ebchiti- bbnleih/r;;andt [played sand, swam|lifef rdfieklihg&' in| the
ctiina. -------- water...
, Tnron/.te ''whithJ as'wellids to the river and fiaiboOry
the natispslgisre,' tbewiiame- of Han-sam; was litttebefcte&'
and iprosperM-y of the coirnby i a- more considerable place.:-
ThQ^onseSjhvhiGhcwffeSow andb chiefly builtofihafilW
boo, and .covered with rusfiesfiori thastrasw. oh rice,; were/
v q^eptfflbaut the market-place,
' Mawy s@£ the best buildings; are in the.icentrei&figtoifpis
j^aptidiwiththe areca-nu£ tree, andvaridusiotherpleasing
o^piejul shrubs. Behindthettownwerag<ife@s.a£orangesy
;plantainSi land jafaecainut trees/ in? the midst of
some, ©fiwfiiqh/werehbuses, and in others onlyremainsi
of buildings^ I The" oppositesid&of the>riYe® was dls^dfda
into. fields# surrounded :by fences, and dcAivated -vjdfclF
tobat^jjphe, and;s»garmanes. l^^piiaaifet ihJthfe town
was plentifully supplied with all theoiegetable/qubduee
of (tropical climates, jas ./well asrwith'ilarge quant'itids ,of
poultry,particularly' ducks; and, anioftg other jfowliik
the: black-bellied darter, a kind' of bird so called ftom* its
supppsdd, propensity to dartTits; sharp and long beak aP
any, ihiningsfll^^tsi near.bit, particularly into any eye
turned towards it; on this account those:anfiflals*krer
bro^gtekfo >the, Turon market with thei*..eyelids sewn
together/ to deprive them of the opportunitysofdiseern-
ing the eyes of those who come to purchase theifi. 5
There'wfciie no shamblesjon plfacdsfcontaining the sepa-a c9chm ■
rated. parts«©f amm'aiskillediibr Sale. At an entertainment,----------
halve,venl'givenjib^fhd chb&fbfithelpfacfe? to- apafty from
tHe" Ships? imafl-yiof t-hfe disHes ,’te\;rathei),tb:d’^ls ,mpon the
table, iw'erefill’ed.withlp.aDMiaiid^bdeh^outiilErosTna'll,square
morsels‘/(and dnesse^ wkhaaovabib^^ff.s^vqury/'saucesfb
other -bowls eWtained steb^dfish-j fowls, and dudksij and.
manyrhad fruity'arid?swebtineats.ttiFhenum)b'er(oh®dwl’l|i
piledim .three« row»®, Ione aflqVettfle .dther^ekceededicer^
tainfys/ari- hundrdd ^Before« mabfilperson • wereT'fpli'cbd
boiled’iriedtto/sei'Ye, iidtfe^d of bread ;§<alfilitiwa pfcrtflflpine'
qfiillsiflbytiwaytof a'feh'ife’and fork-. The»'»spobhs1,werd
mdde;of iporcefainj£ sbmewfiat rmilifiei«form?dh small sho-;
ydfiY' ’AftePdinnernn ardent spirit/ liiatle fr any rice,*w&.si
served in small cup's around, s Winefdocs hofise'erft t'&fie
inlil^mT kpnwmt;, ;tho wnfeslare ^iditoigrowvspbntanef
ouslylin thei'mountains, /flad'i the art o f ’stopplingfeh^'
fermentation of Segetbbfeju'ifcesvbeforfidhey paSsed'fromS
thevinousf' state, been duderstbodby themiutii'pc|)rpfeable
ibe,; in most ihstarreesypreferrdd'to distilled
liquor/ to the- use? of wMeh this;peel’d, seem *t® !be imaifc h
addicted;. More^M'-thisi Gochin-chinesevSpirit/ not ill
resemblingwhati’is called/|y<the?.irish, whiskey/.was;
dwarik by the host than by his/^dests ^tho'khe former;
b y w,ay-'df settingla goJod .example, filled fiis/efiip.ito'tfifi
brim; in a true European! slyfeofffgb^iality, jandfiafter
drinking, turned hap. Iqs cup, to' sfiew he had emptied fie