>Lsid*&ne ‘ ‘ taken together, appearlAe.ai Continueddandand the
===,...' . *5f. abater among them is shoaler than among the former.”
The ^upaadron feeing noMup@n thevecaafines ®I,Cl&nai*
-and thee iErahassador abont to: send messengerstb Macao,
application was made db his
-Ohiasese, whoiiad been, companions of the interpreters*
and to whom his Excellency had granted; a passage in
the Hindustan, that A ey anigh tI bef taken as horie hf$A e
«arae^portonity. ■ Theyoccmdneted^heaaselpes Afo light
nut ithe voyage with ;great propriety. One of than, who
was uncommonly e^ert iiniwiitingtlfe®hia®e; «ha®a®r
tens* had usefeHy assisted >in jthe traaflatioa >af papeps
ittto that language, preparatory to rthe Eiiii^sadnr
nival * in China. His dSKDeUsency wish©d> jpMmate him
a compensation-ihcthis ;tTniifeleiphiflia i Ao he 3 had ;n©
means p f ^subsistence beside ;a iwea^fi'®ca®fey balloywsee
from > «Rome, in© efforts/werei able doiip^fisttadttdbifcffl^
accept money or presents ;of any kind. , .He sepasaidened
hansself as iunderjasuehisobligatioii, net (pfyifetAe-lap-'-
portunityigiven himi=of ^turning to .his iGoiAiry^Aut
for the ciyijities shewn to him during the He;
felt -both gratitude apd ,esteem.Ar jAsedE-nglish haiipn.;
and ample justice would be .done i to its teharacte*im
Ghina,' wepe fhis<opini®ns aan thetsubject adopfeAfayihis
count rymen.
, ADne.ttf Ahe iutenpretene wisherd also netti iAreutime to
yaladk from AejseEyiee-.dl&the*£mbariy.' He bfegan to bh sM*«
^ .1 . n-,extremefy^apprehensive ®f b einguioti•c eHjd 1b yi,t1h ■e Chinese =I=ste=Bd=ii=
goyerhment^db^eaise h# eomfein-ueA with Ah E-mb^s^dof,
ai%. bi)l Ait lawfe©frth^.'p®a^Eitryv'‘ h,e was haJ^efto piinishment,
both t far ha-vAgdeftsflt w-ithpiatt pp^hsitoid5 arid
AtierwardstfoEieQep.lapg^memploy:m»ht^tea ^E3r,eigner,.
A Lgreater. Amness of mind enabledAi?^oi»p,aHian, the
other' Chinese j interpreter? Ao texae^dn A sesame peer
diefeHmit^taia^oipit) a iveriy^ different At^mfenateon. He
considered hikriself;ias;>hn^irig* centered riffiAean; ‘.engage-
m eaitHti^fniceam p!any Am Emb assy?feh^png h o u)^ apd iwa's
n®t^toibe^e$MrpiWAEa*iw<hat beuokceehad ,un,dertakeA
by-tSubsequent ^EdflecMons 'upon iAfts^h’S^
adatrdA. There uvris vision,! Inbeifl ,< ^@*^fo^j|iJt|i^tthe
-Embassador*,»would 'be .AleuAf pkofeef him jdshonld it
eftetXj be udiise^ered , Aat he>hsadheen bom iwiAifeyhe
confines of the Obinecec-tedratosries-.» He. was^a .nafciyep'f
a .patt o f Taetary >annexed3;tgg^hsin.a, »and had not thtosh
featur.QS:swh|ich) denote sa! ipe^fe«^|pAne^ep^|^gin7^jb trt
hitsi namefM-awngta'mgnifio^ibEidintli^i^itoigw^epag^Aat
country,*ihe>,changed. lit' A e bn© which. » bore- the saime
m e&hing * in | gli A . hfe: put .ah jj an jEjaglfish' miht^rijr ■
uniform, and wore-a (SWord,andi aioatkade.nHa>A®0gh*t.
-it bright to itabe" Aose preemptions Aor hls‘>sa!^ty;;ebut
was. pmepairid ifor nny; event that .5 might. take.,, place’;
without -heihg in the: least distturbed: about3 what It
mightbel | |p