higher than the largestiships, but- by no^nréans: sufficiently
so, to warrantable disposition madebipon its
summit,. The guns are crowdedotogether eh ‘barhedte;
and the little parapet,, over which »they jjstok, a]SpWrs
iunequaLto resist „a^nnon shot.
ÉÉ Thedbeadb nray further be defesnded by^kjdifeefe
lih# of.'nuisquetry from £afi§»v line: built wall; oil
which-a fewiuguns, are mounted?, at dhtgrYalsv 9 a;n d
which - has^soccasional projections-„-that; afford* -small
flanks. : This line appears inadequate, for deïefce,*
when troops are. covered,' in their landihg,by rajeniof
war.; but the constant-surge, upomthe- beach jlwoiild
.prove a powerfulassistantin obstructs®gAh ë.-'manhgë^-
nient ofjboats in an -attempt to land, vft»isjsaitfitb#-a
svferyr convenient landing-pllacéE maycbë' fo.und|abBöt
two miles to the westward of Funchal bky,:r<mhd:thi§
i f i m c d e G r m i perhaps a t Praya: From henjfffefcwd.
roads lead directly to Funchal; one ascehdifig the .hill
for, a | short distance, thén?^descending. into thdivaltey“
under thé Peak castle, from which" it 'is enfiladed.
The other keeps thè ishoEe, and; would, i Iperhaps^vlbé
preferred, asrlèss; exposed to the fire:of the Pëa-k.castle,
and as being sheltered, in a; great degree, by: tliè intervening
buildings, from the;firë of St. Lorehg<iii|)
m The.line wall, extending from the sea to the height
on which is situated. Peak -caistle,; is not öfhlt*I better
construction than that of the beach, and, bei-ne
* !j destifcq^efiKcannon, l^ldfd, make/lyM ^feeble resist,-.
“ RtrPeafe AsMtei* seemsfctffi afford, ^he/ principal
“,?defeEbee<;rit ji^w$eli|huik; -andii^told^MA repair| Its
‘ilwallsi: |$e .jpbtia^fs^hsMieaBabfel^fei^^^ \\ fcu-t - it bh$su no
ill ditch;; anddt\isjieompfeteiy;hqipa^a]^edvffom^|bfe'V®®>
“ About? ’twebafeHg^ps', affieunouhteaWd fit, .of diffeggnt
hi calibres andlieenstruetions^cgemeiiakliy, 6$sdky, ol'dTgjins
1 |f; -English • make’i Such, i^>0^ 4^e.-^alhith0feafcm&u ..df
fi;ihe^pl^oq;^®htd'k^iiE|8a5fetpgS3ife5^qM'-ke|n;Bt :ofjrepak.
“ Mostiof thou^^on-s*are of islTne,lglneraM^frof0^i^ 6
“ fandv,a "half to rfhreei^foet®thick. bln. the fReakj&^sde
f therejis afkmall armory v comtainin^^boiUt e^esbwsdred
“ and fifty stand jbj^ar ms, and ibkfs' 'brass fiehkpl^p^^f
“ Englisbednsttnaetion.
‘ Thedprces ont thdisland" are;; ofire^tdars^on^ii-un-
“ dred, and-.fifty artillery,; andr-aiimanly infantry,; with
hot wo, thousatidi • miIitik,ijiwhoria®etfoeffiakib®ia,liy( under
‘5 arms. They? aresformed* mtof>6wolb®tt9iioflf§;:,andfca#
.**: obliged; •to' 'clothe^j^,emseHesi;in'runifqrrnb: xalso,, ten
“ thousantLirregular militiavlw|«- are*nqiifscfeclothedjior
IC exercised ;'’ but who, on> co,jr^eiat&<3n;,of their jb.eiiig
Vjafno experice? on that' accojint^iaffe; ,@bljgedfJt° ‘repair
jjj Jiighw,ays b'to' take/ chapgeiof - the^slgiials-^iahdgt®'; do
‘Vduty...in the garrisons.-; Thex^^^djvjkdedinto'fhf^e
y districts, ,qaqh commanded;-by1 ade^loneb;'; and - subtfi-
V-iyided into, companies, -'vfrith^ifeaptain and lieutenant
“ to each.”