C o n t a in e d in t h e t w o q ,u a r t o v o l u m e s :
I . Frontispiece. Ci)ien-Lung, Ta-whajQg-teg, or-s
great Emperor of China, habited in tb^djjjg|S in whicl^]je,^u^^aryM^g!|
when, giving audience.
i | . The Adansonia, or?.Baoh|b, ,-sometinpps < ailed in English, the
monkey bread-fruit tiee ol St-jJago^/whose truuk^at the hS^Waeaviijfs
fifty-six feet in»girth.
I I I . View of the la^gestsof the islands oj^T®&an j^f^CjU^i^j-rjwhen
bearing north, and distantthreetor;fourmiles.
IV . A Gochiu-thiiu sc boat o( ten pair ol oars^elimgangj.^ the^gcA^,-
n o ro f the district o fj'u ro n .
V . Curious insects found on a particular plant glowing ou^thejjoijdcis
of Turon bay, and supposed to be,-those/ from which,the;jwbite w a^o f die
East is obtained»
V I. The feet and ankles of a Chinese lady, dressed with the bandages-
and shoes, such as are in general worn; and also the (feet undressed, to.
shew the manner of bending all the toes, except .ffift^great one, under the
sole of the foot.
V II. The Chinese mariner’s compass, with, the divisions, characters,
and circles,, generally marked upon such as are to be applied to nautical
phBposes this epgraVing ifr thelsiz® of*th^ instrument from, which i t was
g tlte T ttFi i SElCONI>hVOT,U.ME.
\ V III. Frontispiece'. Portrai'g.ofjhds Excellency the Earl of Macartney,
.Embassador extraordinary»from the KingiofiGijpatj Britain to the Emperor
IflHitt. The Hai-vah^-or Neptune of the Chinese^aSybelappears in Haf-
ehin^miaus ,or temple'ofldfet se^'goditat' Ta$s.Qiy;||In ofietfhan’dt'he' holds a
magnet* 1 *I.IV.V.VI., as efuhhTriatic'ol-’tiauliiWt- and-avdolphin in the other, to-shew his-
sovebeSgniyibVer uheinhabifanferof the s e a ;:his.head, beard, and hair,,
areeevidendl^intended as a'personificadoncof water.
’ » X . Two men throwing'jwatef’ptftjof a,river jnto i$tigge.rvaijfon the bank,,
by-swinging ah ask n t.with a p a ir o f ropes fixed to its opposite „sides., _The
bucket (Jhftt is. suspended-at the end,-of a}pole, w h ic h • turrJSjUppns another
fixed upon the bank»,gisy draren.'hy h an d toi bp /filled with: w ater; ' it is, then
|rMre than-counterpoised b y the .weight.which is, fixedho the other extremity
o f th e'p o le , andtcOnsequently drawnpup' without further trouble'. Such
machinesnireifrequent Along/ th e b a n k s,o f the Pei-fi®', and other rivers o f
China',• ©n raising waterifctc the: groiind s. «
, . X I. ;2Ad§n&lesdivinity in the temple; ofrvTosg(^©0!l©,t>9f) takers front a
figiiitejoLwood.^ Fjom^i^eyie depicted;.On}a btassj.plate, which^sifield, in
her hands,!it'i-^fiojiably intended'as at.pers6nification.pf Prudence.. In- a
bronze vessel standing near her are burning some matches made from the
dust of .sandal wood,, anefinixed with other perfumes., i