Batavia. mayshake-'tfaei fatepof jdJ^‘^B^^»oisi<She^oit)a^^ei
” Tireite- is uoryee*of thellfctter still remhi:im%dkl? Hhtakia.;
many of Ahern'; soyr lartifickrsit'aiyl„gensah th ih faifailiesf.
thslaq^uaglf oBtiie
wrAntr^jandi^Mb Dtiitdjy Biot fmdit, d©n\ffiniejlii<iikewkey
tea fewi£ditft%a«:zey whic^i;.coAtihtiing-stilijtai)© nneter-s
ktoodin most of ia, sAsiay
ifeews how-deep, a roototbafc na&ri:Md: tafeeabdnriiEgdts
prosperity in this ’quarter o f the worlds IFheir-languag^e
herfey th^»-<fesbEMdlttfe^^^;grad«yi7^eTCBraEirf the
Galvinistic tenets of the govefn-hferft^ a singula^inManre,»
perhaps,.o f Portiigueze prayers arid- e«ngi^At&h Btil of
the. paie,®f thejpepishieoio&iatiiSni | o<
•It.-is« plain indieatibBi.df tbfe inhabitants nf;Uhfe in-- ofJaviinot-beihgaWfi^rMdiitedct^- consume,
many imparled knd cckdydmnUfeetTkerptfatate £ shbps:
of;Mie; capital acre, not- like tHbse- fofRiioi der^aneftoi Jbr.
example, which contain eom^kteias®cktomtsd©f A k
most -eSrious manrrfMotures, io r (the; use fcgAeaaqmeisraii
and thriving PortuguezesiU fcheinner:sdtdemehtS; .Whea/e-
afc at Batakia,vtheire apfr
dealing in. inferior good^ ;ahd‘ &eediid-hand artieleiis But
there ate large IstorehoUsest for; holding the tick ptodbsits;
©f the , Molucca or spice -islaiids, dktfribrnfeed; firdxri
hence to the rest of the world; “besideIpaffes,' peppery
sugar,:and arrack, prhdneediuponithej spoil Thetnitnifeg,
inacé^ and so long'» confined, to the very small Batavia.
islands'of,fFefhaté,} -Banda; arid- Amboyna, are, no doubt,
rgpablbrfheinfaealtivatdd in other soils 5 but the Dutch
Goriipany,*. in-:order to preserve tha-tjfrade'
thetaselvesy and- to prevénfees^njthéir own commodities
fromi overstocking the mafk e feq whi ch might affect th,eir
price, fell tfpom a. most- extraordinary • measure*,; which
wasuhe establishment of persohs appointed? wÉk^SfrieÉ
instraqtioris, and eonsiderable’-means-of execution/under
th'e.nametof erttirfeatots,'jfor the purpose of.actually- rooting
out,! , from every {place where-theyl^buld peiietrauh
the^è^^hich'hear fhéie grateful1 and valuable produce
tions-,.e^dept On Such small spots?, and in §jterit*fips& ft-ftm-
bdsrs, aé promisfed to secure the exclusive property and
to coHjateiraet the bbuntiful intent of nature» Thejjmtt
nieg h4d b e e n ^accordingly destroyed by thé extirpators
in all the Moluccas, id^ept Banda; and a dreadful
eruption o f aypieafao;in$hai island, a! very %w, years
gjg-^ so effectually buried in its ashes; -of otherwise injured
the vegetable:. p reductions therè>, that, f®f some
time, no slight apprehension Was entertained óf a groat
dimmutlpn in the supply-Uf that. yalUabdo Sspioe, and of
the Dutbh Company conseqUèntily becoming.losers by
their inordinate thirst óf g%i<n. But their delegates are
beeoxhe moYr sbnUach möEé libetal, that oneofthOra give,
from the medical garden at Batavia, a young growing
VOL* I . MjffiL