmpanf)^shewn
the pva tn pi ('»oC t oh ding^. from theiM -e,. consideration
ftf.-tb© qualihcatiops^ieqif bi-thto filL-tkem/; arldap,-
p g in te e p ts ith e mesfYafuabk a n d haap'tEtknt were-made
wbape they were neither solicited ndfiMpected., \ 'pro*
mefe peiisq®, jjya§ thus«,, indikeimannerfAc^ife soughfr/fe®
oRf the-pres^JitSocea^iQn' > kiak somdtina© -zdap'seid before
tho G h g io ^ ^ s ultimately fixed’.1 m