qq^higr its: coolness .asiit ^desceridsi from fche'taountaihs, without
:iaip4i^w?dMpl nbfcfissfft cohtahunK&di Mowing
across• ntatihgMi A small island; withih the'harbour|tss
nearly : si»miimd$$i$^&l8usb deepsifeateEasSI) adtniitdolf
Vessels of all! kinds lyingidhse togfein ©MtottK'Mewi
feWn and be refitted. s^ifei-s^aKisoBmpoth tbrduglsdat
the harbour,. ftfetwe^aT&fijmQfintamsj oveibfegMgfe
ariswsdfeiitti-which rjedmenltiyated;* anditofelnnstai®
feearMdgfwitfi much success. 3§
The .harbfeR>aboundd ;witfi,fish.«ifc490ife®l ifiniJaats
the, fishermaBj his w ifei aft&cc&iMreiiT fenfefedWith
him,, «hdtiredmraler al circulafurodf) instead« bf, al flaf
deekv ■ lfetmd the: yfen g child,ren!sifecks;<are- itied’broad
pieces fegourdymreiilibash, ia keep-rtfeir; h©d|es.lafl©at
and tb^^fea^tfmm snaking^ in > easel ofe their, ifaffibg
overboard-. As.rhfteni as the- IfishermCmcaifemdn; share;
tfey- impldte their deifies i fofc the safety of their families,
and^^n^Hh^pjjh.'fishihg, •fo^SfireetiBg^smallaltaisd©
places, {>n ;which they, make offerings'ftfjrai^tswgar,iahd
oth er?yictnal%: and fern short plgtespJE ndoranSxand^Gohir
segralfd,-^v(?dd. (
At'the.'spn|herh;extremity of the, ha!rh®Kia,the< mouth
ojfjthe pyei:wMch;leads:ta.TurQn*tQ.Wfe Qnuthdpoinfl
whiefeseparatektfe riv®r fram-that harbour, isaa-Watch*
tower, consisting oniyiof four .very high piHaJrs .of.wood,
oyer, which a .slight roof is ldidf..aiid a floor, is fixed upon
e^©|S<postghnto Ktfe pillars- 10 Wafdsi;thgi| idppba cndss -To
this^flo{or- {the-W-alfihman. ascenA.lby^ k )ng1 ladders and
tferelhfi! can: readdytfecl&jfehEfogb the! haibour ’ s. mouth,
anyfYh^elMto.fehe nor tfewkf d; and- fthosb whiehsarbro the:
s0uthw^ld:o>verl.thesis|hrnus. .fMear sthetlvatchltower is!
^proffiod ^SKS^pf g^ingiilto
about- two! hhndrediyardsoip: Widths andfsite: eurrlnt into'
the baylisarsfeSieiently strong! to wbrk itself Aschkniiel in
the: bambkofasanol ,o dcfemufet^tafe- its: emrfcnse Intoth-d
sp ,)highc3s'; j| at dog® mater, itojrbe >nfeo!IereEfb'y. ftfesQaip
afeiotei i^iswas^en&fpratahe fest^ti-metth&tighou-b
theLip.elieani.’f e .the wilderness^!'whoseHfiilletgibill, -and-
Wings isocmbfo- f e much beyond itfeiprnpnrtiohktti sike:
ofyit-s bbdy, which is f however^/equal jtof-itfiat,of~th&i
largest, turkeyagoIt ifreiqnehfesvohl^^ajfcgrS|felrefsl fish”
afeurid ;tij@fn which liiw#reienceBfargi!tes! t^lteifty..-] «Turn
d^pthl of1 ffie ywat©E ih the uiysb wks> tapW&'rds. Of tWoi
fathoms'. OnedShfhflfNyfefc and: seVebal Gdcfiih-chil
ngsg iadgerbbalsiweiGgafe anchor JinalthdrrjY^fMfeihl^irs?
p assingrhrohgh hit I j The land.on jffil wgfefil-feink, p®:
which the ;town hf Turondayiabout; h MilgWcfbo-ve^ifs
ipputh, sl6ped,doWn fe theiwfatsris ledge J ' add the naked
infants j of two jjyfiars old.* dhfl> upwardsjr
houses^uilt amfeg the shrubhferTO-g'roWing-^’pp&ri' Its