each about six inches’sqWref^and- si&teen’fifétid'êf g, ,*j
shqt,yn: all' directions,"^.'éfletïöy-'from theirs ^^kbtss;
prostrating evëry man’ within theirs reach-' with’dr-resist-
iblèrfor'cè.'f One of i the bars tie
cuddy, <©r dining parlour, to the door of the gre^cabhad
The qüarter-deck was Strewed With pfeoplefroaning>with
fhéir-r-yynuhds; MosCSf thejkrewbl-adefeeeh empfeyè#
thaf’day uponit-héi$ÊpfStah. Howi-mahylmight’ be kilted^
op winaimedo could not instantly be ^sf’eriiiMëd^ -but
such was the impressianf on the ^captain’s\Mihd; who
was viewing^thedoperation- from'1 the fpoopVltfiataiho
there .then happened,'to be three medn^i^e'ntleraren^on
board; he oriediout that they should first* attends to1-the
fractured limbs, leaYing-Other’ accidents to betinspëeted
afterwards. T h c ’jfeAtftematioii was indeed §fèatêrUhan
on a day*#- battkvfpr w h iéB p € ^ ^ h ^ g b n e r a lly 4 b ile
previous preparation, andeexpect to 'derivecuhonoun ©r
profit in Compenpation-tfor the: dangefe tï Nó .Many Ho'w^
ever., by this disaster, losUhisdife ; .many,o£.the séariiëU
accustomed to the maueepyres' on ship -board, »and
sibl-y.-awar^df f,the_~j accidents which attend3 them Mtoe-
times, were quick enougblto avoid beingthurt; * but- few
^escaped among-the ,soldie'rs.' • Particulaf -.carfefwasidmine-
jiiately; takenyof-suèh -as had beeh^truck| iand the 'ten
men .whose limbs Were broken, or who otherwise Were
wounded, gradually recovered. Thei addident detained,
for som£ time, the Hindustan at anchor, till the squall
in creasing, .the cable parted from the;attehor; which thus Puio
> > ^ -j-.p . _ Condore. was "lost,- and thejdnp- was d-riYenffiUt. to seaf. I he wind ======
blew hardand .it was with difficulfc^that the brigs
Sto©d out thetg^M A^pun'acs if •wP'^et^tn thefeven-
ingjof the-.eighteenthsqf May, they hole squadron steered
a way t^themo.rthyard.