java.w tators, the^performer immediately feltthe effect! of'it, by
the quantityr of5 the" small coppWscoin, in use among
the"m, which ca'me! showeYing'at hislfet?#. The Malay
spldclfatdrs ^Wefe^very numferous* “and armed, ’as»* usual,
\\ with theiftxissesy fheif•^Mt^tib^is,<;6n''"obse^^sin'g, ariy^ex’*
tra'offiinaTy fea'fclupOn the^ta'gH,'5'were lively and instan--
taneousy and;sdmer®t'Mefe#opeans seated amongst them
were notddtogethbrff'ee^ffidm apprehension, lest thdbuStlb
were preparatory to a^treafeherous a t t a c k HI
Ifot withstanding -fhis ill disposition of 'the« natives1,,
thb’British-seameh 'got 'soon into thehabitnf trafficking
familiarly with thenih some laid out fpfrawPfi thei®#ifel-ly
eaindd'wiages*,: in"buying;from- them monki'e's?,;>partiGTa.M
larly fhe simia ayguta of Linnaeus, whose forehead-aLways
as-if combed hack in a toupee*t^i^r fashlohSBielca#;
<md has ch^ekS^eapable ofcon sic! erSMedfstfeh sfoh/u stfally
called; blforges,' ih which he crams-, fdf fathrevtf^lMch
provisioni as he cahriot immediatelycbhsumeft fMlptes
preferred a biM -called; a mino, which* is"not?'unlik-etq
jadkdaw in form- aiteL size; but remarkablefor a y fellow
ruff dr nSked{membraneround itsheck; aildissuppbsM
to be the'aptest of all birds to eniit and articulate- sounds
in imitation: bf the human voided! The fisfereaMeddby
the 'iadteraiskip-^acki1 was sometimes an ampS’ettient fto
them.’ ft JLt isrthe^e^rii^i&teUahcs of
| mg eyes; uncommonly prdrftihentr^hd isseetf Srequently
skipping upon the;surface! n f the water, near the shore.
jSpjldwjabdundsJ with esculent Jjgj^
fish^; andfithg Ma l a y . - d r i y e h $.Qfte®"to feed on the
species of’-the ihftik, A^hi^nfellobiirank
ip by* cfegipej.« ^hepr'esdnjfe afesharksds-isupisfc
dwaAs»fe»o pfecfesripplifes
. Anotherg Oau-Sll which idfterr-drrves
pagti.eular-.hsh StraitasofAranda;
th^/requeney!^p^MlSv'passdi^S[thf©,ughj both European
an;! ^siatic^^feailj«izes|; Butfchfiadjolning landsonuithdiF
si^||ar^su|^ciently futile to> corirpen^fei fob sufchja> dear*
cifcy,;|lb,y<-tljeir ample prodi^#^Not^rdy>Jt>he cultivated
soil, abu^da-ntl-yirepays^the, labourer’s- toil,-but much" of
the spontaneous growth cQineSifafehiafcnpfedyojheasily is
rmdprftdj-fi t forthg nOmdshmentdEman.; rTheMoodsyieM
feuitSr, many ofwhiehstho e^hlei^rgl/^feLtheabundance
qfjothers, 'generally .neglected? „So^gentfemenrlof the
Lion, withpnt penetrating far from) ih^shodq observed
3p fruitsomewhat©jf tjie|sisfcj^nd.for^tijof theipeanu4vhid*
was neyeftoffered#?; sde, but of which- tlfe; nalayesiated
ifgrew immediately
gn&ggkfc -|rt<|E% tip trunk. and the thickest part of thetpfi®*
cilpal-iganphe^ike the tfruit-j of -the -caeao^mr ehocolatef
o^ the jack- and bread-fruit, .trends-
, It was* .difficult to rge%fer into the Java fOreSts,- from'
the quantity o f underwood nu^d? the vast- number of
you., i. Q,q