Passage to H ad évbn the somh-west-morfsôoh already set in
Tur-onBay- regularly, and favourably for a pSsstge iMHfediafelfwt§
the northern parts of Chinarit v^otild n®èhà^®^fefen
advisable to take advantage of it, aS<the?#ëbilifca*ed Statl
of the Lion’s crew, and thèWdîitagioùs disorder-th“àt-#ffs
spread amongst them, rendered it, previously^kWésSa-pÿ
to seek the first safe and con v eü ten tp^ ;fër fenoving;
the sick ashore, wherever fresh provisions’cbtdd be procured,
and WHÉÊ5' théy ;cotild bteathe a dry and- uncoxï-
taminated atmospherëy i It was no'slight trial
stifiitions of men, < born in a cold climat6,- -*tô'' have ■'been
thrice already, in the coursé of a few preceding mOnthil
placed under the sun’s vertical rays. Theh1 staÿsüt Batavia,
tho short, had likewise, an evil influfen’db’tupon
them health ; and-the eastern shore of Sumatra, to the
noxious vapours of which they had occasionally, been
exposed in some part of the Straits of' Surida,- as well ârS
in passing through .those of Banca, "was, perhaps, not
less injurious. Beside the dysentery, which it was difficult
to prevent from spreading through a crowded ship,
several of the people were afflicted with diseases of the
LiMW-n0 ttier^w^tEc|ah^ny<previouS'4ndication of. cbfife-.
plaint, w&Bd.>feMed^with*yi®fents.'spasmsv from which it
wa^diffiiciite'ftônreeovæfsfehèm ; anîdhfche«?heat was so op-
predsivefldfe night ?as swell: asi in the'day;. that Éreiméh at
' workjjbet weenhde cfes?,jtparticulaii^in the<;spirit] rooms-;
Were k n ôw y sd fe e tim é s^ fe i^ ^ ^ ’ tho the%y.ehtilaters
Wer esWitts feantly kepUin, u4e i to intao'dnceifresb air a Out
-ef oh*0O> hundred and fifty* men -oh boardi toLioh; one
hiindred*Bndi'twemt^ were;j a^iiffltes^m the listc-c^las
tignts^r- lo&tM.» * -l *' ' - » ■ 1 ’ ‘ '
Passage to
Tmron Bay.
From the reports ;ofiformer4voyagesf,Wdativ^to ,the
different phtesvnbfeWeîy £ distant frdm ■ Bulo ^Condore,-
Ttiiohbây- in iCo^n-m^ina- premised' the xtfest' advair-
tagi,'às‘ >to>§afetWfer.‘ the ,ships,UridllsfedtenandcprovU
«ions fof* thënfent. * T ho squadron,steerirj^orîthat bay;
i<&diWfOh :tHèceWnin^ of its ’departure* from BuloiÆpn-
'dbre|f-^i®hin' sjghb ofi'the s®a®h&rmëx.tremîtytof<that> part
ofithWgrOat Continent which niay, "properly; b e calie^
mhinésù;- near to -which extremitydies -Cochm-.china'.
Thé first* small kingdom; o:r te k i» y , from the southerh-
moWpoint -bmuglealled,Cambodia ; Itk^oondTsiofepa ;
anduthe 'third Cfeehimchina. It Ï
^medi^neientl^ ar.pwfoF toGhinbse-empire,;M t
on the Mongul inVasfep of.China, from TaMryi in the
thirteen thbentury,1 the 'Chmesegovernor. offche isoufcheria
qieninsularContainingTung-quihtdoHejnbrthward, and
Tsiompa and Cambodia.touhe southward, of Cochin-