te<;the bottom. He afterward s- afehompaMed’ theogetiftle-
tipteiBftEnanshtjrfc (walk, aAd Ed^tfetfe^^hem te^^tlcfea#!
sionai theatre, whdre ca!)ctede^->
himenpon tfee?ofcGadto,^f!whieh thd^irfb?^?^^tdd^1
chiefly, iasrwelkasicxmlehbe infeWed from tlife>^@s(?trred^f
tbffiaoiorsriby ifcelpe^teMmessfbF'a ^assj©bdt«ffoldtoaH,
atod'thedbutnbnrs of a clown, who appeared tb.'iwVe»risr:'
spall, ddgreerhf imeritlil' itis Wary. ; The rplace was >snr-
r-oumded with'crowds ©^people, a®d many of tketojktetirf
ddmjien tbeToogbsqf dd|oini®g^es|3fidm whbngee^tkdjn
mights«©,: at- ant open part M 1^&%uild»g^iiste sjbecta*
tors withi®; dorfS, abbnt whom: they werey*inf4lhi;s[iint.
stattediftmeffe' cpnbnsi than iiaboast^the, actors 'apfett db®
stage,-: :
lAs ifeegbBlleSlffiSwdfe retemiaig from ^hiaentdbteiin:*1
pent!,; they'bssefenrdejoesfced | lay sigafcs, | to-stepf while; ran;
^^ddadyj with s®med6f£cjhiy, wdlJied fTOmdhetfhwfctsei
-twwafds tbemj -bad heardHthafc tErarcapoansf wer®
passiaig'byi; and, hot bia<ving -.bef@B®^sdejsJaaay v seemed
jbatOHS to take tfiwiopportunity^? which. -nfiglut not, bffeb
agaim indher tone. Sfoerappro&chbd them. wiithblcpksrpS
%4i&»-nBufcb' geritelenesi/of id&nnMrisv;
and' a, eountenahdeHtnplyingi a. willingnsas toraphlogMte
fcK’tteffilddahljShe'took, tafstop and gamj&#jhemi. -Sfad»
ehtemedywith ig*ttfc attention, 'their figures», dress,, and!
cotatehancesv bridoappeaiiedi perfeptlydo? enjs^ ^ spec-»
tacl&so: newto her. She, atilengtli, 'retiEed,: signifying
hgr i-ha1w]j^.rt.tK&tg ^ tlnpiAi>ffq1h^g^<afiKtpla>-^n.c4) aOjd -9°#»-
Wiitfj: ;alj.vth^ jpafks; j^fi 'Satf^d&ti(^oa;hbein§ gratified in js?
ip fAd imosfcar deb t ^^e^rep^iping, ipaheit jnindi, |
-^4^ h 4,s.^g8^dfe)^n,g^^#t®H|jj©P.i.w-s^se0n ate<vy#tdis
rhj.^espj yojjpg» i5i^©^S^e^^ieighttQf‘lb.ejni'>1it$®d§ng
i.n:gajj r i ^ r . l ^ e a •pI'lshittleboi^M
Thpyihaddn i ,b;|fhled0rh$b Tfiey^didrnbl
einpLloyfeth^ hAndibfeiarm^^hyrwh^sM^iv^ifew^cjliiebyb
tefj .takipg#<sh.grt£r#£& a^jsp^ir^if^|fr(6|int th % flpqFxthf^
ifl§ytfeg d|f^prjdijEg &hh| igc^cbijt.Hd sojg bfetihe idoft
:^ididjrfygfe itaS&
i tbs itJ is.trQbe^jpr.ifailinsi feWgh&Qfifl i the idij^qtipg.
shittfec9^bsW-S-;B5ia(ieio5^a piegaopf
gjjfjpd sTtio ,rn] lgdv-fdSn-d^ ■ tapdIb^und-< wifrh ■, s t yin gg. In$>
^-togj^bHfaSJHi1^ ‘J© gh^fpfer9H^4^^da^j,jyje^e sti$|k
intOjthe^kin, |a^t|;o£paM fthfdHgfei hblfspk#fe W>|f
than a s^hM'fii-wfev^f^x^iys ra.§d?
iptthelcjsntrejjgflQ^h^n-jchipei6 ,P9PjP9r ieiQiti§y
thije>§;iPf jth^sss^l^edj^aSt.^.^gight^.ati.theibctttpm,qf tfe
shUd&9Qck^JaPd1(tbgir{:S«pndfgaYe' Pbfige-Itoj thg3plgye;rs,
y^heh ih w|s ^ppSQIQ&^gitO't thep« , T h i s p o d |
pf expr<|i_%% is rpjpesegtedifn- (Pia.tpjJ^p^ 14-
It Is p q t X h , e s e , . i n j g £ q i p P ( S
andi active .people apply