§ |g g | and beseemed -tojc^sfelhis longing eyesfin v a«, towards
- tliat other, to which he hadidedicated his llfeg^i
Af-.feVif^end the*, sand-y^ae^', qurnmgbto the right
of St. Jag,®,*'elos&fto the,rock, antMt the foot'of aw ek^
vade^pMhbwdre'theiremainsiof/a one^iieatand el egad t
chapel of the Romish churchf erectfed, probably, in that
spot, by, the^gta^ful piety ^df/'SQBfl© person s&ved * from
shipwreck?^! The- decay of such a huildiHgibiMa 'settlement
of riPortogmeze, rfesemblicsg the1 moliiilhedls^ wi®
> religion now nofmore, was, in' itself,'n®sligh>t symptom
JoFthe?-K&eral devastation:
On tbedefeyated.plain, just irfentioried, was^Wikans-
lefr,-rather than the town, of Pray a, the-r^idehcejsf the
governof^genetalpfor the cf-own of Portugal»,' 0# fteOape
de.Verde on thmjnain land.of A'frioSy andiolrfehe-Gape'
de Vortle< islands^opposite- to it.’ ThisihaM'etfqS&'s-istdd
o f about' one hundred?fvery small dwellings?, y>ne!ip0i1y'
high, seattefed on each side of thei pfdin; -■Which ‘extended
near a mile in length, and about -the’third dfi a
mile in ^e&dthlrahd fell off, all rounds to . the treigh-
b'ouring valleys and tothelsea. Not-being -commanded
by any r^ghhoujingieminendef, it was-- a situation *ca-
pable bh defence; the ‘fort,' however; or battery; was
almost in ruins-; and; thei-few guns mounted on it were
mostly honeyJcombed;>< and placed on* carriag'es Iwhich
scarcely held together. It was understood at . St.Jago,
that the militia.there: consisted of* three regiments, of
Ofeabolatf§e4bhvh.uhdred'men each; chiefly.officered toy st. Jag3-
Mulattoes ahcW% tentwhite! offers in
tbe ,W'hokv.^-Otteio£nl^ffi!.'was;the',vinn-fe^eper-. 'The .best
buildingwastoh^ail; »antothe nex4|th^©httirGh|iatewhich
officiatfedi a priest,' whot^as¥a|.di.r!l^udlo:ured Mulatto, tor
thie mixed offspring ©f a^black parehte anjda'.Whiteuarre*,
Th&€ljpyj@#ia©r dwelt inla liftltbiw©bdten barrack, ple&j|
sandy situated' at-oket^tremitycafMhofplaip',-r looking
down a^v-aUry-sbyeii alhgro\n®t*®feJ^^nut trees,| and
having - a view bfilifrlgb ay-“a hehshippipg. ■ He 'jr.eeeive,(^j
thflEmbas'Sadop’With’ all.'due^hohlfcsiirout<his-'landings
advangffig' Sflfeon#iderabla way | from»;histb.t||^l'.jp'-meefc
and condubt his Excelleneyeto it. Ontsnch |Ofhasions; it
waS1 UstfaU to offer, wine and1 other^refreshments.s;: but
rione appeared oihthe Governor’s t&bleij'for-a’ reason'not
to be^cOht-rovertedt <* Hcpaftook. of thblg^ergll-yrbfceh-
edfiesS/' arising ’.from the dreadful, idrobgh^ which ' had
§pjlong prevailed, and yendeted ■the.eb^try|j n'ea*rly^afs
barren as a rock.-Yet tiHe»is'l’andiappeared? ceye'i^dtwith»
a !aybft of"vegetable soil.! i Thb;Jgieri'era?l5suffeeetAga^f sufficient!
ydeveh to retain any moisture thatufell upon it;
a$d= from its cehtt'et.f'ose mountains’fCoh a-> height' Wjn-ich
promised to-stop, and.cOhdeme'jlffomthefp^sing-ol^iid^,
any water th ey might.hold in Vapour. Notohangeyhad
been observed i n JthbStead*y currentO&thb -winds,blowing
from the east, which are combMdt^ i tropical I ofimatesl
Yet the. frequent showers',©which'* were obaeirfed by llm
VOL. I . ' s H