of the Chinese province of Shen-sbe/was occupied by
petty pf£ri(§|$, frequently* aft variance with'emh other;
but intimateiy^ctenetted1 wiïH^ffr^depéndent upöh;
dfïé' or other of their two'^powerful neighbours. -SHêk*
a: relative* situation *inus$yfn-‘ the- common!-‘prbgrè&s *éf
èVëntspgive rise*, has already been 'expérietföed, to
di^u^ions-which might, without t^^M^rp'#sMbntof
persons in a’public and Êferffidentiaf rihm&eW,laybt$iêr
foundation of dangerbris ^dïffëi^KflÉis %§t'wfeëflFfc®É|two
courts: •'
A similar evil appears n881fs^t0"be' 'app^Herfdèdi'
in thte^coÜFse; of ah* extensive ^rttérbèl^é* ’
in ta,notferYextremity>(b f ' A'ri^aëcid^n'f^indêel^
happenb#-at •Cahtbf^nÖtinany 1 whichii^s aM
to haYe-very much^tjidhn^^^tM'M^diahtife^a^^Sf'Ks
forei^rfttfade’J On some*ocbl8lbiifbf compliment-, br1^
joiéirigythe- guns were fired from 'óriëfof ^G^fe-vds's^ls
which navïgatfe bbtwèèif the British settlements in Iridic
and Canton, but not in thë! employment, Or uUdMF'Shn
régölatiörts ordiSciplirie^iofifHfe English Eést lhdia Obni1-’
panyr throb|h want, no doubt,'of suffieiéiÈt^rëèidÉibri
bti &fe^paït of thosè whh’dirëctëd the firing, tMJ‘GHi-
riese- Were killed ifia boat,' lying nearithe v il® , iS fh d
riYfer o f Canton. The crime of muFdè^iSép'b^taiiïiy,'
less frequent, and excites- sensatibris o f deeper hbfrbi*
in China, wherediHis iiëvef pardonedy * than it dóès in
many parts of Europe*. f The viceroy of the’ proviritef
feelmgrthe utmost indignation at the Supposed atrStitf,
Qr-l'^ahtonm4s^^bf-:"aii act, by which an European dep
r iv e » twtP‘i@Mhlsfi6'6# 'life,» instantly demanded the
^'ersonsb f theUgurin’erfwhol committed thS&f|gst, or of
him-who- ordered* it^l%h'e?latter9 already, 'had- absconded;
md» the* former-, Km ©rely acting im obedience to his- superior,'
was^ co^isequentlyi-eonsidered as guiltless by the
English factory, vand; was .endeavbufed\ to be protected
by§k? ,*»' Remonstrances- wore ’ 'made/ stating the unfortunate
event to have- been? eritirislyf 'accidVn'tal.i ’ Nevertheless
the’J(# e :e$oy# pJIpbsSessed .b y ’ aril dp dpin-idni of
the ‘MsgltfSh', asi proneptbfievery kind of wickedness,
would? riot “hersatisfied? without a victim* to expiate the
mischief that had'"happened1, and insisted upon the
man’s being'deli%ifbd*up-'tb Mm-‘-and; to Secure that
object', sei^fedst upon*fee; ipersori o f one o f jthe principal
Supercargoes:, This extraordinary step alarmedUhe other
factories, and united* theme w ith the» English, as* in* S,
common cause. The Eurovarii ships; then| lyMg in
the Canton: ’liv e r y were» in coriisMerable ^'number and
force«; their" commanders and the individuals o f the
factories seemfedfb^b@lf|yI together, and to'dispose themselves,
foWrfe^fistarlfee to the intentions of the Viceroy;
who immediately ordetedpvisi fiumb'er^b^:hfe»'frobps
to line the; banks of the? rivef and prepared tb'obtain
his purpose by compulsipil^ He" 'perhaps, the less
cautious or backward in taking this strong* measure,
Occasion óf
the Embassy.