Navigation “ that tit® j people: nHm i Liorii P8|§ hifcfeilittdfek little; of through the 1 1
YcUow sea. %iffl:Qfthing|j0fo A e l^eurViy# )notwitbs^te|ndi33g4 their rlongt
'5S voya^;:;'whach*circumsta®ee!r-iriight(beratbrihutelatd
fttheifeequent: opportunities' Amyhadf torfereathethe: air
‘hof land dit i tiny several places:where ( th ey stopped:,##
“ the supplies of fresh proWMoifc WMch .werersbltffeh
m:#ocuted:f®c> the# byttheir commander, as Jwell; .as/ #
£ his particular and persevering Gaffijfaimaihtdining
|‘ cleanliness among the. crew; and’.hor e^pehifog; alHF©iif
“ iair:ffdnpevery part of the’ship. ••
: ■1 While4the’>ne“eessary! preparationsrf#’ is® were. gd^
* m m forward; i .'which no doubt rthei commander ■ could
*t<®bxElMrtt;-tothe attention ansi abilitjfsof his>j®£feri0<fihe
4 ‘ iEanbassddor wisheddtoahavef?tbe sates#ction##hhM
ftjcompaaaywith him to Piking ;wh#fe, df duriBgihiS
‘ ‘«Stajr^tihgdsl should be: #yJopportunit#oft#raudii;e®ce
• ‘ of’, the Etnpioror, I and I his Imperial' Majesty shouidrfbe
ft disposed! to ash anyiquestioxvs irelatiye I toftheBritisli
ft. navy;; k person /se^Mpmeneed;in i # could/ give him
“ the most' complete satisfaetionv Ond of the brigslmi^ht
ft remain in the Perhbsitvef totconvhy himtto >the9hi#f;
ft afeiiewhichoit * Was the; EmbassadorlsydesiEe|ihatvhe
“ should sail away from the iesast-of China, toas nbttto
ft appearfadniany: part irf it, till the month of May. en‘
issuing ; ; budtd(mal.e the best of his way tortbbfporttdf
ft Jeddo,(on the souffier&cbasfofJapan, where he would
ftftdeliverjtoytbd rCkih# bi temporal sovereign" of that
‘iffcountEV.,va:lelfe#i(DmiMs Exc‘gMeh,cy!i t©i.wh^hft^J ''' ..... ' ‘' " ‘ oei-' thNfOav'Uiggaht iHonie.'
‘‘diKg'Ste^'hini inr i sonres jjcpfeaMeja n n e p it was: likely
“ he would pay.kMentiorr,, o>
“ His lExcellency ihaeje littfe mhpaslbri toip<#ibjpfi#
“ Whati should he the principal ,o|pje®<^#.ho tree*g either
“ in the r0n$e,*Toi »them# Reside alls n&u^akob'sqsyajfan^
“ : andKdiseoyerie^jin^ehejppppft^seipf'/whidhi heipei*-
ft fee abie^sbdBitto j ifslge ^whetb#?' the pfeople, off Japarf
^feeriftertaiil',|i6^ pKosent^that m-ankpdipjfh#m£|gp$i|h fb“
ft&eigbers| Whdsch/hadibeeiii-attribut'ed? fcoj,th,em formerly’, .
“ by^peisonkwho. m%ht, jnde^vfeeriii^pwjieedjiinstt,h®i^ i n,
ftiaGGouiitS by ?ayd®dhjeSiQh de^errin^ithe^firigMshYff'om'
‘ ‘ vrenewing- ah^attempt to trade; there :He .might;per-
ftdiaps/also?il#v&;an opportunity, of finding puthw^fat; ji
fttheir wanes ore fan'eiesi might lead theml feol purchase*
‘4ia#f^W;tish mahufas^utfS^iand whether», in thatjedsey
ft they hdd, besidd e.0ppeH:.WhichEngland;.p®.odu0ed?Sn'
yp|h®#dtefe!llAtlP its. own,minese:a n y ! u n -
ftjWi'jpught materials' -that' mightubeuexphrted ‘'profitafely
.th#aee for Great Britain«'! »•ThpbEiI‘%ts[; indeed*
ft at that imdment a 1 strong impediment >to »any ivery
“ midute i aSndl particular .negotiation .with iheacourt of
ftJapan,, ,»si itihad not hitherto been,- found,practicable4
ft to procure a, Japanese! interprete®d hut dor th e pres##
“ pitrpode it would be' sufficient to ha^feif n, board such'
fs persondsias tunderstbod|the, feWw^fhhAaluteid» common: