ssawaSs? now more difficult; fo trace out the. 'usual path, as the
iu. The; cpld began to he mapfeasanty
the thef m&ntofo? hiavittg fallal. fcwent)?-=six di^Eeew The
guides ttnd Haslfte^rs proposed to halt here for- tliai
night, at least i deeming it daiageroius to move oh. Pro-v
mises and menaces were used to engage them to pad»
ee^d-i th^y di<Tsc* for- another hour, in which, however,
little progress was effected. It then began* to rain, the
Cshi'tPs heOSWe more inteus.e, and fcheiwiad more, violent-;
But the tiavcfoss tofriy^Hh distant from their intencfed
resting, u&uatty known b y the name- of!La Esi&ncia
doe.Iniieses, tfee resftii»g^ piaqeioT the. English i| iThithesf
they weje anxious to arrive, in ocdfeff to,attain, the next
forenoon, if practicable». 1th© summit*. o f the cone. But
th^ g lide s, who. -peseeived a tempest then approaching,
in which they deelaied the nn^heLteredi tavelier, infek
hMy, must peiish, insisted on stopping where they
w#reA undgn the blew- o f a pr^cfthaig roch, which
digested, ijn some degi§§i. the euig-ent o f the wind. One
o f the party tried the experiment ^ proeoeding oh hds
node,, ^ jfe- as he was able, u p th e h ili; but soon finds,
ing it was Otteiiy impossible to resist the: impetuosity
o f the storm,, returned to, his ce»panio®s, in order to
provide- lot the. night-» in the manner; the-least uncom.
fbrtable in their power. T h e y h a d been supplied with
abandonee o f refre^bmeats from Orotava.;- but no. tent
was, to, he found these to. rest in upon, the mountain.
This circumstance, howevm unpleasant, could not alter .
them from the undertaking; theyhad: now rip ©thfef |
«source than drat ‘Of^frewirig the-ibaro ground, near
them, with leafy branches of the' Spanish -broom, by
way of beds, to sleep on. There' was little 'shelter
from the-Wind, and none-against the rain, which, tho
not violent! 'Was frequenti :The ai:r also was keen and
cold *; the thermometer a r forty-Sve^deirde®!* but the
branches of the eytilus,growing ©nthi# dreary moun*
tain, proVedaio bfeiexcellent fueifand, tho ^een, pro-
dueed, readily/ a- blaze: 1 the wind, indeed, Which blew
in "e'd^h^m|Ve the flame, sometimes, to ^distancefrom
t h e t y a v e i l e m ' ' f e e i n g p i i® i v w h o iM t i t h c t o l i t s ^ i i f f l u b n c e
in- their Favoury andysOffi^thnes*, turned1 it; toThdm foo®s&
so^ neaf as^co, scorch tMm/«Ai timesy however, They
had opportunities of contemplating,’ as They My-under
the grand canopy ofiheavefli the aWfulscene aiotind
them. T h e ; moon, therein its second quartm-.Aorie, at
intervals,.' very brilliant ;’ ’&e 4enith happened*?»® %i
deary towards which the Teak ttpreared its high arid
tapering pointy • andy > as* the eye descended down the
slanting sidess-tsf thatimmeose coneyTtl perceived' that
the base was lost in black roll-in g- clotids , -wh!ich, whirfr
ing impetuously from thefteeyinto dm valMessfaf feelow^,
reached, atfests -the ocean/ over which some remained
suspended, while others s e e f f l e d w i t h its