Passage to rocks, is a bold and' elevated-promontory, surmounted by
— twopeaks, one much higher than the other. To a stranger,
tlie entrance into Turon bay would appear to lie between
the mass of rocks first mentioned, and this elevated pro-
1 mbntory; but these objects-sare joined,: in Fact, by a low
and narrow isthmus. The entrance to the bay! is rohnd
the north-easternmost polnt-cif this peninsular, promontory
j which was now called, by the squadron , Lion point ;
not only in compliment to his Majesty’s ship, but
account of some faint or fancied resemblance, which a
rocky bluff, jutting from the point, bears tbs a lion coa.-
chant, when seen at a little distance..
The Cochin-chinese fisherman, by way bfafescribing
where the Hindustan ought to; anchor, bent his left arm
to represent the mountains whichyoverlooked the fray;
and dropped down the fore-finger of his right hand, to
mark the relative proper spot for anchorings ^ but tornadoes
or sudden squalls of wind from different points,
and accompanied by lightning and. thunder; droves the
ships again to sea ; nor were they able,' safely, to? come
to an. anchor, within the bay; till the twenty-sixth of
May. The old Gochinrehinese was now dismissecL.with
a compensation for his fright; as well as for his services.
When lie wasicafrried- to the shore, be jumped fronn-the
boat almost with the alertness of youth, and, hastening
away, came never, afterwards, near the ships.
Sir Erasmus Gower “ .moored the Lion in seven
“ fathonisJ water,' thefefoteh-Jvrdstfpoint! of thebaybear-
“ mg- northIbaVt 'byihorth, an island in the'mouth of the ■-----1
“ bayy north, the watering placSfojUfrfre' peninsulayeast
‘/tbiy »north ‘.CampellMskv which i^seenWerttheisth-*
“ mus;;sduth-'e§s'ts b y hast, sS'riverfoh w h ic h 'th e tow n of
‘ ‘ TuromJs%?tuafed;i soirth-.south-easl'halfTl'bspen*-1’
ISiinsulajJb®iife‘S(#iet< r e sem b la n c e to Gibraltar, wKicfr>
tu iu h n e w a s hendefOEward gav>en$fobit#by! th e sq-iTadron.
“ Th@ channel intothe bay! is round tBelnOrfifiy&Stlen'd1
^ofiGibraltar#ha^h|>ibi^edumfPb#^Msland to the
“■mortM: All thefeOaxM^^^^pIpfoach^^shoairn'githS
The'first:consideration; after-lliyirfg'eo'ihMtd anchor,
wks fooseek for a place to. putvth&cslek amfc*iw$lSd6
ashore.1* A spot was quickly found under Giferdtar’hilf*
near the Lion’s., station; where1f?ke; grouiid was^perfhciiy?
dry/-the^meighfe>urhoodffree from Swamps, and a' dfear
Stream of water running .•behindf^^%fenttsfiwhach were
pitched fisd the men. Pains were taken,'! after f$SeWd#v
parture; tot purify the ship from all traces; ofreon'taigion .;
and ^message was about to'lxfrserit, ah the. samfe tim&,oto
the town of Turon, which, lay upon answer falling;into
the bayifito annduhi@e^thg jo^a;siQni of 'the (squadtbnts
stopping tin it, and t©i request a supptlyIh#ffesH 1 provisions,
at reasonable j and.custhmary^fatesBMt>tbejkadn
was>scarcelyfat anchors • before anut^R®©^ from
" came on board,, jfrr the 'purpos&ofdeaming&^ty? parti