Batavia, whendeftètfAimed on revenge often swllowrifor the.pur-
pose; of requiring artificial' courage,' -ariiextiaoralftiary
dose; of Opiurify ^ d ,3«»ti"«'bôceniiûg'5fernttidas-j-’w-dl as
défcpeirate, notIonly' stab the : objects of' their.-hate,: but
sally 'forth To3attacfc£ itt like manner, ^.ei^pehsokthe^
meséty tiif self-p^tYatfonc®end:ers/k neèesshiry to desirdy
them;;8 ^fifeêy-'SfomiÔ ittithhfcrrtate'td be'mmdng-. ctimuck,
and iristahees’pff-' it;àfêsnotioedrer€bn!mi;bn:ambBg akvosi
thkri !atoehg '%m natives of; the fcoimii^iwlBèy;in theiatt-
guish for- tfosing- ;their moneys :efiects, :ahddsofoethnès
their i fatuities, mf gaming, tte*which they- are violently
addicted, or under the sprekure ofs sfome; other passion?, or
the same fatal; effects. g
• • ^tfondnfâ®#i?playyan’d a fo^^ss'foropiuaaï,':aoeinot
nftèaiflttgmr'grtièàg the"Ghinesd5»lbo:;atrBafeavia ; ■ bntith©
h Ait® o f restraint arid moderation in jyHich hheyiarebfcgdi
and the ^eautsotisprinfcipleB éridilled intorihem,! jeurbHliik
disposition, ^nd pre^nttheûà fropnfaHing.into the'same
excesses. ■ They arey indeed* anufch more capahLejofl coni
eeivâh-g formidable designs against the gèviei riment,? and]
in the year 1 7 ri:© à; borisiderahlemumber o f Ghinese;,-residing
in different parts.of the flsountry^j oined -irf a jrey oit
under the cônùnand of a(man,iwho aaid héwas descended
fiom arpfeinperortofiGhxna ;■1 and wlîo'Vubeiîigijpiped'.also
by sevéra?! Jayanèsey .'attacked Batavia? ibpt iwasi repulsed;
A - fire,: some, ."days afterwards,; took place ;among the
.Ehiplsfthuildings hi; thaEoity* and the owners
were a£citsed;ofhpposihgj with arms/ fheieKtingurshment
stfs it, -Mit b aj ?rîftWîSrt Haras -istteihmtedl to *i>h!eki,! of the ;®ari-
^grat|on’sdspiéafei®do Use whok'r%ws^ 'that, ; irar ihê
Gonfosiori.j theyl craighteassasrinate*' the Europeans, rind
:be.cbme'öiMfters of the pkeel^ Thenakrm was suchy that
t'teîiRutëhfgQîffeFMïient frsjjre dnstant order sito put* alHHe
Chinese!heads. of families tacdeathi ƒsand the : sailn&S/from
Ag vessels ha tKdtnad’wêisjbïfea^öpi^öièv and inHpceid,
#or!theisakooflplaànder/rto.eshire Jn putting~thiihblo©dy
ediei? iri&.suebulferi. The? rihfortmiate Ghümeseymade
notnfiho'^easti'resi^ahceii -ThisvMrea^ful deed.'iwasinclt
approYod;by>diejd5jré!8tors!ioffdié .Gonjpany'in! Mqllarid;;
and'rouch appiehmsfon h®in|! ientertained hbàt thçriadt
-would -excite ‘Aê> indigo aiibn o f the E mpkror s f ’China,
depMitrwere sent to bind; the following yed&næ apoto-
for» the .measkre,- isfomdêdhp®n! neeê^rty. Thole
deputies $wreibg#iAlysshripiidsed1 on- finding ' that the
■Eiriperpr■ Qalmlyiaasweredy th at fihe; wasrl idle;soliertous
-‘‘ffepitfceTatd dfiunworthy. suBjoctS, whd^antMapnrsdit
‘'fofltehftfdiadj(p!iitted theiiiCDiintty, and/abandoaed
«‘■‘('thertomibscof thèirancestors. ”r ?
-firEoprthose, howe^sryhd'f 'ans^trirsy’^whom they
hasrédostisihcKîthidareiûigritiqnrto BataYkyih^tâcvi^oik
ssesEQ.'tri hweitbe: utmosSiipeneiht^»®. ; ‘A^öóltt^deiahife
trkctof gtoubcFis .set; apart for Asir remainsy: and.>mnëh
expencdineurredinereGfcingimönuihentst'ó thêirmemory.