away ;4ire<iiyi before töifidi One*<®$ thds© èaitóes
was». however, at lengthAvert&ken by a boat,vd»ispatehed
from tfce HmdoSifean .; and a fisherman was conveyed mi
baard, .fié, was an old man, with sunt en eyes, his; head
coiinteaakneè haggakd, with age and terror. He-fefty-'irt
Jiis boat, isko ydiMg. men* probably his>«0iSs#^rt: â-s bè
was extremely apprekerisive of intended mischief, w®en
themessengeç from the isidp insistèd upon taking some
one person from the canoe, he preferred freeing* them
from the dangeE, exposing himself to it: Wheö.
he got to the Hindostan, he appeared as if petriied*at
the sight of the spacious deck, the great guns | -the-num-
her of. people, and above all, at the height of the masts,
from which he could scarcely withdraw his cy^- a%if
fearful.lest they should fail upon- him. Of* tbevÉUlinfese
on board, none could render themselves intelligible to
this poor man, or understand a word of what he uttered .
Questions were written in the Chinese character--before
him; but he made signs to testify that-Ji® knew not how
to read or write. The sound of the words Cochin-china
and Turon, were perfectly unknown to him ; these
names not having been given by the inhabitants-of the
country»; but by early European navigators an<§ gpdgjia«
phers. ffe repeatedly threw himself upon his knees
and wept, notwithstanding the pains: taken to soothe
and satisfy him : and when, in the working and tacking
the ship,i)her/bead hamralifteda H I - r * ' . r j ' be .turned f- ro%m• 'thev TJa^srsoaagBea yto.
larrekuhis ^alarms!jinjg^ased» -aitfel he! fell? iotfpahi agony |' • ~~—
ofo grief, - buaginfygs (ih^e.w^i'an. inlentiQn to qu it A He |
coasts andseaijfyiihimooff'for 'esig^ Victuals were offered
to hinya'pjswhLch te-afe reluctantly and jsp.afingiip$ribjnt
hisbe® aif^wl Spanish putMte.his(haisd4abe
-skewed; heihadi a; knoMledgCiCifctheirvaiuejihyee^ifulfy
wrapping them ! np s in. a je^dpte Sf hisotattoredog^ffi^Qt$-
Aftonirepeated' efiofys; S | ei was made; 1 afe/fength ,v ip*;cam?-
prfeheW fteiefyeM-far which hedradi b^^®s h^Qjjghtopja
board_;iI and; t being now jsdmewkat;. trariquilli^edjahe
Mwanfaffiont. the entranMsi!lte!th® bay ^flTur#**’ whiah
-isdriofc .readily perceived by:1 $aian.ggr§.ii. Thd ohly qlf arp,
known; tidhawl ,fep|inpnWi^hed, r- oik fihabiparb ofn&e
p0&ty$f ahmerely rdughr^betishjxtaken; by some officers
®sf tfhwx Adtakal I Pokqqbjj ttdiaman;; tfeakhaicf <|>ge»i f e b
dentally 4 ffyeh thfare, by. str^ssiofiwea^hef,: maify .^e^i
.agQ!;-;but :ibgJ^sp(nor.dhfoimafioni.0B«LStrdGfen'Atowifo
entpyfyib fW ba^| ^tdl w;aa.aftfyiwardshfdusnd: to>:bie5 erroneous
in many relpecteit) :
io In m-aking^-this [pa¥ilofyke eohst,\frdm (he/southward*,
tfhiKT^stfemaTkabieiofyefit, ;thatxdtfradJs?dttenii!on, -is a
group of rhkssy marble rocksbthahlpbkiike'an enormous?
mbstlei .appearing itd hen insulated ; 'andmotfun Kkepitfib
'much'•,laigbiAhari; the 'ro^setf DunbkTtdhv-.cas'tjfedirfisihg
perpendicul'arlyj from the-. ;Gfyde> j ’in, Scxaskntok ; A- «few
miles tb (h©xhoT.(h^ardj®f'AhisrCU(>hln3Ghin:es^S pife. of
VOL. I . T t