Passage to the preservation, of' their lives,^as well as: their arriv&l Madeira. a ' ' - •' . • • - .. ' ,
— — at^Jftó^fl%i$ of tjheir destination idle and unintelligent,
d ic ta to r s .o f the methods and efforts practised‘tcPfbi:-
wardiand regulate1 those^movemeht^ifor the common
* good*; ^necessarily .passive and'obedient to-th&s® who understand
and act upon the-occasion; they^maiy;- at-times’
regret«' their ow n.temporarydnutility, and ,d^pendenëèt.
Such dmpressionsp:however, -probably, <arepMghtdarid
transitoryjjf ’and? scareèly damp‘that happiriessiof which
a passengerds life- at seal is cer&kdy 'iSceptanlfë! Whatever
was h-is situation before1 he' quitted land*^cahÉfe»l
>be «hrended, now, by -thé XurtheêJ^^iG&iöfttfif his
thoughts to the means o f effecting such an alteration;
and the train o f h is . labours and Solicitudes','.-at deaHf,
suspbndsdi Ms mind experience$*fchafc calm a'nd^reS^®
whirihiit had, perhaps’; beéihhlül^tdtat
satisfied with receiving and:communicating'>t?he!agr’afcifi-
cations o f social converse* or partaking in -amusement
which fancy .may suggest; ’ without Xet&gpdis-
turbed b y the common cares and ordinary ihcidentspf
the ^oyage^ and implicitly^ confiding in the sklfl-and
diligence- of those to. whose» management it had 'been
entrusted; /as little, affectedvby the apprehension of'cfc*
. lamities, »to: which all •;voyages ] arer liable; - while • no
accident intervenes to present: danger to the imagination,
a sh y the consciousness* of mortality in the ffillüéSs
o f health; heris. entirely open to the enjoyment of the
present hour-; wUiffaV th^ ^W '-g f other; ahorps shall, sti-
mulatef. t©fJ|resh|^pursuits, ^nd, <agitafg» again hi=s^firea$t i
with hopes -and-fears.
Qf the passengers in],the Lion,, andyf^i.pdostan^gi.y
few fqlt^ev&tfely from ^^sipkn^^n^f^thstansdipgitbe
^gngbnefjwof the w p a th ^ | A'djs>in^ti®n|^ppear:^%hh®>n
this-, oqcasioit,, in ’||^.,tempe^a0fi^s;|§fi'im # ,, ^ h ic h not
i n g in theix; appearanc^^pjil(|^i^e;«pf eyiouslyd^p,0fe.d.
The tjyo ^ gentlemen, - who* i^yre n o ^ ttlost-.sipk^ woropf
an adult|€^ge, of a«fraEQ^{s^u&clVij'l 1 y r« b ustt, had; gen4?
rally Mgn£h[egjt^y, and' had^a^ady^h^gniaj^eai^ while
another, the{^honourable' • ^ryyVy^sJft^kb w a s^ iiig s ih
th^eXion, in his tty of jMadeha ]d®r
a-consumption,' to wh^.ch he? has^ fallen p^inees a victim,
was jnpt affected; byf^fh^?jUtmos^ UiQtjon , ship.
None of the midshipmen, t*hp they ^cJ^ipjnfebserdQdging,
by the; r|gp^jtipns o f 4 the navy, thanptba&of swinging
in hammocks qyCif the^^^tegsjpfi th^o^tes^near rthat
part o f the ship w h ich is’ called thef-ep^kpit; and
hot. and confined <a£r#! .and, even.,, - .sometime s5i>ja^)i-s©3he
scents,, might be apt tofpfdyoke;inaji'^eaiiri fehershtmach,
seemed ,4;o suffeV-from sea>sicknfess | ; jh# spme^ofi them
were„of, yery tendenyea^synowpon,
and.of a.institution.appa^ntly^^lnsatf^-j They# probably,
were preseryed'vsjin some- measure, from evlfe^r
complaint, byvtheir extraordinary aisti&ifyjkftd exertions
in the performance of - thei^in'esFc.dbty^a and- by; the
Passage to