JEve&y famdyl'ahoass -ind%e£teeJthbstef sgpa’ratefeultfig;9-
neralfy ‘isfennndbd/.by^adwdl}‘«bfee< h'Dr'se
^©;e,5r»ied obM^^l^JsdaBltihat thetapenimgj of the,sh©e
is level .with jhe.graund;/ and opposite to that" opening
S.s:th&:.d.oor(in<tb fcHe vault, upon fehich are sev&Rdrco-
.luinn«sof inscriptions:' Whenha Chinese of nObWfeeMe
-die^i hisjngafefr frelatioris^announee; tbeinblaridhofy
jesveht, in .form,’totall the branphesrof ther family*»' The
.Body!is washed;,, perfumed,- and difessedbih theftest-’ apparel
6f lthex; deqeafetdi. o;Tfef!(ioiftsB;a;s then fetedJin a
ehair ;-eand <h% wfe^ehildren,J.andTBelatims-,cfelhdown
before it and w^p^dOn: the third dfettfis'-putrlintdia
coffin, which,is placfedan one opttteabfeapartments,
hungfortthe keeasion .with white linen «loth, bhetcolour,
with them; ol‘ moiipning. In the'mnddte -of thfepart?-
»lent'an .alter igsierected, eandlon it the portrait
decMJisedvis placed;:with incense burning abeair Jit;‘5 T%
spnsistand oh hneoslde:of therycoffin, dressed in whfe
/edfeeflinen,’ and making «eydry :signriof IsotroW; Vfh®l
themother ahdfemahjrelMiomsi nreffieard lainentiSngjh^-
hind a* curtain i Omthejday bf !burial,vthe whole fktniiy
assemblesj and the corpSeds' conveyed to the grave with
miicivvsolemnspoinp. Ima^es'efinen and womfin^tfeB:-
tion's of theifamilyv fas amohgst the ancient Romans|>‘ind
even. of animals,.together with wax tapers and incenso>
ciesjrare ^sajftied first in ihe^rnfeMfe^sfjThemfollow the
.priests with musical instruments, andcafter them the
corpsej^^K-aibieapaittedMed; by thelsonsi&f'the deceased's Batavia.
clofcMplasi-'bdfojlei in white, and leanifex^pon crutches',
as|rft dMlblecft th r,aug K^ieh-jfr o m! supporting! themselves
©jjhek Thfeffdmal'i'relations ^ne^irmed^p|MraiS,!huh g iwith
^uitains fof rwhite/ silk ,* cffnsdalilngl thefb fromh^pwi;* r but
their lataabhtaliSongaredistin ctlly hfe'arffiy’andotHffi' {Women
nbrei’pieyeing!; whichtfesttti^f^sdi^eiflisloinlsh’lhrhlamed
in feinerpartsfof Bd'isnpb s tM§|StSt|ie^|i;a table
with; fruits, 'ihrfibht K elle^lMes' is’jMdlhefore iith^konpsep
and ,waxt^uresl@fts^^p|& placed odieachWdlpfs4|t,ten7
di'hts^ppSit.; ■ -
!©TherGftinesq are raid; to -be nbfe.again^asknpmerous
afftlllff ,sin and about BataH^ipy’foilfep'Weyer !ismm«|rit
thte ddng’fetba which! the T>ufcba1 loge!, tluwj wordjev- ,,
posedeby thelit® ebde'dtdo r mer in'surpeCtiePpffthis;Jp^.pte|j -
and; hovlteVerb CROel *andnurfesiifiablfi*her'
sider rthe T'cphduefc Sof! the^Dotchh© wards* '1 he mi$© a$I41
tirite‘ kfcheJ-oq;casi© f@n Suffer? dMitil has 'Mroge^ir5;
ths®B.dgaffifhiogetheB;' aiidbit.dss Ja'@bho,hFedg.ed'i byj.fehe
l-atterf'itHatnh^ settlement! cctuildri.w6iSiJ!\ i subsist* without:
tjae indiisfcr^b'ahd ’ irig#niitkepKXrrihr,.'*, -ItuM pmd,.
ijadJbdisdhat}, a'hcfclin thehPhiiippine usfendkdhef kal|#cies*
©anijberteidted feoilittleeuse, 'abduthefSpaltia^dslafeso fin-
dolent; „that! th!ej GHihtesd' tMfe are as.nmffi’efeds and ds>
Both.>those Euiopean;mptoh11'8! fallin^OMo dhe faults,1