badiane ‘ ‘ English, to;:escaipe the usual impositions f aidi cm fm
*‘ feigners, removing from Canton to Macao. «Siich asks,
indeed, thé impressibo made rfry ^thâtehotifiéatibni -on
“ thé: officers of government ft CantoÉ, fcba&xbv.mfl-new
é5 impositions which had bee» attemptedfby the I ioppo»,
“ in the article of customs, since thecariivai effithelii:®®-
‘ ‘ missioaers, theie;, w^^immeiliötély waved ötoctheir
. resotete denial, witbbütrtliB usual! ineowi^nfeniësif
I‘la delay in the shipping ©f tep. The SompMirtóf
which the "Hoppo suspected were to ebb preferred
“ against him; had produced-of late, oir his- p&rt} v©rÿ
“■ extraordinary instances of civility ' and. forbearance#’
It-wasipeifceptihle likewise, that the native agent| 'ând
servants, ■of the Englishfactory felt thérnJelèë# ô'ntÆfïner
ground than formerly, arid began to assert,.
the rights o f their employers against1 the ’ vexf tjons » to
which they had hitherfobeen in the habie^Mhftiklil^;
an advantap arising from the:fe^ iridepend^i^^f >lfre
iesuit;ofjthe Embassy, and implying ÿcônyietiôif, that
there was now a channel open, by which remonstrahces
against oppression might find an easy way To tire imperial
throne. :
Tiieigovemor of Canton had been anxiops to reee^é
from thé commissioners, a list of the presents which the
Emf>assadnr ad • inncharg© to deliver to the- Emperor ;
and it appeared that no small curiosity had tóeft'éxcife'd
about them at ithe court of Pekin, which* the go'Vdfnor
waK desfrawsqfffohavmgAhiig*mkmf tfe p»tlfys He^fead
made it'aHmene^sdry1 «condition; altegipgrthafe hfti&uld =====
“ >not send*the tetter ®nnou*aei®gtlhes Embas<sad©r3& ap-
‘-sprokeh, with aiisofteringifo W!^mastlm,i'withbnt transdll
(thelsatisfaction:thpyfoy^Be abteijim-regard)todvhat ?thfe
Embassador wfesi'to bring with him sandAheohntedfdbr
their imperfect knowledge ofrtfehsisjabj'e^, from fcbe*fcir-
Gnrffetaidce > oiitheir ( havingi'left.Englahdi'before -manyuof
d{enpreSBnts: -weEevjproYidddlhcTlte^dmporfeanee; w»b&h
appeared, toi be -thus! attachedhkr >theimipdrsgiifiherpj'e-
sehtSjfi mn^&dje.Snppoted.rtoproceed^notflsojihuehjfcem
^rdityi:^ gain, i :bn‘ {the? ’partbolbbbe great 'ffioMrch dor
whom itheyvWere intended r <ds . from the tefitrenee <±o; !Be
drdwn- Effopii -thpir;rear ity/ awfc value, witHrr8gta^i!^tW
d^t&nr,ofii-eonsideration,tesnd^ respect -in 'whiclrjhe was
held}fry fchevprince who -sent- them, dhj thisrfirsfcfinSfcafrce
pla^i^hjtommnndcajtionfb.efeweentefcHe'-^w© .so^wreignsi
The speG^ensrafdthesaBts;sand -frsgenlpiy o£fcEur©pe:>’
whfech had. reached! Pekin >;by other; means, r wferensuffir
ciehtr-to'cofryey-a very exdltedi ideas of what migbtvbpex-,
f^atedffrom'thehdei on; ejftfaordraifcymcdasioris d 11
' The. •Embassador was - informed also fry the j commisj
sioners that* ‘ twolof: the; native merchants o f Gantbn had
“ beepwmld^redftd hold ifremselves in readinesses® pro-
ceed ,-tto:?atey part of 'fchefteoa&Svton. Ihe^ieport* of his
y 'Majestfyfs^hipsrbef^kfri'sfell tstorewith tli^?Smbas<-