eafttoof* cular relative to the squadron, jbk3smjp^§^èat^eeoöP&-a£ which,
saukskm* it ^tèmsv'feadjspread akria. aTh&ysiSfkthat casually ree4--
s^edrikerè,\'we®d lekker ;|ijpksrfeoiB* differemtrpai^siip
China, ör tte^irr^a^sssfels. i&oml’Mdéap ^iari 1ü«asE0p«lö‘
make, but small, aridt swithbut any yydrlike flpspea»^igi'
Oli't^eilóïmeri.fchëre' weremon&deteallynn Chekay;* and
only!.-1 Shipsolike thexLion and
HindMt|» wfere< seldom| seëp there.-o ) Beskfeëtkesgfrknd'
the-Jackalf, and^Ckfaeaiice which attended -them',' a - fifthr
vessel; sooridoMoWeci into: Turon :tay#É®Ée;lwas. aliider
C-éngesef e^iirs thnt| f chiefly, mannediBy EfeglMimen.
She hid found tha squadron?intheshaitkofSimda, and
kepl.T€Ojnpanyowiki^è(^lk)nally,i^teEWardsil Ü
:The;!^holeda|^eaked{jparticnlaf]yifcttihidaMecto the
people, on shore, from as cause vdriefe tlreSepmAiandeii of
fefcfeoMae|a brigrexpkintó \ fit© mexitiönedrttMtoiriirOïfe
with a fceonsidecable part! of'iKeHkingdM^iof fkfcMmh
§bam,fwaê-^thmetf ubjèct to ta:?ypungp prinee^vneplrewrof
ap.usurper,',wh®stekötagonisÉjithfe deseend^tiof ÈtóiÉtf-
mer ispvëosi|ssESff thé :cou4$try4 •'tkrA- flwitë impossessroiii of
some of the, southern, distrietsJbfnthfe kingdpmpand was
imdailyfhope dfi such succours, from Europe, as- 'Might
enable him to? recover ïiho-thê Hjbossessionsr of thi^kheii^
torsvr Hisfirhilyhadi öcÓa&iötiMly, fehewh Mildness to
Ehropdtn Missionaries, afldi tolerated thfeexereise; of
©hristiom feligioiioamong tkéir stiBjesifi.WThé' principal
effi those missionaries- Hvhobadbeen dignified with'the
tife o f BishopjBy -kk hsffifaessothe Pope,'^!fls afterwards
«ftRt'^ hk-Gq^lni^inQsekag^gfed as jhA^ sksb^sstdor to -___
the court of France, Wth@®e ran-. ufficBmnson- degrete'dfi ini-
-t§fe# was taken- ihr-tketpQpipg prinfetof. Cochin-china,
wk°mf h&kiihopi hadt QpndT^tedsfts MTOmpitilth 'friifr
SilecoUn-msi profoisedelfeEiJth,elTe-estab|i&Mlui£rtS6fri-his
’konse.and. in lease d£w®e®sd he® efi-t j .weald1, nk dodfet^
hsaw> dee-maed rtos th e cQmmer^emS>thfe Ea?dach. -Measures
wererih .preparation fer/se-ddijOgronfi fefFectsu&h aid1,-, when
th jsgrfrrficyaiaaky events ft" hp«®|)jdt|anv--,e^^ft^i: th?© ©&& '
ipektionnflBdi.clepjriyad thmgeiiteEouscjmerihrehv who/had
infeed; ia& rfr,the!pomer i®^^istog?easbher{odaTerstop 'Biidl;-
SeMJe’BhmferincMyidlualsi.i hoswovell frcasit.Erance.didf join
tMteMgMsatB hingitOf ,Cochiii^hma,/and gave hopes hf
ftjihhemassisInimennThie'Se hapeso-^ere-oftoM^Opiliied^fey
yf»)l,ofienffi®magem&nMo>Hif paktaisaiis?|i; k ^ {Wwpfiemi^
ibejpossessiom of Turon/bay^ -began.' to be! apprehen*
giYedhst the squadron now at anchor in it, should,
j§ > Bu-fe-jaoednwTiBmtkajriiM w®s»ssp.dn''Opeh0^iiit^*|K-»h
olficm-:whorcarnle ton, board ahd^the-10 hineaeain»tle»pretersl
inlhai sameamafeh^te»sfha& been effected at- Bulo Con-
<tere$ by means of the akbraotosd « iho#mhgp ;
kigMge; y tTte-bnmitarahvah-d t.pacifio wdlspo^tesn fof* the
squadron j iwasd ahnouhbidvi; its .^‘ellegaksdSj^e^deokpedi
and ajroqrtesthfflhdl&fisr the-^a5ppl)gofitsfmmedibte»Wiantsj
kbr.thefirsfc twotdhtbr.^dhys,!howeY4B,t'Yeiiyfit|lewas