Navigation “ committed- by some Englishmen at Canton, “Were-un- through the ^ • 0
Yellow.sea. ■ “ favourable to the,degree.of their being considered <as
“ the worst amongst Europeans;' that those^itlpressions
/“ were communicated to that tribunal; iri-tbef capital,
tj which,-reported to, and advised-,: the Emperor uppy-all
“ concerns-with foreigh countries ; that it-was therefore
.essential, by a conduct partic-ularlyregularr-uBthcireum-
“ spect, on the: part of tho§e»who belongecUtD, of.werp
“ connected with, the Embassy, to impress the Chinese
“-with new, more just, and more favourable.ideas,;of
“ Englishmen; and to shew, .ev.0B.ito the lowest officer
“ in tfrksCa or land servie^^on in the civil-hne jri fehat-
“ they _w,ere capable of maintaining, by examplj$|hd
“ by discipline' due order, sobriety, and subordination
“ among their respective inferiors; that, tho the people]
“ uf-China had not the smallest-sh-are in-the gov.emmeh.t-/
“nyet it was a maxim invariably pursued.h^j^eirjStSpev
“ riors, to support the meanest Chinese in any^hfe-rence
“ ayenge his blood; ofiwhich,indeeeh there hatf hee©
“ a fatal instance not long since afriGanton, whiq^the-
“ gupner of an-English vessel, who had been, very., in-
Y, noicently the qause of the death of a natives peasant,
“ was executed for it, notwithstanding the utmost united
“ efforts of the several European factories at Canton to
him. Peculiar caution and mildness must epJfBse-
“ quently be observed in every sort of intercourse or aci
Steifien-t?a,'l!arjfeetingswith:. ih'yfttep'oorhsM individual, of
, HHHHHHni - 1 *7 .»...-sA S.,,.....Y |fe#^l®tey.:Mi - - WMPyiPag - MSSk Yellow se—a.
“ Hi'S .Efecelferiby; sAowwelbkii'eV'Hhaf
“ recommend t® Sat Erasmus'
“ regulations prudenefi might pdicM^?$ffi!' thg - , he person's mndesB His immedifeteVcSfiMafiliV'a^-he
j ‘ hpped] Baptaih iMaoihtsshv^ouldndd,offei-tfefe^hffiafef'&
“ and crewjof {he Hinfclostan-,j truStednlsp-1 that dM^pid-
prietyvandmmeseitj^bfisisudh re^aMMfirlsilJallulat'ed £6
“ preserv'd the^|iiedinoflhe¥Sk^®shn'afiae>'aTt'di'the.
11 riestiofithe nf athfenhofintry'infifibsfi'ilffiptl p2fis| K^Sttld
‘ Venserejto-ithdm- -a^eadyl andfws^fui'
“ the Mme^momvesirshe hM'ereti.^hi'Bl'Sel’f,
‘ ijliikewisi’ju-jjGreall -.the - perlotlSi ‘irhmidihtfely VdttneeMf
Y -with, dr .id the*selviee;)S'f,t'the Eth-baiSy. ^
a j ;f Hh^E^dipMenc f declared, ‘ tlgSt tfS> feet shftJM d- be-rfa#^
“ (to .sneouragejibnd.'to iifipoFrtfavofifk'M^upb'i^^Wet^^ai
Shionducftof tfioSe?wHa.Sh'CfliMheflbdhvd,to''fde^e¥v§ it^-w
‘ c ©dsb©nljd?-thinb<it -hid duty,: i’tiaits®fof
“ disobedience xrfs@!Fd#Ps;'toBfbp«Et -the!§k>m'ev'wi€h^q;ual
h‘, Ssxaiftness-; faridd toxcsnspebd or tfepiiss* tr^TOg^eMbWPas,.
“ th§roccasion-might require'; nor, should-h®;
*-* offered to a Chinese, or a misdemeanour of any kind be
Y i 'committed; - which might be punish-ibl-ely ffte la'w#*<ip-^
V'BhlhfS, 'Wduld he deems him’selftfeoHl'ndl^Mt^feref^d?
“ .|||ei^tfrposei ofir erideaw&urrng^o 'Biit%s£^*bf ^airdMbff.
‘ ‘ theiif §®veri'fy. ■
VOI,. I. W m :