£glfj^PT£& I. -,
^ -oii^s’^ydf Ti-ria'embaysvi V
iNTjiopui^T^ffl.—Pfn/7 y $ i rantcftyfy 1$?ChthtiegOvernmerit to
Wf Eortugaeze, who *®j&e '■ihe^Jirst Europeans- thi& ■mited China by
seat^Tazouz^ffiirinb the 'Dutch', (f idrtaifl service's
renderedbytagm.—Miss^^^^^^^^'propafdiWPbf'Christianity in
"tbina promote the interem^^£tr rhsfedfwe*d^mrm—g^eral cha-
'rnctfr ’ojfi We misstQndnes^MrsfmEtempt oftipw mfglfoh eo‘ establish a
commercial' intprpfurfe\ wttBdhe 'Chinese ‘aVCwitop^' iffioufh the means
jifeite Portuguese at Macao,IM^tdken Jrom a-manusertpt acCOUfit dj the
~expedit$n~how English ifedte^ifhePbfiugUeze—qum-feis with the
aW^M^unfovodrable iftipfeMdii tf'We
‘j$ngHsh in the minds of i$fClnnese^^foe^il^m^vp%^thi latter for
permitting fortk^.nauQfcs. to ttaa^ojCdnion-—their i nf§f?fented asjo-
reiWM^ade—grievdntes suffered by European*, and mof# particularly
by the EngUsfrj at (Sateon—Such grievances unknown to^tke.- Emperor—
$,eeessifyvf rfpYesehtiftgyfhem tphimfofoKst shggestimpj art-embassy—
strengthened by a cons'iat&mm. foiherelatkiefoituatidn of Chin fond
neighbouring pos&essiiM; of tMErnglish- in Hindostan-^additional mo-
tives.±^dtah accideM nt CaniM**vi$lsrepresented'atithe court of Pekin
—critical state of trade to Canton—itsimp'ortqnce—accoiMtof the first
■introduction of tea in Europe—fdpMincrease >ofconsumption in