isiïtëë' :of delighting •infemterband .femainteg4it§%the
neck bn ponds o f rivers-^ exfeel{^wh#w obliged-“-to
t-hfem‘ in Search offooda Of thégejanimals, theiej^re^wo
sp^ils^tewarietiesuhere ;> the most cbmmenUar.e.fêli a
slight make,: the skin of a dirty dun colour5}ii^y,;thinly
fGöv-ered’ with hair; the head elongated?;- and muzzle
g i f t e d ; no:dewdapi^and-the horns uncommonly ,loi%
•turned;so much' backwards, that the animal must rather
but lilè a ram, thamtoss with-them -lik'4 i^hull. ifRKfe.
refllher buffalo- varies unuohcin- the, colour of its skin and
rhair , with the latter-dflfwhich it is mftr^ithiifelytcljieie'di;
at has short, nearly erect, horns, a?,strong neck, larger
d èB ^ iftd.^fe^aiaB-wadar-natttre » feeing £ew:jspef
igifici qualities in: common , with the firsts rexespt the
propensity of keeping .in the water.- j ,The buffaloes- ate
yoked ;to carts, with wbicbrJifceyïWïade; with infinUi
labour; through- deep and miry roads^r unn||ig! parallel
to others kept -in excellent qrderv-but- reserved dor -thte
carriages’- öf/gentlemenpleading to their .jpojrótÊyïfsWt-s.
Of these-;manyr indeed,snow are empty#rthe;numbe®,of
uew'^Étórs ’flfflfe)beh% sufficient to^replaceifihose'who
die;' or- felsten t© escape- feöm- ia^-country;;.- where ■ th |f
mightotherwasebe retainedifofever. 1
In the districts round Batavia, immediately-. sphjecfc! to
■the Dutch, it is calculated that near fiftjtthbusandda-vhnese
families-are settled, dohtaming .six ^efwns, .upon ad- ay&-
"ibge;éQafamily;:©rthree'hundredthousand:persQhsin the
whdlëâ^hècIt^iofBatâîlfet, including the suburbs, con--
tains ^^^^hfuthsusand- houses. -Those"of the Chinese
affidoWj'-àndwMramedwi^hfe'éople. Thè ©u tchfhduses are*
bitil t;ddfoand.’a’nd' &paci'ài$Sf, awl’ thfeibc-ortsirutetion,
for the-most■ part, fwe1i%uéfffe%to' tK^oMmatc.^rThted'oO'r^
add 1 windows. »aroJv^de and; lbft)Jf Thefgroufid floors
arbcovereb wfthb^Cg-^bf?mafble ; which blfhg sprinkled
frequently-'with water-b^ba8! pleâsawt: döbltoé^'to'idre
apartment but æ eohsîd'èmbfe^fdportiôhl of these was
bttt-enahfed;; w-h rigt's éftflëMèb t ‘ vA**
móng'other -cïrcurMfÈÉileffiwbWh'îanWfui mOT’feh c same?
wÛR.'d;li«s'Fî()l‘ the-'Cdm panÿ’s \ es’seli Ty il i g ùsHtes'Vtiîn 'did'
road-; l^ôiKa'JÈtlâf kaïrglb^nl fill1, o®î|:©A'! tbnbY^ïtt'e them';
pPlwip'sbf war ttt protect thmbbdmmerc^6^bblÉgàiû'st;
pirateb whoattacked their vesselsèfstp'é-dmësï'Mif’hé'si’ght
è f Batavia read ;* 'an-ifrVa^ibn .tëhreaïeked froiiitthe Isle‘S
Fr-aneê; thê place -in no feobdîtieÆ-dffâefeiîi^'JpaÿtitellV
larlfyfîâgarnst ab-eubhryftl&s àfièetéd?-b^tM®l;iMi'ât<d dïarf
Europeans-,j 1 ^orndtimes- as manyfrcf the trdops ïnnhod
pifalsnfs’-' fît for- dut-y pf-féomm'issiôriefâ ' ëx-p écted from
Holland* t#vreform -abuses.* fS.uehHMd<idMhd#sbi>n,’ inv
plying^'ac general ‘su-spf^ibn,l‘^^iW^h'ot IM?;,wèleôme.;
nor was itdqi$®§ cërlM'hifwh^t-hdfrcinf^sAhaiMiÉ^i'ndsv, its
arrivai!# or thafref the ëmeÜy, w*as depre’cated'Nfhe Êîost
Iri^fehe^midst'ieFjsuichj^loé'M.ylptdâp'edfcs' thei-if aStófeiefi
to their-'guests was not diminished. The BidBassador